Cherished Belittled Light

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Cherished Belittled Light

Post by Healing_Touch »

The Blinding Light chokes me
I do not understand why this pains me
When most of precious things hurts my soul
The shadows give me comfort from that eye searing Light

I rest in the darkness as my eyes heal
Becoming accustomed to the loneliness
Once my eyes have healed I try to look at the Light
But all I can do is look away

Why am I now pained to look at the Light
I want to be there
Frolicking with others that dance there
But I am doomed to be set away from other

Instead I sit forth at my Hearth
Waiting till the Light dims and the others come to seek rest and warmth
I give others my love and kindness
But when I seek it, I get none in return

My Lady Hestia, I understand now what it means to be a follower of you
I must accept my loneliness and cherish those rare moments of kindness that I recieve
I must keep my arms open to all I love and let them know I am always there for them for Comfort
When the Light becomes unbearable for them and they come to rest
I await with open arms for them and when they are comforted they leave me once more

I await the day for my freedom
To once again be free and fly through sky
But until then I am content to sit by your side and give peace to the ones who seek it
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