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Re: Blue blinking Light

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:58 pm
by Kassandra
Lumeria, it's great that you are so aware of this presence, that you are trying to communicate with it, and that you're willing to try different methods. It seems like you are thrilled by this little light in your life. You'll get what you desire, I'm sure. Sym made some nice suggestions. I'm not sure why, but for some reason I also want to suggest you try automatic writing. Even if you've never tried it before, give it a whirl.

Start by setting aside some time you can relax, and you don't have to rush anywhere. Do whatever you like to do to clear and relax your body and mind. Next, write a brief question on a notebook page. Have a specific notebook set aside for only this purpose. Personalize the notebook by first giving the blue light a name of your choice (again, whatever pops into your mind when you think of the blue light). Then name the notebook something like, "Messages from _______________ " or "My Conversations with ________________ ," etc. Keep it somewhere private and treat it with respect and love.

The Psychic Twins, each with a notebook
and pen in hand, on the Tyra Banks show.
They are known for regularly utilizing
automatic writing in their reading work.

After writing your question, just start moving your hand around, staying loose and open-minded. Start writing whatever pops into your mind; don't think, just write. You might begin by writing down single words. Then maybe whole phrases. You might hear songs, poems, commercial tag lines, business mottoes, anything. You might see faces in your mind of relatives, actors, people from your past, or you might even see a detailed, eerily clear impression of a face you've never ever seen before. You might even see scenes from one of your, or someone else's past life. In your writing, describe what you see. Again don't think, don't make assumptions. Just keep the pen moving.

Experiment with whatever format works for you. For instance, you could write it out like a "mind map," where you write a central "hub" word (like the topic you want answers about), then quickly create cluster words around it and connect them to the central hub, like spokes of a wheel. You'll sense energy around a certain cluster word, which then inspires a new group of cluster words around it, and so on. Or you could just simply write freehand, whatever.

Even draw pictures of things. That's one of my favorite methods. Pictures really do "speak a thousand words." Sometimes little sketches get interesting messages across more quickly and efficiently than words do. This is also a great way to describe past life events and scenes.

After a while, the words, phrases and pictures will start forming a pattern, and you will perceive a theme, a distinct message of some sort. It can be quite amazing! In many ways, this method has its similarities to using a ouija board. In any event, have fun with it. I hope it helps you communicate with the light you believe may be an angel or spirit guide. :)


Re: Blue blinking Light

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:02 am
by Symandinome
Thats a great suggestion Kassandra!

Re: Blue blinking Light

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:04 am
by Kassandra
Thanks Symandinome. It's odd, but that's totally not what I sat down to write. I got one of my favorite books down from the bookshelf, Ask Your Guides, by Sonia Choquette, and I was prepared to type out some suggestions from that book. I had it opened and everything. Then, I suddenly started writing about automatic writing (which was not one of the suggestions from the page where I had the book opened). It just popped into my head.

Oh well, hope it helps! :)

Re: Blue blinking Light

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:08 am
by Symandinome
must have been automatic typing ;)

Re: Blue blinking Light

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:15 am
by Kassandra
Hahaha. That would be ironic.

Re: Blue blinking Light

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:23 pm
by Kassandra
Lumeria wrote:i attended a workshop over the weekend and the instructor showed us the automatic writing she got from a fortune teller over 37 years ago...."

Interesting coincidence.


Re: Blue blinking Light

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 3:58 pm
by spiritsoul
I and one other family member of mine have also had an experience with a blue light. I will try these suggestions too. Thanks