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Sending Someone Energy

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:08 am
by BallisticJW
I want to send someone some positive energy. I know from past reading that you shouldn't attempt to send someone energy even for healing with out their permissions because even something or some energy that you are sending, even if you think it is positive can disrupt someones equilibrium if the aren't willing to receive the energy.

Also I have some questions about the how to induce the trance like or meditative state required for energy work. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Sending Someone Energy

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:06 pm
by Symandinome
If you want to send the person energy that is up to you. Who are any of us to condone or condemn you. Do what you feel you need to do.

For trance stuff look into binaural beats. They can help with trance.

Re: Sending Someone Energy

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:33 pm
by BallisticJW
Yeah binarual beats are great. I haven't used it when dealing with energy work. Mainly I have been using guided Indian meditations and relaxation techniques. I wish Kassandra was here to answer my question! Thanks Symandinome for your reply!

Re: Sending Someone Energy

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:02 pm
by Kassandra

Hi BallisticJW. Thanks for posting your question. And by the way, first I want to say it's great that you're researching different opinions from different sources about how to approach things. That's very wise of you. In the end, you'll do what seems right to you, no matter what anyone says. But hearing different peoples' points of view is always a very good thing to do.

First, Getting a Red Light

I will share with you an experience I had once, and how it influenced me to approach this topic the way I do now. Once, I had a reading with a concerned mother about her son. She only gave me his name, and didn't give me any more details (I didn't even know it was her son, at first). When I looked at his energy, it/he told me specifically that he didn't want to be bothered. He was like, "Leave me alone!", and kind of slammed a door in my face. I told the woman what I saw/felt, and she started crying. Then she told me it was her son, and that's how he really acted toward her. She was heartbroken. There's a long story behind this situation, lots of legal stuff had been done, a real nightmare, which I won't get into here. Suffice it to say, I really wanted to help this family, but I couldn't during that reading, and it kind of haunted me for a couple days.

During meditation at home a couple days later, I attempted to contact him again. No success. Then a couple days later, I tried again. I wanted to know why he was so closed, and see if there was anything I could do to help. But I wanted to hear it from him, his side of the story, not his mom's. He's not discarnate, by the way ....yet. I say "yet" because this soul is so tortured he's already a good percentage out-of-body already. This means he has lost the will to live to a large degree (but not completely, yet). During the reading I had sensed he is living very wrecklessly, is very devil-may-care. Indeed his mother had confirmed this and told me he had gotten into several car accidents that he caused due to driving under the influence. He just doesn't care anymore.

Then, Getting a Green Light

When I contacted him that last time, he totally opened up to me. I was surprised. Then, he explained what exactly he was feeling inside. It was difficult to listen to, it was so sad. At the time of the reading I had with his mom, he was about 16 years old, Earth plane time. But when his spirit came to me several days later, it spoke as, and looked like a 6 year old boy. I knew intuitively that that's about the age he had "frozen," so to speak. In other words, that's when he began leaving his body, dissociating, as a coping strategy because he couldn't stand what was going on in his tumultuous family anymore. It's like a part of us says, "The world is not a safe place. So, I am going to leave now. Good bye."

Despite his past, I focused on the here and now. Now that he trusted me, I asked his permission to help him. I told him I could smooth his aura (it was pretty messed up), and clear and balance his major chakras. This time, he was very happy to have these things done. He even started the process himself somehow, and I was merely following his lead. He trusted me that much, and he was actually having fun with this. It was quite amazing. He was all, "Look what I could do!" and was quite adept at energy work, and manipulating his own energy field. I got the impression he had been studying metaphysics already in some capacity. He even had advice for me about some things in my life! So, deep within that outwardly troubled soul I had discovered an optimistic, intelligent, bright, beautiful, charismatic boy.

Still, I don't know how long he will be among us, to be quite honest. At his current emotional/behavioral trajectory, personally I don't believe he'll see his 30th birthday, if even his 25th. But things could change, you never know. I hope I'm wrong. The truth is, however, when any one of us decides to go, nothing and no one can stop us from going. I kind of saw that with Amy Winehouse, several years before her recent death. Lindsay Lohan gives off that same vibe. Whenever someone says, "I don't care if I live or die anymore," you'd better believe him or her.

A Personal Approach is Preferable

It was much more rewarding to me (and I believe to his energy, as well) that I first personalized my approach, and asked him how he felt about things. I let him lead the way for his own healing, on his terms, in his own time. Isn't a personal approach what's so sorely lacking in the so-called "healing professions" of the Western medical establishment? We get this "one-size-fits-all," invasive approach thrown in our faces whenever we go to a doctor for healing. More times than not, we'll just get a prescription for a bottle of pills, without ever having our underlying emotional/spiritual causes addressed by anybody at all. No one asks, no one listens, no one cares. Why would we want to bring this same insensitive approach to our personal energy work in the metaphysical realm?

From experiences like this one, I learned that, yes, I could always send people (unsolicited) positive energy if I wanted to. But I would agree with your research that it could throw their equilibrium off. In this case, for instance, I think if I would have "insisted" healing energy upon him, I believe his spirit would have sensed it (like I said, this kid is highly intuitive), perceived it as a threat of some sort (a.k.a., psychic attack), and fought it off, and I would have made an already unstable person expend even more energy defending himself from my well-meaning "gift." His chakras and auric field are already disturbingly compromised and depleted, and with what energy he has left, he needs to heal, not fight. The reason he wants to die now is because he's been fighting since he was a child. He doesn't really want to die per se, he's just tired and wants to rest. I think that's what's behind most suicides, really. They just want to stop the pain, not necessarily die; they want the pain itself to die.

Yes, no one can stop you from sending anything to anyone. But I've learned to first let them know telepathically what I plan to do, and then listen for their responses, before sending anything to anyone. It only takes a moment to pause before proceeding, like crossing a railroad track: "Stop, look and listen." But really listen, if for no other reason, just out of curiosity about what they'll say.

And trust your instincts about the responses you think you're getting. You will receive answers from their spirits, believe me. Always believe that you are as psychic as anybody else, because you are Some people have just exercised that muscle more than you, or may have more pronounced natural ability than you do, but you still essentially have what they have, and you could use it whenever you want to.

Getting in the Zone

As far as your question about getting in the zone to do this kind of thing, my philosophy is to dispense with props as much as possible. Try not to use crutches. I will drop into a meditative state anywhere, anytime --alone, in a crowded store, outdoors, indoors. Doesn't matter. What's more important, is that you raise the energy for the work. You know that feeling you get when someone really makes you angry, and you just want to rip his or her throat out with your bare hands? Well, try to raise that same level of emotional energy, but without the anger, without wanting to rip anyone's throat out (otherwise, you then use anger as a prop).

There are many ways to experience an altered state of raised energy. For example, some dance around vigorously, the method of choice for many Sufis and Voodoo practitioners. Many Buddhism practitioners chant themselves into highly ecstatic states, their method of choice. Yogis do the same through chanting hypnotically repetitive Sanskrit songs during gatherings called kirtans. Some, like shamans, use drugs to get in an altered state. And some engage in sexual activity, the method of choice for many Satanic Church members. Through these and other methods people believe that they can access and experience divine power. The means differ, but the end is the same. But I believe this power always resides within us in any given moment. We seldom act like it, because we believe the illusion that we have seek power outside of ourselves. But like any other divine force, we create, we nurture, and we destroy. That's all energy work is, really.

Anyway, as I was saying before I went on that tangent, just pay attention to how focused mental concentration and raised energy feels to you, personally. Get to know yourself; find your method(s). Then learn to just raise and use pure energy itself, at will. Again, you could do that anywhere, though it is helpful to use tools and have a sacred space specifically designated and charged for energy work. The space will hold your personal energy signature like a battery holds a charge, and when you discharge the energy from that space, it's more potent and focused. For added boost, learn to mentally connect with Earth (elemental) and cosmic power (Spirit), as well as your spirit healers for assistance and protection (ancestors, teachers, etc.).

In witchcraft, shamanism, and other spiritual paths, even in Christianity, the instruments, symbols, etc. on altars and other items represent various powers. But the operative word here is "represent." To me, people tend to get a little obsessed with paraphernalia, at times. The tools themselves are not the power, though they are beautiful and certainly may be consecrated and/or charmed (some people say, "prayed over"), and therefore contain their own intrinsic power.

But it is your will, intent, and skill in properly harnessing the powers within and around you that will always be your true sources of power. So get in the zone of your own power. It's a lovely place. halfsm


Re: Sending Someone Energy

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:56 pm
by BallisticJW
Oh my wow, this was exactly what I was looking for. Makes perfect sense, detailed and so easy to read. I appreciate this so much. I think I will have to subscribe to your RSS feed now. Great information like this is such a blessing into my life. Almost as if anything I have questions about... the answers are almost drawn to me. A very empowering and humbling experience. Thank you so so so so so much for this post. Amazing article. Exactly what I needed.

This should be a lesson to everyone else on the board to ask questions. You really gave me exactly what I was looking for. I will apply what feels right and explore a little more on energy work. I am so glad for your response!

Re: Sending Someone Energy

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:42 am
by Kassandra

Glad it helps. Thanks for the kind words, they're very encouraging.

