Negative Energy (Thoughts and Advice Please)

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Negative Energy (Thoughts and Advice Please)

Post by BelleSun »

Greetings all,

I thought that I would share something that has been going on with the larger community. I would really like to hear what others think, if this has happened to anyone, and how best I can guard/shield/protect my apartment...

I live in a four unit apartment building, built sometime between 1925-1940 (not sure of the exact year.) Right before I moved in I had a bizarre dream that the house was haunted by an old woman with dogs. However, this place was only ever apartments, its not a converted single family home. So I dismissed the dream completely.

The first year that I lived here with my husband the woman in the front ground unit had a total personality shift! She went totally nuts. It started out as a friendly request to her to please be a little quieter since we shared a wall. She was very amenable but as the year progressed she became erratic, irrational, vengeful, and vindictive. Her energy was extremely dark and negative. It was noticeable to me and I thought perhaps she had a drug problem and that's what explained the dramatic shift in her energy. Eventually she was asked to leave the building and things became quiet for a while.

About three to four months later I noticed the same behavior in the woman living above me. She began to be a little more erratic and it started with a friendly ask that she and her husband please be more considerate. Slowly but surely her behavior has progressed and she's become just as irrational, vengeful, and vindictive as the last girl. A complete personality shift from the sweet lady that first moved in. I also feel the same dark, negative energy from her that I did from the other lady. Its not just dark, its the SAME energy.

I use holy water, sage, and I often salt the door ways and I keep salt dishes through out the house. I would like to know what others may think I'm dealing with (either through intuition or through past experience) and any tips to keep the negative energy out of my house and keep the peace until I can move. I'm hoping to move soon (if anyone gets any vibes about when I'll be out of here, I'd also love to know that.)

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Re: Negative Energy (Thoughts and Advice Please)

Post by ScarlettRose »

I have never been in this type of situation before. Although, I think you are doing everything right; with the sage, salt, and other blessed tools.
the only thing I have to say is,
Make sure and ground yourself to mother Earth.
Stand up and let your bare feet feel the carpet (or grass, whatever you feel is right.)
and now feel roots grow from your feet, deep deep to the earth. Now, put a pink light around your body, and then a golden light. You are protected.
& Keep with the sage and the salt.
Blessings to you!!
Sorry I cannot help more.
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Breathing in I am still; Breathing out I am at peace.

Re: Negative Energy (Thoughts and Advice Please)

Post by BelleSun »

Thank you. I will keep it up. Have you ever heard of negative energy transferring itself from person to person? I don't know if this energy has been following me for some time but I keep having the exact same issues with neighbors.
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Re: Negative Energy (Thoughts and Advice Please)

Post by ScarlettRose »

Hm, I have never really heard of it. However; It could be quite possible.
Do you have the stone, Hemitite? If so, keep that by you. (it's a protection stone)
If not, it's a very nice stone to have, if there is anyway to get it, try : )

Also; maybe even make a grid of stones, banning these negative energies to go away.
Grids are always a big help too : )
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Breathing in I feel joyful; Breathing out I celebrate.
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Re: Negative Energy (Thoughts and Advice Please)

Post by Black_Tail »

I think its quite possible negative energy/entities could transfer to others, especially if they are vulnerable. Keep up the cleansing. You could do a ritual of cleansing for the building?

Re: Negative Energy (Thoughts and Advice Please)

Post by Pippen »

It kind of sounds like possession. However, I dont think theres much you can do about it unless the victim asks for help.

Re: Negative Energy (Thoughts and Advice Please)

Post by BelleSun »

ScarlettRose wrote:Hm, I have never really heard of it. However; It could be quite possible.
Do you have the stone, Hemitite? If so, keep that by you. (it's a protection stone)
If not, it's a very nice stone to have, if there is anyway to get it, try : )

Also; maybe even make a grid of stones, banning these negative energies to go away.
Grids are always a big help too : )
I don't have the stone hemitite but I will look for it. I looked it up online and I don't know where I'd find it but at this point I am looking to do anything I can to maximize my protection.
Black_Tail wrote:I think its quite possible negative energy/entities could transfer to others, especially if they are vulnerable. Keep up the cleansing. You could do a ritual of cleansing for the building?
Unfortunately because I only have one unit in the building, I can't ritually cleanse the whole thing. There isn't really a way for me to get into the other units. However, if by some twist of luck my neighbor upstairs does leave here, I'm finding a way in and cleansing that place. I had a dream about a week ago and I saw all of their items outside and in the garage in moving boxes. I don't know if this is precognitive or just wishful thinking on my part.
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