Broom closet issues

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Broom closet issues

Post by AnuChild »

As some of the people here know, I'm in the broomcloset. Actually, with my family, I'm so far in the broomcloset I should be having tea with Mr. Timnus. goodnevil

In any case, this means that I can't have a lot of visible Craft items (at least until I go back to school at which point I will then just hide things when they visit). Some of it isn't so hard (I believe that intent is more important than having the exact tool made of the exact material), but books are hard. I want to learn about real Wicca (as opposed to fluff bunny Wicca) and so many places online with information on Wicca - not spells, but in depth, academic explanations - are fluff bunny. At my local booksellers they mostly sell Silver Ravenwolf and my not liking her is a moot point, because her bookcovers might as well have flashing neon signs reading "Wicca! This is about Wicca! Parents beware! This is about Wicca!"

I've been invited to a coven by a friend who practices, but I feel that I want to know things before I join them.
Come, heart, where hill is heaped upon hill:
For there the mystical brotherhood
Of sun and moon and hollow and wood
And river and stream work out their will.

W. B. Yeats, Into the Twilight
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Post by moonwitch* »

Hi Anu ... maybe you should have a one on one with your friend .. maybe he or she could tell you more about it.
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Post by [Haley] »

hi Anu! i have the same problem with my family. but not with my friends. i love it if i had friend who knew about wicca and could help me. you shouldn't have anything to be worried about. it's much better to be exposed to ppl who share the same religion as you and can offer help and advice than to be cooped up in your room (or wherever you practice and learn) and not know if you're being fed a bunch of crap while at the same time praying your mom or dad won't come in and start going ballistic about the "satanic evil" you're doing. and if you join the coven you can tell your 'rents that you're hanging with some friends and they won't anything of it. it's the perfect way to practice wicca.
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Re: Silly Question

Post by hedge* »

AnuChild wrote:I'm so far in the broomcloset I should be having tea with Mr. Timnus. goodnevil


I'll find you some good links Anu and post them here.
How about covering books in paper? You could buy a cheap roll of pretty wrapping paper and cover them in that.

And I think you're sensible about wanting to learn more before joining a coven.

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Post by hedge* »


Post by Aloron »

I agree with Hedgewitch on that first link. Best site I have ever seen on wicca for months now. As for going to your friends coven GO! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GO!!! Wiccan books only tell so much and many wiccan secrets are kept under oath and vowed not to be written for the public. So do not fear knowing what you are doing. Thats why you are there in the first place. And a true wiccan is never unhappy to share knowledge. They frikkin love it. And as for most wiccan books anyway, when you have read one, you have read them all. So you dont have to have an extencive collection.

Post by threshhold21 »

oh my gods!! Im older now, but when i was a teenager, i got this super safe, the kind where nothing can break it open. And i put all of my wiccanthings in it and hid it in my closet. Even when i tried putting book covers on my books parents got suspicious. It didnt last very long. When my dad found out he honestly blew up the safe to see what was inside then told me he was going to send me to a rehab in Russia. " Bad temper runs in the family." But the expieriance was horrifying, and i hope this doesnt happen to any of you.

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Post by moonlit »

I cant have a lot of visible items either. I have this box suitcase that locks and I keep some things in there and hide it under the dresser, so even if someone does find it 1) it only looks like a suit case and 2) if they try to open it that cant cuz it's locked.
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Post by BlackenedRose* »

I kept all my stuff in a painted cardboard box under my bed.....until we went on holiday last week and the house sitter (my kind of cousin) rifled through it - all my incense is gone, my candles, a set of old runes.....I am SO buying a safe!
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Aww, Blackened Rose- that stinks!

Anu, I'd suggest using some paper sacks and making book covers for your books, or you could enjoy a little project and get some wood from your local hardware store and make yourself a nice box (with a lock, if you like).

My husband has a wooden box from his teen years, he made it himself, and it kept all his five siblings out of what was important to him. (It's still in our closet, as a matter of fact!) It's amazing the life a wooden box can have.


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