After people that i am close with pass they come to me in my

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After people that i am close with pass they come to me in my

Post by xostephaniexo »

Hi everyone,
I'm new here :wave: and i was wondering what this sort of thing means?
When someone i know, who i was close to passes, within a weeks time they come to me in my dreams, to tell me they are ok.
Also after my Father-in -law passed away I saw his figure standing on the stairs in my house. It was like a side sillouette of him just all grey like, but can tell he was wearing a red and black flannel shirt which happened to be something of his they gave my husband like 2 years later.
So is there a reason these people come to me?
Other things happen to me as well which makes me think maybe i have some sort of something i need to figure out, but... don't know where to start or how to go about any of it
Any help or advise would be so helpful... :D
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Re: After people that i am close with pass they come to me i

Post by AutumnMaidens »

I actually hear this alot. Loved ones passing and returning in dreams and visions to remind the ones left behind that they are alright. When my nan died nearly everyone directly related to her or really close to her including my mum, my dad, my brother, two of my aunts and myself either had dreams or visions of her telling us she was okay.

Now you can look at this from both the spiritual point of view and the psychological point of view.
Psychologically your subconcious might be making up for the unrest and unknowing of the effect that death has on a person because we just don't 'know'. '
Spiritually it might be that once their spirit has passed over to the higher realms where it reaches the highest possible level of knowing where they are all seeing and all knowing for the brief period before reincarnation that they actually contact the ones left behind in some sort of ritual where they say goodbye to officially end their past life and start anew.

Off course these are but two theories in the grand scheme of things but to me they are both quite plausible.
I myself personally believe that once a spirit passes over the knowlidge and experience they gained in that particulare life comes together with all the previously collected experience from other lives untill they have experienced everything and they reach enlightment. But the part they leave behind before they are reincarnated is the remnents of the spirit that we experienced of them in this lifetime. So those remnents will stay with us until we ourselves are reincarnated to meet them again in the next life.

My anwser kind of got away from me there. Sorry if I bored you, hope I helped to shed a different light on your subject.

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Re: After people that i am close with pass they come to me i

Post by Evanthe »

I've had dreams like that but visions, too. I've had this happen with people I did not know all that well. Or seeing people pass into the next realm. That's happened a couple of times. Once I had to tell an old friend he had died. That really shook me up but I'm glad I was there for him.

I think we can distinguish between dreams that are just processing emotional stuff and those that are spiritual experiences or visions. It might take some reflection, but I think we all have the ability to learn how to do it.
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-C.S Lewis

Re: After people that i am close with pass they come to me i

Post by xostephaniexo »

Thank you ! Your replys have helped me to process this :)

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