Anyone work with Hekate?

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Re: Anyone work with Hekate?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Thats beautiful M-Dragon... I too tend to work with people and animals that have been forgotten or lost in some way.
So happy to meet someone of your path. I too feel that Wicca does not allow for polytheistic worship, which had meant that I too have never self dedicated or identified as Wiccan. However I do think it is a beautiful religion.
As psychopomp I think Hekate is a guide and healer. She is I think one of the more available deities. She seems to provide a lot in the way of animal omens. Yes check Sorita she really is interesting.

How was your year and a day study ?
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Re: Anyone work with Hekate?


Oh, I went on overload. I studied relentlessly every single day, for 5-9 hours, only to take off on sabbats, esbats, and the Dark Moon, once Hecate chose me. .. I was constantly in the library, or on the net, .. Head in reading material.. Or Practicing.... Getting my first BOS together... ..slowly tools started "showing up" .. I got my Athame, my boline, chalice, cauldron, etc...a "on the go" altar.. With a false bottom, because i live in Texas, in a very xtain home. I started collecting herbs, oils, .. Things of the like...
I felt really empowered, and I'm thankful that I got that year and a dy to decide..
It's a beautiful religion... I just doesn't suit my interest and needs. I'm out to everyone except my fiance's parents, but I think they suspect.

I've lost friends, but gained more friends...
Found out that some pagans are just as katty as some xtains I know, it's the person, not the faith.
I love my Goddesses and their consorts.. And love looking into other Pantheons and their Dieties... There are so many..
So much to learn.. I never stopped... And a friend of mine told me that I needed to take a break, ... For a moment, from studies
And read a fiction book He studied to be a Mage first... He is more into the combative side of magicks. Defensive techniques. ... Darker things... But he's very intelligent, so I try to listen to some of what he says. I just really like to balance light and dark. So I keep a distance..
How did Hecate come to find you?
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Re: Anyone work with Hekate?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

I knew of Hekate from my Greek mythology. She showed up on the form of frogs (I'm talking like, hundreds, deafening), my partner started dreaming of them, a giant python appeared, etc.

When dogs started barking during my rituals i began to get suspicious. One day I suggested that my partner go to the beach and photograph the full moon. A week later he framed a picture and put it on my altar. It was the most eerie picture of a silhouette of his daughter against the moon, with the dogs silhouetted by his side in a very magestic pose. At first I thought nothing of it. I left it there because I did not want to hurt my partners feelings, and planned to move it later. When I lit my candle which was in front of the picture, the flame rose very very high and chattered and carried on, for a long time. As I peered at the candle, through it I saw this woman's silhouette with the full moon and the dog. I made the connection. After this I had some strange crone-like experiences with old women which I won't go into.

I must say there is a sense of humour. For Mabon I asked her for material recognition for my work. The next morning when my partner went out the front gate I heard yelling. There was a gigantic pig there !!! He chased it off before I could keep it :(. Guess in ancient times this would have been the jackpot! Bacon!!!!

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Re: Anyone work with Hekate?


Your love sounds very supportive. That's a wonderful sign. When Hecate appeared to me, the first sign was a screeching owl, .. Screeching. Then dogs barking. Some people may blow off barking dogs, but I live in an area where where cats rule. I think Bast may be worshipped silently around here somewhere... Another pagan in the closet, maybe. ..
We have a cat and a dog, but at the time she appeared, we hadn't got our dog. ... And when I heard the barking, it sounded like more than 1... And it sounded like it was outside, around where I was.. (back yard, near my favorites willow tree I commune with often)... So hearing both those things seconds apart, startled me... And put all my senses on migh alert. I was in great dispair during that time, and had been begging a Diety to guide me and answer a very serious issue..
She appeared, .. Didn't answer it, per se ... But opened up dialogue to where I knew how to help myself..
She appeared to my west, at a 3 way Crossroads.. .. And she was mighty and beautiful. Awe inspiring... I think she requires her devoted to keep her advise under sealed lips, and I admire this..
I do rituals for the Dark Moon, the Full Moon, and depending on circumstances, waning and waxing. ..
I also give offerings 3-6 times weekly.. It may be small, but, I try to give back to the Goddess and animals she cares for, as much as possible.
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Re: Anyone work with Hekate?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Yes I forgot about the owls - don't get me started. We had owls sitting on the road in front of our car and also on the shed roof just hanging around for hours and hours. And I had moved to a house at a 3 way crossroads also.

I light candles for her a lot. I have a large owl on my altar that represents her.

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Wow.. My grandmother past away last June. She collected them and gave me her collection of owls, my mom gave me hers, and my MIL and sister have seven me jewelry with owls....(then she, my MIL, found out I might be pagan, and refuses to give me any other owls., southern babtist, preachers wife, go figure) ..
I have a such a love for her .. And I keep all her symbols near me. Keys, my Moonstone, ect..

My grandmother never practiced, but was agnostic, in this life, but I think in a diff life, she was. My mother is Pagan, she follows more of a Shamanistic path, but she's trying to learn about my fav Goddess. Just tonight we talked and she brought up Hecate. She was reading a fiction book though, and the info was slightly inaccurate. I corrected some, but my mom said.. " Did you know she was the Goddess of Witches!?"
I about snorted!!! And told her yes.. Then she said, baby girl, she leans toward dark magick!.. This is where I corrected her, telling her that that I believe she is a Goddess that helps out those who walk on the edge of society, misfits, runaways, ect, ect.. I told her.. " mom, doesn't this sound like me? Like how I was in my youth? And now that my children are growing up, I'm trying to take care of those who walk on the edge of society themselves"
And I think it finally clicked with my mother.
She always wanted me to lean toward Native American ways.. And I'm not against this, I just feel drawn to a Hecate and witchcraft.
I have my whole life to explore any other options if my feelings change.

I think being a hereditary witch has its moments...

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Re: Anyone work with Hekate?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Yes I am drawn to Hekate in a similar fashion. As I write this I too wear my moonstone and key. At one point the owls were freaking my partner out, staring at him. He always thinks I watch him through them :). I do watch him, but not through the owls!!!!

Anyway I too am a hereditary witch. It came through my Grandmother. It skipped my mother. She's a diehard left brain dominant. My grandmother gave me books on Astrology, Palmistry, Tarot cards, Runes and taught me to read teacups. I am in the colonies, we drink tea here !!! Anyhow she used to take me to mediums and this old witch for readings and sometimes channeling. Spirits used to bug me sometimes, she just used to white light them. She was very psychic. She always knew when the power was about to go off or when someone was about to call in, stuff like that.

My grandfather was a Mason - he loved the esoteric relationship we all had.

I do think there are advantages to being guided early in this way.

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Dark Moon
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Re: Anyone work with Hekate?


I would love to understand the dynamic between a Mason and a witch, that sounds so interesting.. When you have time, PM me.. if you'd like, and I'd love to hear about it!
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Anyone work with Hekate?

Post by MistressOfTheMoon »

This is a very interesting thread as lately, I feel like I'm being called by Hecate.

Last night, on a New Moon, I was doing some tarot reading and picking a new crystal for meditation. I use a pendulum to help me pick out the cards and crystals. Now sometime during that night, I heard a dog howl from a distance. And while I was choosing a crystal, my pendulum directed me to my African Pietersite which is a combination of black and gold - like a Tiger's Eye but without the banding. More chaotic I would say.

At first I did not realize that black stones were associated to Hecate, but the howling dog seemed familiar.

Tonight, still a New Moon, I decided to meditate on it more to see if Hecate was really calling me. It was midnight when I heard a dog howl again, but it wasn't until 2am that I started meditating. I was asking her to make herself be known, and to hear me just as I had heard her. A crystal quartz always helped me get visions and I used it for scrying.

What I saw using the crystal quartz were these: what seemed like a crown of stars, a meteor, some splashing in the water, a maiden emerging from the sea.

Then I switched my attention to the Pietesite I picked the other night and got visions of a woman in black at the woods, calling me.

Later on, I found out that black stones and the Tiger's Eye are correspondences for Hecate.

Through some light reading after meditation I also discovered these things:

1. In one of her myths, Hecate "cast herself into the sea as a flaming meteor from heaven". This was after the fall of Titans and she was pursued by Zeus.

2. Hecate is sometimes depicted wearing a gleaming headdress of stars.

As for the woman in black, I am not sure if it was Hecate or Artemis. But even so, these two goddesses are closely related. I am leaning more towards Hecate though, as Artemis is a virgin. This woman in black seemed seductive.

I literally started to tear up when I read these descriptions of Hecate, and how they correspond to my visions. I feel freaked out :shocked: I have read from you guys here that she is a goddess of change and maybe that's why she's calling me - but that could be just one of the reasons.
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Re: Anyone work with Hekate?

Post by Caribbean_Blue »

MOTHERofDRAGONS wrote:I associate her as a Mother. Taking care of the drifters... The "stranglings" at the edge of society...
The orphans, the runaways.. The black sheeps... The ones that always went against the grain...not because they "wanted" to, but because they didn't know any other way...those beautiful souls that the Goddess calls upon..
That is very beautiful and very much true. She is such a protective, caring goddess; yet She isn't smothering but rather encourages independence. smileylove
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Re: Anyone work with Hekate?

Post by Caribbean_Blue »

MistressOfTheMoon wrote: Through some light reading after meditation I also discovered these things:

1. In one of her myths, Hecate "cast herself into the sea as a flaming meteor from heaven". This was after the fall of Titans and she was pursued by Zeus.
If someone can post a source for this statement, I would be grateful. I have heard something similar to this on another forum, but I like to know where this info is coming from. It sounds more like Asteria, Hekate's mother according to the Ancient Greek poet Hesiod.
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Re: Anyone work with Hekate?

Post by WaterMoon »

Hecate found me and my first reaction to her was fear. I had no idea who she was. She was just an elderly women wearing a black cloak, holding a candle torch light. She was with a black dog whom didn't stay long. She squinted at me, and must have sensed my fear. She then looked away and disappeared. After discovering who she was, I hardly knew her... But I had this weird feeling, that we were somehow spiritually connected. It was then confirmed into a dream, where I had asked for my spiritual guide to show himself/herself. I was a dog who transformed into an owl. Both of these animals were considered sacred to her... But I wasn't sure if she could be a spiritual guide, until I looked up on the internet and discovered she can be.

I also remember saying out loud that I was spiritually opened to all spiritual paths and religions. I am open to learning all that I can to discover my own spiritual path. Something under those lines were said. A day later, I had this weird sensation that I wanted to discover different religions. I found a different path, and Hecate was associated with it. My first initial thought was "I'm not sure, if it's possible that Goddess Hecate is trying to put me on this spiritual path or not." I find myself drawn to it on a spiritual level and a lot of the beliefs in this spiritual path, have been things that I've seen online or have been mentioned around me. All these things I felt oddly familiar with it... On a very intimate level. There have been times, when I'll think of something that has to do with the belief systems, and once I got something wrong. Hecate gave me a dream insight onto it.. In the form of a little clue. There were a lot of incidents where it seemed to good to be true to be just a coincidence, but I'm taking my time before declaring myself as that particular spiritual path. I don't want to rush things..

I've never actually summoned or done any rituals honoring her. Since I'm just getting to know her. However, she has on several occasions send me messages in dreams, and possibly have been in my dreams. Her name was once in my dream. It was on a book that I recognized, but the thing was I've never seen this book before in my life. It turned out to be a real book sold at Barnes N' nobles. It was called, Hekate Ii by Jade Sol Luna. Why I found it recognizable is beyond me... But why, I dreamt it I don't know... I didn't buy the book since I can't afford it at this time... =[

To me, Hecate means more to me than just a spiritual guide or just a Goddess I worship, I feel like she is my teacher/mentor on a spiritual level. Together, I hope I can conquer some of my fears, when I am ready to do so. She keeps bringing my fears to my attention. I know she's encouraging me to overcome this, and in due time I have trust and faith in her to work with me to overcome these obstacles. As for an altar, I don't have an altar set up for any Goddess at this point. I feel it's too early since I want to formulate a long relationship with her before displaying my love for her. That and the fact, I have no money or job at this point to really set anything up. Haha!
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Re: Anyone work with Hekate?

Post by Caribbean_Blue »

WaterMoon wrote:Hecate found me and my first reaction to her was fear. I had no idea who she was. She was just an elderly women wearing a black cloak, holding a candle torch light. She was with a black dog whom didn't stay long. She squinted at me, and must have sensed my fear. She then looked away and disappeared. After discovering who she was, I hardly knew her... But I had this weird feeling, that we were somehow spiritually connected. It was then confirmed into a dream, where I had asked for my spiritual guide to show himself/herself. I was a dog who transformed into an owl. Both of these animals were considered sacred to her... But I wasn't sure if she could be a spiritual guide, until I looked up on the internet and discovered she can be.

I also remember saying out loud that I was spiritually opened to all spiritual paths and religions. I am open to learning all that I can to discover my own spiritual path. Something under those lines were said. A day later, I had this weird sensation that I wanted to discover different religions. I found a different path, and Hecate was associated with it. My first initial thought was "I'm not sure, if it's possible that Goddess Hecate is trying to put me on this spiritual path or not." I find myself drawn to it on a spiritual level and a lot of the beliefs in this spiritual path, have been things that I've seen online or have been mentioned around me. All these things I felt oddly familiar with it... On a very intimate level. There have been times, when I'll think of something that has to do with the belief systems, and once I got something wrong. Hecate gave me a dream insight onto it.. In the form of a little clue. There were a lot of incidents where it seemed to good to be true to be just a coincidence, but I'm taking my time before declaring myself as that particular spiritual path. I don't want to rush things..

I've never actually summoned or done any rituals honoring her. Since I'm just getting to know her. However, she has on several occasions send me messages in dreams, and possibly have been in my dreams. Her name was once in my dream. It was on a book that I recognized, but the thing was I've never seen this book before in my life. It turned out to be a real book sold at Barnes N' nobles. It was called, Hekate Ii by Jade Sol Luna. Why I found it recognizable is beyond me... But why, I dreamt it I don't know... I didn't buy the book since I can't afford it at this time... =[

To me, Hecate means more to me than just a spiritual guide or just a Goddess I worship, I feel like she is my teacher/mentor on a spiritual level. Together, I hope I can conquer some of my fears, when I am ready to do so. She keeps bringing my fears to my attention. I know she's encouraging me to overcome this, and in due time I have trust and faith in her to work with me to overcome these obstacles. As for an altar, I don't have an altar set up for any Goddess at this point. I feel it's too early since I want to formulate a long relationship with her before displaying my love for her. That and the fact, I have no money or job at this point to really set anything up. Haha!
Hi WaterMoon,

Just read your response and I think that you are well on the Path to discovering yourself, with Hekate as your guide. Don't worry about who your patron is, etc. just reach out for help to the universe and you'll receive it. It can come in any form, but whatever form it takes is what's meant for you at this time.

You mentioned having an initial reaction of fear when you first 'met' Her. I had the same reaction too, as She was the last goddess I would ever want to work with, at that point in time. I thought Her to be dangerous, scary, freaky, dark. But it's been a year and some months since She came into my life and things have taken a turn for the better. You can be sure when Hekate comes into your life things aren't going to be the same. I am out of an abusive relationship where I could not even be myself farless practice magick; I no longer experience negative psychic and spiritual attacks, I feel more confident and grounded, I have money, am experiencing a loving family environment and got a wonderful, caring, supportive man on top of that.

All. With. Her. Help.

She's amazing, and She helped me and is still helping me to process my shadow and darker sides. This Goddess has been seen as unnecessarily 'dark' and 'evil' but She's really just a loving, caring, protective maternal figure who will guide you to greater independence and self-confidence on your spiritual path. I can't thank Her enough!
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Anyone work with Hekate?

Post by mrsdavid1975 »

I started working with her when my neighbor shot my dog. I felt a pull to her while Emma was still alive .. She was a large black giant schnauzer. The grief was unbearable. I buried her at a "crossroads" in my back property where I lived and worked with Hecate afterward. She's very protective of her creatures and babies.... After I buried her there, three Ravens spent a lot of time in the trees around her

Re: Anyone work with Hekate?

Post by Piscespoet »

I think Hecate was always in my life but never showed herself to me till she thought I was the right age or time, I feel that she has been there to help me Adar to the changes in my life more easily and help me grieve over my mother who passed when I was 8. And out of all the times I have fallen off my path she has been there. And the first mention of her name I heard was when I was reading a book on Greek mythology by Edith Hamilton and it mentioned her and Selene, which I wanted to know more because it said one thing about her being a dark goddess which got me googling her and searching for info everywhere on her. I tend to go for the deities that are considered dark or that doesn't get as much light shined on them such as hebe and Hecate who I think of as a friend that will always be there and a person I can confide in.
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