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To Shield or Not to Shield

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:27 pm
by Kassandra

Recently, I received the following email:

Are there any techniques for psychic shielding while I'm at school? I really don't want to feel all those emotions, not knowing which are mine. Anything would be great. Thanks.

Here was my response:

Hi. A lot of people have a lot of suggestions for shielding. I've heard it all: "surround yourself in white [or some other color] on this angel to protect you.....carry these crystals in your bra....chant this mantra.....wave your arms around like this...." and so forth. Honestly, I don't have the time and energy to do any of these elaborate procedures! I have tried and tried, but I find it takes up too much of my mental energy. It all just feels paranoid to me. I just deal with my environment, "good" and "bad" people, places, situations. I don't know, I just handle it.

I do make sure to do these things, though:

* Keep my physical health up. Good health creates a strong (and protective) auric field. I find if I'm generating positive energy from my body -that is, I have lots of energy and I'm not tired, hungry, sleepy, overworked, etc., then I'm not so easily influenced by other peoples' energy. I believe in preventative medicine. So, I don't eat junk; I eat healthy food, take vitamin and iron supplements, and get plenty of exercise and sleep. To me, this is taking an offensive approach, as opposed to letting myself get all run down, then having to "shield" or "clean up" my energy field later ...a defensive (and tiring!) approach.

* Keep my mental health up. I don't let other peoples' baggage become my baggage. Negative thoughts are negative thoughts, doesn't matter where they originated. Whether they're mine or someone else's, they have the same result when they get in my head and I act on them. So when I hear them in my head, I just stop and reframe them (I do this out loud), turn the negative thoughts around into positive statements. Then I act on them accordingly. It only takes a moment, yet it makes all the difference in how the day goes. Also, I find that a regular meditation practice really helps sharpen the mind to distinguish which thoughts/emotions are mine, and which aren't.

* Hang around positive people. I have found that no company is better than bad company. I've spent the last four or five years revamping my friends list. I changed who I hung around to only positive people, people doing positive things with their lives, not getting caught up in drama. And if I'm out somewhere attending an event or something, and someone I meet there starts "sliming" me by talking negatively, I just kind of slip away somehow (bathroom trip or refreshing a beverage are great excuses!). Then I'll start a conversation with someone else who's positive and upbeat. Or, I'll just leave the scene entirely and go home (Netflix is better than negativity).


I guess you could say the above is a recipe consisting of 1. physical hygiene, 2. mental hygiene and 3. social hygiene, lol. When I do these things consistently, especially the first two, I have no need for "shielding." Our bodies and minds, when healthy, generate natural "shields" not visible to the naked eye. Like teflon, our shields knock unecessary things off of us. But when we are negligent of our health (including mental health, probably even moreso than physical), the shields get compromised and can't work to their full capacity. When this happens you could wear all the crystals you want, chant all the prayers, spells, or mantras you want, all to little effect.

So, ask yourself how are your sleeping habits, your eating habits, etc. Are you wearing yourself down? If so, you'll be a magnetic "sponge" for negative energies around you, believe me. Also, people can be vampiric, or attack you psychically, and not realize they're doing it. So be wary about hanging around drainers like that. Hang around people that say positive things to you. Be selective.


And to some degree, we do well to just accept the fact that we're empathic, and learn to have compassion on other people who are suffering, even if it causes us discomfort due to our sensitivities. For instance just today, two friends of mine, one male and one female, both work in the IT industry, both totally bombarded me with negative energy all day! lol They don't even know they're doing it. They're pretty stressed because of sales deadlines due to the holidays (man, I do not miss working in retail, haha).

I just kind of smiled. This is the norm for me: I also feel it when they've gotten into fights with their significant others. I feel it when they're euphorically happy about something, then they end up telling me about it later. Yes, this gets annoying sometimes. But, I've come to accept the fact that I'm an empath, and this is just what I do. I feel things. This is the way it is, and will always be. Why let it stress me out?

Hope that helps. Be well.


Re: To Shield or Not to Shield

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:57 pm
by TheresaJayne
I have used a shielding technique for many years, it has the benefit of stopping any bad energy whilst letting in those who mean no harm.

you do not need any physical tools for this (i never use physical tools but use thought forms instead,coming from a long line of dowsers i have a knack for that.)

First imagine a glowing ball of white light floating at heart level in front of you.
Now move the ball up over your head and round down behind you, moving round under you and back up to the starting location.
Start moving it faster and faster, imagine a gold afterglow where the ball of energy has passed, until you have a ring of energy all round you from front to back.
Once you have the ring, change the focus to the ring and start it spinning (as you would spin a coin)
again speed it up and up, leaving the gold trail as it spins until you are surrounded by a sphere of light.

Shift your focus to the sphere now and imagine energy coming out of your crown chakra (the top of your head) and keeping the sphere powered and Robert is your mothers brother, you are protected.

Obviously this is a simple shield, and there are many ways to improve it, (i usually add multiple layers with the outer layer "programmed" to discharge down any attack that is targetting me.)
