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Post by _Cheshire_ »

If anybody remembers my post about my horrid luck with candles, leading to half my room in flames and my Mother waking to see my naked butt running to the bathroom to obtain water to douse the flames- might understand that I've grown more accustomed to incense. It's cheaper, it's safer, and I'm sure you'll be glad to know that yes I DO still use candles, but only when I'm wide awake and in the room.

To get to the point..

I've read soso information concerning incense, claiming that it contributes to alot of the similar causes as we use candles for. Ie: Healing, love, banishing negativity, etc. And I've looked around online, but I'm not finding too many details on that.

I know that incense is usually treated as a "buddy" alongside candles during spells, but I'm interested in trying to find the effectiveness of incense on it's own. And if it is, what scents may contribute best to what cause.

And just a miniature poll: What type of incense do you burn when casting your spells? 4" sticks, 11" sticks, Jumbo wands, big or small cones? I generally use the 11" sticks. Also, do you know of a good online store that offers a nice selection of incense? Not just your basics, but "exquisite" scents such as Apple Pie which supposedly dispels negativity and repels moths.

Well, that's about it. Thanks for reading!
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Re: Incense..

Post by Wolf* »

Cheshire wrote:If anybody remembers my post about my horrid luck with candles, leading to half my room in flames and my Mother waking to see my naked butt running to the bathroom to obtain water to douse the flames

I'm sorry...I know thats horrible...but...but... HAHAHAHAHA!! Image

ahem...well, anyway. I use anything I think smells good at the time.

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."
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Post by _Cheshire_ »

Yeah BWAHAHAHAHA. :roll: I'd like to see you be naked firewoman for a day!

I'm currently burning Coconut incense (VERY good stuff, doesn't have that "woodsy" smell that causes headaches in most people. I'll edit this with the brand name if I can find the package later). Complimenting the incense I have 4 Coconut-Almond candles burning. Numminess..
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Hi Cheshire... I do remember that post. :lol:

So far as my choice of incense? It depends on the spell, but usually Frankensense or Sandlewood. And a great place to find all kinds of incense (I always stock up)... your yearly county fair. (Normally in the spring, I think). There are usually vendors there who sell all the smells you could possibly want, and then some!


Post by onagh »

i normally buren loose incesnses that i have made myself for rituals and spells.

Post by missy »

Hi Cheshire,
I usually burn pachouli or when im meditating Nag Champa. I buy them at my little new age shop. they are the Gonesh stick brand. some can be quite potent. so be carefull.
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Post by hedge* »

I burn Resins or Gums and sometimes even whole dried Herb. I tend to just grab the first thing that appeals to me. :D


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