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To Coven, or Not to Coven?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 8:30 pm
by AnuChild
I think the subject pretty much says it all.

I'm fairly sure that this is the Path for me. I'm three months into my study (I chose to give myself the regular year-and-a-day even as a solitary, so come next May I might just call myself Wiccan or a witch...).

Anyway, at the end of the month, it looks like I'm returning to college (univserity). (Thank you to everyone who has been sending me positive energy!) There's a fairly large, open coven at my school. A friend of mine belongs to the circle and has invited me. But I'm rather torn. So...

What are the differences between being a Coven witch and a Solitary? Pros? Cons? (There are lots of Solitaries at school too. Apparently I managed to enmesh myself within the society of Solitaries already without realising it...)


Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:32 am
by celticwave

I find there are pros and cons to both (i've only ever worked in a small coven though). I find solitary works well because everything completely relates to you, it's more personal and it's easier to concentrate, but i also love working with my coven because then it just feels so much more significant with more people, and somehow more powerful. though it is a bit easy to get distracted and all.


Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:20 am
by Vicki*
It nice to bounce ideas off likeminded people, which is why I'm a member here, but I prefer to be on my own generally I think :D

Just do what feels right for you! You could always meet with the locals and see how you feel with them.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:27 pm
by Fox Flame*
Covens can be good. You can share rituals with them, and have people to help you with your magical life, as well as your mundane one. But unfortunately, when humans get together in any kind of group, conflicts can happen. Power struggles can manifest, and underlying feuds can surface.

Hopefully, you have found a coven that is right for you. Not to say that solitairy practice isn't beneficial.

Also, you can remain a solitary practioner and consult with a group about various techniques, then once you leave, continue with your solitary life.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:53 pm
by Dark Mage
Just remember that covens are never for life. They come and go but they often provide you with what you need at the right time.

The only thing that I find with covens is that its the high priest and priestess who benefit the most. The coveners often unknowingly channel lots of energy and inspiration to them - empowering them beyond their hopes, while the others often lose track.

I recommend at least being in a coven once during your path..

.: DM :.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:46 pm
by AnuChild
I'm checking out the coven with a fellow solitary later this week... we'll see how it goes. My solitary friend and I are a bit skeptical of covens in general, and most of our friends are pagan solitaries to one degree or another... but we're trying it.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:38 am
by AnuChild
I went to the meeting tonight... er, last night. Anyway, it went well. It isn't a coven at all. It's more of a pagan religious/social group that celebrates the Wiccan sabbats and anything else we can really think of. It looks like a great group. We're planning a fundraiser where we will stuff bears (which we will knit) with herbs for friendship, love, healing, etc.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:24 am
by [scifichick]
That sounds great! I'm glad you went and checked it out :D