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Australian pagans, have you heard of this tree?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:58 pm
by Ravencry
Its called Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Red river eucalyptus). I recently found one here in California. The reason I believe it to be this specific tree is A) It was a eucalyptus tree and B) It produced a blood-coloured sap. I was just wondering if anyone would know any magickal properties of this plant? I researched it on my own and it has a few medicinal benefits, but I really want to melt it down and use it on a new wand that I am creating. If no one knows, any suggestions for uses? I already have a few in mind, but others point of view is always appreciated.

Uses I have in mind for this resin are: Love, Lust, Strength, Courage

Re: Australian pagans, have you heard of this tree?

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:05 am
by Fionn The Mutt
I was unsure as to why you thought it was a Red River Eucalypt until it was pointed out to me that the tree was introduced to California a while back. Here's a little nugget of info I found:

The Aborigines used the tree for its medicinal properties. A handful of young leaves, crushed and then boiled in water, was used as a linament that was rubbed in for chest or joint pain, particularly for general aches and flu symptoms. Young leaves were also heated in a pit over hot coals, and the vapours were inhaled, which helped with the treatment of general sickness.