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Ostara Prayers

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:38 pm
by Ravencry
Ostara Morning

Main Prayer
Among crocus and lily,
antimony and sky narcissus,
Your innocence unfolds like
day's beginning.
Your joyful spirit infects the sky
and blue and gold dazzle
the eye too long kept closed
against the night.
Your own Dark Night is left behind
and tomorrow is but a thought.
Spring quickens to Your call while
fireflies and stars bind Your hair
like jewels.

Equal day and equal night. Where in your life do you need more balance?

Daily Affirmation
In the Name of the Maiden: I will stop and think before I speak in anger today.

Closing Prayer
"Thanks to Thee Bright Maiden for Thy care,
for green laughter and fire-edged dew,
and for Thy blessing, a most precious jewel.
Blessed Be."

Ostara Afternoon
Main Prayer
The Moon and Sun meet
in perfect harmony.
Day and night are set apart;
two halves of creation
awaiting the symmetry of
God and Goddess
as They dance
the strengthening of the light.
Life surges beneath Their feet;
the cycle unfolds as the
laughter of Gods
ring in Spring.

Equal day and equal night - where do you need more balance in your life?

Daily Affirmation
In the Name of the God: I will conduct a spring cleaning of heart, mind, and spirit, that I may allow the new life and energy of Spring to enter into in my life.

Closing Prayer
"Thanks to Thee, Lord of the Dance,
for leading me into the deeper mysteries
of the heart.
Be with me now and always.
Blessed Be."

Ostara Evening
"Hail Mother of the golden wheat, You of
plenty and fertile womb, breathe Thy blessing
upon my heart, nourish my soul
that I, too, may create the world with love.
Blessed Be."

Main Prayer
Gilded in silver and green jade,
You offer an outstretched palm
the shining moon that slowly ripens
into the cosmic egg of possibilities.

Gestating within are a myriad of worlds...

Like every seed of fruit and vine and
though, it needs only to be planted
to bear whatever fruit it will yield.

Dreams can emerge into substance...

The seasons turn again and
the time of new beginnings is upon us.
Lady of the rolling world You
offer once again the joy of hope.

The five-pointed star and its meaning; earth, air, fire, water, spirit.

Daily Affirmation
In the Name of the All-Mother: I am fulfilled in and of myself.

Closing Prayer
"Terra Mater, Mother of all life, I give
Thee thanks for Thy blessing -
the fruit of the vines, the fruit of my spirit;
life's abundance.
Blessed Be."

Ostara Night
"Hail Dark Lady of the Crossroads,
of wisdom hard-won,
grant me Thy blessing, purify my heart,
and teach me the truth of my soul;
show me that death is but the gateway to life.
Blessed Be."

Main Prayer
The face of the moon
reveals You;
the heart of the moon
conceals You;
Great Isis, spread Your alabaster wings
and touch the world with magic.
Diana of the Many Breasts,
nourish the world with love.
Kore clothed in bright innocence,
awaken desire.
The cold, impassioned moon
watches all;
Her secrets gestate in the
sacred earth and
bloom in every eye that
beholds Her.

What purpose does hope play in your life?

Dream Images
In the Name of the Dark Crone: I see an image of hope. What does it look like?

Closing Prayer
"I bow to Thee Hecate, Diana, Mari and thank
Thee for Thy blessing - the Cauldron of Night
full of life, and death, and life again;
Thy magic gives me wings.
Blessed Be."