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Post by Sharx »

Is levitation possible? I don't mean like the short levitation trick you might see magicians do. I mean actually floating feet above the surface like Criss Angel does.
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Post by hedge* »

I don't believe it is,No!

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Post by [scifichick] »

I don't believe in it either. I believe you can have the feeling of floating above the ground, but not being physically above it.
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Post by Wolf* »

Well, I've said this before, but whatever.

I'm a firm believer that anything is possible, but you'd have to have some major mind power, like.....well, I dunno a good analogy, but you get the idea, decades of training and trying.

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."

Post by threshhold21 »

Levitation is possible. but only people with a great great high state of concious can do it. like the mayan people, some of the modern people like that are still around and they can do it. My 4th grade teacher could also.
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Post by [scifichick] »

Not doubting anyone, and as Wolf says, "everything is possible"... Have you seen your 4th grade teacher do it? How do you know he/she could?
Only in silence the word,/ only in dark the light,/ only in dying life:/ bright the hawk's flight/ on the empty sky. --Le Guin

Post by threshhold21 »

Yes she did show me. If any of you have studied quantum physics they believe that the thing inside an atom is just your thought. your own brain believing what can or can not happen. Some people levitate by magick, and some just do it because thats what there minds are capable of.
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Post by [scifichick] »

Wow, that's amazing. I would imagine that it would take a lot of study, practice, and patience to get to that level.
Only in silence the word,/ only in dark the light,/ only in dying life:/ bright the hawk's flight/ on the empty sky. --Le Guin

Post by Guest »

Yes ive been working on it for 5 years,...its getting there.

Post by Foxy_000 »

Well If anyone around here has ever read anything they would know that bee's arn't supossed to be able to fly, they're just too big for their wings! Scientists are still trying to find out why then can fly but so far the answer is because they belive they can.

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Post by Elem »

Mm.. I'd be inclined to disagree with the comment that 'what's inside an atom is just your thought'.

Quantum theory does not teach this. It teaches that every possibility, every eventuality, can be supplied with a probability.

For instance, there is a finite probability, allbeit very small, that I could disappear right now and appear on the moon.

What quantum theory states is that we can't determine what the situation is, until it is observed. Be that through scientific equipment, or just our own ears or eyes.

The best explanation comes in the little analogy of the cat in a box.. Thus, I present to you, Schrodinger's Cat:

"A box is set up to contain a radioactive source and a vial containing poisonous gas. The radioactive source has a 50:50 chance of 'decaying' (releasing energy / a photon). If it does, then the photon is detected, and the gas is released."

"A cat is then placed in the box, and the box is sealed. As the radioactive source takes a minute to decay, there is a 50% chance that after one minute the cat is dead.. and a 50% chance that it is alive."

"However, as there is no way of knowing whether the cat is dead or alive without opening the box, we can suppose that the cat exists in both states. This is because the outcome cannot be resolved until it is observed."

Sounds confusing, eh? Well, nobody said Quantum theory was easy :P.

Simply - The cat is neither dead or alive, until you open the box and find out. This is the basis of quantum theory.

Thus, there is a finite probability that you could jump up in the air, and stay there. Allbeit a miniscule one, given the amount of energy required to keep a human up in the air.

I understand why quantum theory may have been introduced to the topic of levitation, but it is not really relevant.

In order to make yourself levitate, you would have to generate some kind of 'anti-gravity' force, that repels the gravity pulling your mass down towards the earth.

Given that an anti-gravity force exists, I would imagine it'd take a lot of energy to generate it.. An amount we couldn't possibly generate with our minds.

Thus, I'd say an easier way to get yourself higher up is to either buy a pair of stilts.. Or borrow a step-ladder.

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Post by WolfWitch »

I know this is an old topic but I noticed something that bore clarifying.

Foxy_000 Scientists actually discovered how bees fly about two years ago. The swim. At their level and size, the viscosity (sp?) of the air is such that it is about the consistancy of honey. They beat their wings at such a rapid pace and at such high angle of elivation that they create little vortex under their wings. This cause enough drag differential between above and below the wing that the little bliters go zipping off, riding their little wings for all their worth. It also explains how the can exicute 110 degree banks with zero foward shift and not tear themselves apart do to wind resistance. Their changing the air pressures around their wings and the body naturally follows.

Elem 500 cool points for referencing "Shrody's cat." I love most of his work but the cat is just too weird to not like. Sometime, If I can get my scanner working with my laptop, I will post for you a sketch I did of "Shrody the cat" for a prof. I was friends with in collage.


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Post by Draconis »

Everything is possible just highly Improbable, if someone claims some thing is impossible they proberly dont hold much hope for many things, jsut my view
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Post by hedge* »

The biggest problem I have with levitation is - why would somebody want to do it?
What would it acheive?
Mayans levitating?
First time I've heard that!
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Post by Moon_Stone »

(Whoa... some deep stuff here)... definitely an interesting read!

Back to the question at hand: levitation.
Like a lot of you, I believe that anything is possible-- and that all matter is more or less subjective... but for a person to levitate via mental exercise, I do doubt the feasibility.

(But hey, it's got to be fun to try!) :28:


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