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MAJOR spiritual dilemma

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:32 pm
by AnyaWerecat
I have had an interest in paganism for about five or six years now, and one thing has bugged me over this time more than anything else: I am very strongly drawn to the Chumash Indian religion of southern California, but I am almost 100% white (very small percentage Delaware Indian). I have educated myself extensively on Wicca and the Euro-centric neopagan religions, but none of them have resonated as strongly with me as the Chumash tradition, which I have also read deeply into from the handful of books providing information on this people's religion and spirituality. I am very conflicted, because most- if not all- Native Americans frown HEAVILY on non-Indians adopting their spirituality- but I just can't help what is so strongly pulling me in! I do not wish to disrespect any people or ethnic group by making a mockery of their religion, but I do not at the same time feel that the more Euro-centric religions have the same "fit" for me. I don't know what to do, who to believe, or where to go from here...any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:57 pm
by Wolf*
Well, you are right, most Native Americans frown heavily upon anyone wanting to join them if you do not contain at least 1/8, sometimes only 1/4, of their blood in your veins. But you should not let this detear you from your beliefs. Spirit holds a stronger bond than blood. I don't know much about this particular tribe, but I do have some general advice.

1) Books are your friend

2) Perhaps you could find a holyman of sometype thats not so discriminating to help you, or even just another member of that tribe

3) Don't give up, if these are your beliefs, stay true to them.