Seeing past self in mirror

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Seeing past self in mirror

Post by The_Hiding_Amaranth7 »

So today I decided to try do a spell, well more like a ritual, that helps you see who you were in your past life. All you basically do is sit in front of a mirror and look straight into your own eyes and sit there thinking to yourself that you want to see what you looked like in your past life. So, I saw who I was, I was pale and I looked gorgeous, but something was weird. The eye of me in my past life was black. Not completely black, but the colored part of the eye was all black and the eye was extremely big, like they had been dilated. It was a pitch black color. I'm wondering how that's possible. Like we're my eyes like that in my past life or were my eyes just messing with me?

Then I decided to see if I would be able to see what I would look like later in this life, I did almost the same basic thing I did when I wanted to see what I looked like in my past life, when I did, I saw an image of a women who was far away, so I couldn't really see any facial feautures. The hair was extremely long and dark, like I swear the hair was down to her feet. She was wearing a white dress that looked like a normal sun dress. I soon realized that this was the girl that was the same girl that's in my dreams every time I dream. She's I'd say 17-19 years old.. Does that mean that the girl I constantly dream of whenever I dream is me when I'm older?
Rose Wind

Re: Seeing past self in mirror

Post by Rose Wind »

These are your visions, so the only one who can know the truth or meaning in them is you.

Have you tried using either tarot cards or runes or what have you to try and get more clarification on what you saw? Sometimes that helps me when I'm having trouble understanding something along these lines. I'm not sure exactly how it works, whether its divinity or your higher self guiding your choice in cards (or what ever divination technique you chose), but I know my questions are usually answered.

Also, when trying to see things outside of our current reality, I think its best to keep in mind that just because you ask to see certain things, sometimes what you need to see or want to see on some higher level overtakes the original objective, so you can't always take things at face value.

Good luck, hope this helped at least a little :)
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