Spell So She'll Leave Him to Be with Me?

Questions and posts about love spells.

Spell So She'll Leave Him to Be with Me?

Post by Thorn7584 »

Ok i ask this question because a female friend and i have started a relationship it's a secret one due to she has a boyfriend. He is overly obsessive and he treats her like crap where as i treat her like a princes.

She tells me she wants to be with me but it's hard because of the guy in her life. He is angry and quite violent and so I'm wondering if there is a spell to make him move on or for one to give her the courage to chose me and lose him?
Their relationship is going down hill, he forgot her birthday this year and has only made one anniversary in their 5 years together. He get to go out all the time and i know he is having a relationship with another woman because he always goes out of town every weekend.

Basicly her main job in their relationship is to have sex with him, cook his food and do his washing. She and i want to be together, she just can't leave him. She doesn't see that he is using her. She is one of those girls that are to close to situation eg can't see the forest for all the trees. Might i add he makes a fortune but gives her nothing. She has to earn her own money. I know money isn't important but i would give her everything i have so as i know she is happy and never needs or wants for anything.

Please help me because i will never take her for granted and i will not only tell her how much she means to me but i will show her each and every day. She is my world.

So again please if there is a spell for her to leave him for me or a spell to remove him from her life.
I don't have an altar (it's difficult to hide such a thing) But i will try anything please help me and help her.

Re: A spell to remove anothers lover.

Post by Whitelion728 »

Sadly even if it helps her it's is considered gray magic.its to help but it is to break people up against ones will (the boyfriend) I suggest having her break up with him in a CROWDED place so if he gets violent. He's in public

Re: A spell to remove anothers lover.

Post by Thorn7584 »

She needs to get to the point of breaking up with him. I hate being the other man but i know our love is something special so i don't want to give it up. I'm willing to go grey to help our future because once we are together we will be happy and i will only practice white magick.
Are there any gods i could pray to help remove him from our lives? Since i started once spell he has been sick as a dog and been out at him mums house. I want to remove him without killing or making him too sick.

Re: A spell to remove anothers lover.

Post by Whitelion728 »

I fear this may require you to write the spel yourself ( so its stronger.) or deal with it without magick. Maybe even making him WANT to leave her? Hint hint

Re: A spell to remove anothers lover.

Post by Thorn7584 »

He won't leave without help from higher powers. He knows he has a good thing going, he has sex on demand, all the food he can eat and he never has to lift a finger and gets all his work clothes washed. He is a pig and If i tried to break them up by trying to get rid of him he would kill me.
If i could have the smallest amount of magick help it would be appreciated.

Re: A spell to remove anothers lover.

Post by Whitelion728 »

Oh. Maybe try reversing a love spell? Maybe switch some words or herbs

Post by AariadaWillow »

I would do a spell for making peoples true colors or feelings be revealed. That way you aren't messing with free will
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Re: A spell to remove anothers lover.

Post by Firebird »

Sounds like your friend may need a little domestice violence support, see if you can find a shelter or some other resource for rehabilitation, in your area and urge (but do not force) her to go. Soon.... Do magic for protection for both of you. BB, Firebird
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Re: A spell to remove anothers lover.

Post by Thorn7584 »

Thanks kindly, no he isn't violent towards her. But gets angry if i try and confront them. Could you please tell me how to make a true colours spell work? I'm a newb lol

Post by AariadaWillow »

Spell writing is not my strong suit. Actually making the spell yourself is the most powerful magick. Back when I was a newbie, I would just cast my circle outside, burn whatever incense I saw fit, then write what I wanted on a piece of tissue paper and say a little blessing or just a few words. Then I'd burn the paper and let the ashes to the wind and close the circle.

Re: A spell to remove anothers lover.

Post by Thorn7584 »

Ok i'm a complete newbie. I have candles and a pentagram. That's it lol. How does one cast a circle? What is this circle made of and when is the best time to preform this spell? She and i are meant to be together and she has said she loves me and wishes to be with me but can't find fault enough to leave him. For her to see what the rest of us see's would be amazing. Is there a way for her to see him how i see him?
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Re: A spell to remove anothers lover.

Post by Firebird »

I hear that this man is violent....gets sex whenever he wants....has her cook and clean, while he just sits there, he goes away and no one knows where...you fear that he may kill you...This IS domestic vilolence! SHE is afraid. She is likely with you bcause she wishes for some one to care about her...which she is not getting at home. She needs SUPPORT. The kind you will only find through a domestic violence outreach program. If she gets help, then she may find the strength to leave. If you confront him he may harm you or her or both.
Please cast heavy duty protections for you both and cast a spell, that he may find something better (that will take his interest away from her). Should she finally get away, she is still going to need help...She is undergoing trauma that is very difficult to recover from. Please, please find help for her, and gently nudge her to go. Look up the Stockholm Syndrome. I wish you hope and healing, Firebird
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Re: A spell to remove anothers lover.

Post by lilmizsunshine727 »

I have to agree with firebird on this. She definitely needs help.
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. -William Shakespeare

Re: A spell to remove anothers lover.

Post by Thorn7584 »

Any ideas on the protection spell to remove his interests? I'm a newbie and so i don't know many spells or how to cast them often.
Thanks so much for your kind words and help. I do wish to remove him from our lives. I had a confrontation with him yesterday and now i cannot go near the house when he is there. He is a douche bag and he needs to be removed at all costs.If i could ask you guys to pray for us too that would be fantastic :-)
I know i will make her so happy and she already makes me happy. I will treat her better than a princess and remind her everyday how beautiful she is.
also she won't get help until he is gone, because atm she feels she feels all women do this for their men. So please the sooner we can remove him from our lives the better everyone will be.
There was a spell that someone said about making people see his true colours, i would like to cast this along with the protection spell.
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Re: A spell to remove anothers lover.

Post by Firebird »

I do not recomend casting spells without some background on the Craft. One of the first things you learn is that you must follow through in the mundane world. You do not just wiggle your nose and everything will be ok. You must also do the foot work. Do not confront this man. (oops too late) ...you could make things worse for her.
Please look for help for her, as she is likely to have difficulties with all relationships after this man.
Charge your pentagram and wear it always, get one for her... Or some other amulet charged for protection from this person, and keep it on you person's always. Wish that this man's true colors shine in front of, say...the police. If he is incarcerated on his own accord, then you are off the hook for being manilupitave. Then Get her to HELP...
If you are interested in the Craft, start reading...
I wish you luck, love and light, and I will certainly be praying for you. Blessings, Firebird
“There are things known and things unknown and in between are the Doors.”
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