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I like my ex-best friends brother...

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:48 pm
by Aniu
OK now I didn't want this to happen...but it did. I fell for my best friend's bro, she found out about it (Cuz I'm really obvious when I like someone) and then she went on 'bitch mode'. She basically got super insecure about it. I told her I would try to get over him, but the drama continued. Eventually she decided she rather not hang out with me. I have no hard feelings for her since I know she's just...really insecure. That's not the problem any more...

My problem is I still want to go out with him, and I don't know how to even talk to him. It sounds bad I know...and selfish...but I just cant get him off my mind.I know it wont be an easy relationship, but everything was going in the perfect direction until we began to fight. I also know this relationship (if I get one) wont be easy in the slightest bit.

I've dont tarot card readings throughout the entire thing. It was telling me I'd have to overcome some obstacle, but if I could do that there was great potential for a relationship.

Anyone have ANY advice for this? I know it's up to me in the end but I like to hear some other people drag me down to reality.

Re: I like my ex-best friends brother...

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 6:55 pm
by AutumnMaidens
I would leave her out of the matter and try to talk to him on your own. Confessing your feelings seems like the main obstacle to overcome.
In the end you have two options, either tell him or don't, if you don't tell him you lose nothing but gain nothing either, so you have to ask yourself if you want to persue this and find your own truth.


Re: I like my ex-best friends brother...

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:00 pm
by Aniu
Oh hey you again! Thanks for all your advice, it really cleared things up. It's been so long since I've been in this position and I just forgot how easy it could really be. I'm willing to confess everything...I just need to find him first. I know where he lives (considering he's my best friend's bro) but would it be creepy to just go there and ask to talk to him? XD

Re: I like my ex-best friends brother...

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:02 am
by AutumnMaidens
Hiya :D

Glad I can be of service. I actually thought you two might go to the same school or something but yeah this really complicates matters seeing as you don't already meet up on a daily basis. I agree it could be rather awkward to just go to his house and ask him out but I wouldn't know how else to do it. If you have his phonenumber you could ask him out over the phone I guess... really tricky.
