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Confidence and Comfort Spells

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:30 am
by MaidenWolf
So I have really low self confidence and tend to get very very uncomfortable around guys I like. Whenever I try and talk to a guy I like I get really nervous and self conscious and can't have any fun at all. So, it is incredibly hard for me to make friends with these guys. In the past, this has caused me quite a few problems and even lost me a few potential friends. Can someone please provide me with a spell to gain confidence or a chant to calm down and just act naturally?

Thank you so much. :)

Re: Confidence and Comfort Spells

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:37 pm
by Zili
I would suggest using a chant not a spell, spells wont help you gain confidence they give you confidence for a short while but you never get to hold on to it. A chant will help ease you when you are in a situation and will effect your subconscious to the point you'll start to believe in yourself and you'll eventually start living with confidence ever day regardless if you say the chant or not.

Magickal-Quests chant page has several chants for different purposes there's one at the bottom for confidence.

Or carry a charm bag, Startwitch (admin and owner here) has a charm bag for confidence on the main page of the site here's the link : ... ations.htm