
For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Post by Zili »

Twice my friend Autumn has seen an entity that takes the shape of our friend Harper. The first occurrence was at Harper's home. Autumn went down stairs to get a glass of water as she turned away from the kitchen she came face to face with the creature in Harper's form except the eyes, the eyes were red. A while later the same creature was sitting on top of Autumn as she was sleeping she woke when it started to choke her, a spirit of a civil war solider that resides in her house cast the entity away.

Any ideas what this could be? Any ideas on how to protect her from it. Lastly my friends are more Christian than they are anything else should I be the one to cast a spell or should they perhaps see a Christian leader? Both believe in magick but are afraid of it because they aren't experienced with it. They've done a celebration with me thanking the gods and we read cards (generally its me reading for them.)
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Re: Demons

Post by SnowCat »

I think a protection spell, with their permission, would be a good place to start. My experience with Christian leaders, is that they tend to disbelieve or blame the victim.

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Re: Demons

Post by Zili »

A little more background on this thing: 4 years ago when my mom was diagnosed with cancer I spent a week living with my friends Pheonix, Lizard, and Sarah. Sarah witnessed Lizard being attacked by this creature in the same way Autumn woke with it on her chest choking her. Only when it attacked Lizard it too my form. Lizard and Sarah accused me of attacking them and our friendship is no more. At this time we had also been attacked by others, a man possessed that wouldn't leave Pheonix alone, a demon an abusive ex summoned a year or two before to come after me, when I refused to die at his hands (not even exaggerating he tried to shove me over the balcony I held on as hard as I could to the rail and was able to climb back up to this day that rail hasn't been fixed. This took place at the same apartment that Pheonix and Lizard had moved into when I first met them.)

I just spoke with Autumn after having a bad feeling about casting a protection spell for her. I've had this feeling for 5 days now and yesterday it was so strong I could barely breathe the fear was killing me. I have this feeling that if I were to be the one to cast a spell to help Autumn this thing would come after us. Autumn told me she's been feeling like its the same creature that attacked Lizard and its true target is me, trying alienate my friends to get me alone.

It makes sense Autumn's theory. This thing attacked Lizard and Sarah when I was distracted, depressed, and feeling alone while my mother was ill. It attacked Autumn when I was living with my last ex (different than the one who summoned a demon to come after me) but I was being used and abused by him and I was an hour away from my friends and family while suffering from a stronger bout of depression.

This thing is attacking my friends when I'm weak and alone unable to help them. It ran Lizard and Sarah away and in the last few years Harper has been fading out from my life. I think its entirely possible that this thing is coming after me. Could this be something that has latched on to me by its own will or is this that thing one of my ex's summoned to come after me? I guess that much doesn't really matter, what does matter is I need to know how to protect myself and my friends from it.

*side note I have big time insomnia issues and Autumn thinks that this thing is a part of it. Another friend had suggested last year that I meditate to help me go to sleep but each time I did meditate I was attacked in my meditations. There have been times that I'm on the verge of sleep on my own and this voice wakes me up saying evil things about killing me or harming me. I always thought it was just my subconscious trying to harm me what if its this thing getting to me while I'm asleep?
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Re: Demons

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

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