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Irresponsible Fox News (attack on Wiccans)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:09 pm
by Firebird
Fox News is not going to get any good reviews from us. This was about the most irresponsible broadcast I have ever seen. It is filled with bigotry and misinformation, and the reporter there hasn't passed elementary school math. Makes them look very bad, and gives another reason to NOT believe every thing you hear.
Sorry for the delay in posting this... as it is already old news!

There is a slew of people speaking out about this one, how can we set them strait or get them to make a public apology???

Re: Irresponsible Fox News (attack on Wiccans)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:17 pm
by Firebird
This woman had a pretty reasonably rant, and there is a petition under the video. Please sign.
Demand an apology. Call the station. This was reporting at it's very worst.

the petition link... ... YxMzgyNjUx

here is the Fox station info:...

Fox News Personnel:

Brian Lewis, Executive Vice President
Corporate Communications
Phone: 212-301-3331
Fax: 212-819-0816

Irena Briganti, Group Senior Vice President
Media Relations
Phone: 212-301-3608
Fax: 212-819-0816

Re: Irresponsible Fox News (attack on Wiccans)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:46 pm
by Xiao Rong
I know that this clip represents serious and on-going discrimination against Pagans ... but I also couldn't help but chortle when they kept saying "Wiccanism". And at that guy who says, "Call me a bigot!" Why yes, yes I will.

Anyways. Fox News is reprehensible.

Re: Irresponsible Fox News (attack on Wiccans)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:02 pm
by Zili
As a pagan I tend to brush crap like this off, we can't please everyone, and not everyone is willing to listen. However as a journalist myself granted my writing was about makeup, it pisses me off that they didn't do their research! No journalist is supposed to provide their own opinion they are suppose to provide only facts this was unprofessional and a disgrace to the business.

Re: Irresponsible Fox News (attack on Wiccans)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:54 pm
by SnowCat
I couldn't get the video to load, maybe tomorrow. We didn't go away just because Dubya didn't like us. We're not going away just because Fox News doesn't like us. Do they have any idea how many pagans work in health care?


Re: Irresponsible Fox News (attack on Wiccans)

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:21 am
by Holdasown
SnowCat wrote:I couldn't get the video to load, maybe tomorrow. We didn't go away just because Dubya didn't like us. We're not going away just because Fox News doesn't like us. Do they have any idea how many pagans work in health care?

I listen to a pagan radio show for vets and last night was about first responders. I don't think the have an idea at all about any of it.

Re: Irresponsible Fox News (attack on Wiccans)

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:31 pm
by SnowCat
Lucky for them, we actually tend to practice what we preach.


Re: Irresponsible Fox News (attack on Wiccans)

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:34 pm
by The Judge
Fox has made an apology for the news cast. ... detailpage

Re: Irresponsible Fox News (attack on Wiccans)

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:36 pm
by Xiao Rong
It still seemed like a hollow apology, but better than nothing, I suppose ....

Thanks for posting the link, Judge!

Re: Irresponsible Fox News (attack on Wiccans)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:26 pm
by Firebird
Ya Xiao...Right??? It's kinda like he was forced. I guess it's a start...a pretty pathetic one.
Glad to see it none-the-less, thanks for posting Judge.

Re: Irresponsible Fox News (attack on Wiccans)

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:39 am
by The Judge
If they were sincerely remorseful for saying it, they wouldn't have said it in the first place. Can't teach everyone but we can stop ourselves from reacting to stupidity. Let it flow over you as water does over the stone. It may wear at your patience but it won't move you. :)

Re: Irresponsible Fox News (attack on Wiccans)

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 11:31 am
by Firebird
Good advise Judge, thanks. I do tend to get a bit riled by injustices.

Re: Irresponsible Fox News (attack on Wiccans)

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 2:03 pm
by SingingCanyon
I think my favorite part was when they tried to make Christians martyrs because they "can't" say 'Merry Christmas" in a piece that misrepresented an entire religion so incredibly.
Also, 20 holidays?? Where on earth are these people getting their information??

Re: Irresponsible Fox News (attack on Wiccans)

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 11:29 pm
by valerian moon
i have some experience with fox news in general, and it's all opinionated bull crap.
if you don't agree with their opinions they will talk over you until you give up.
you won't be able to finish a sentence.
you will be harassed, blamed, and persecuted for everything. i saw a woman on fox news say a rape victim deserved it because she was ugly.
so going by that, make your own judgements about fox news.
they're not going to apologize.

Re: Irresponsible Fox News (attack on Wiccans)

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:51 pm
by Sage50
I know its been a year ago but I didn't see where anyone posted that they apologist to Wiccans and pagans. So I just going to say that if you want to get anything done. You should send your petition to a congressman.