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Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 5:22 pm
by villaness
I have been doing alot of reading lately about orgone and I am wondering what you all think about it? It makes sense to me, but I had never even heard if it until I was looking into chakra.

I see lots of stuff u can buy to cleanse both energies, are they related?
Both talk about the energy field around each person.
Its a bit confusing, lol

Re: Orgone

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:22 pm
by villaness
Bump, there is alot of stuff out there on orgone, no one here knows about or uses it?

Re: Orgone

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:35 am
by Firebird
I hadn't heard of this and went to go investigating. When I first started reading about it, I thought this sounds like the orgasmitron from Woody Allen's movie, Sleeper. As I read further it would seem that the idea quite possibly came from this devise. (Goofy movie, check it out for a little chuckle on cloning and cryogenics)
In any case, the idea is intriguing and I would like to know more. In working with the element of Ether it would seem the energy itself is something we create within a consecrated circle. The Orgone accumulator is an actual structure and I would think it runs along the same idea as grids and pyramids. We plan to construct a temporary pyramid at our camp this week, so we'll be experimenting with concentrated energy. Thanks for bringing this topic up villaness. Anybody else?
Blessings, Firebird
ps, I'll post this video on the matter...

Re: Orgone

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:21 pm
by Kassandra
firebirdflys wrote:...orgasmitron from Woody Allen's movie, Sleeper...cloning and cryogenics...working with the element of Ether...grids and pyramids...
It is worthwhile to look back over what has been called "science fiction" --science, yes; fiction, I venture to say, not necessarily so in more cases than not. It's my belief that a lot of actual technologies are slyly portrayed in movies and books with the specific intent to throw the world's populace off the scent trail of the truth of these technologies, some of which we all have easy access to (which is the problem).

Some call it, "Disclosure through Exposure," a very well-planned strategy which de-sensitizes peoples' consciousness to certain truths and therefore throws them off the path of discovering certain self-empowering information they might otherwise benefit from. Mass-media is the platform for this strategy, and it works very, very well. So, accordingly, we consider some actual technologies as cute jokes, and pass others off as silly "conspiracy theories," and so forth.

Anyway, I am interested in what your group comes up with regarding the pyramid, firebirdflys, glad you'll be sharing it. Very cool! And villaness, you may (or may not) be able to find some metaphysical group nearby with a few like-minded people who may also be developing orgone energy, I don't know. Either way, I encourage you to continue on your own, and I hope you share your experiences with us here! :)


Re: Orgone

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:37 pm
by villaness
I was in an new age type place the other day and while I was looking at some stones, low and behold there they were, small orgone devices.
I was almost giddy!! I asked to hold keep in mind I am not well versed in crystals, but when I closed my hands around it I could feel the vibration. It was fascinating!! I bought it of course, lol and am going to most likely get a few more.
There are lots of places to by them and they show up on Etsy, Ebay, and bonanza.
There are also lots of places that tell u how to make them, but I am not quite ready to do that yet.
My original idea was that I needed a chakra boost, and that led me to orgone. Some of what I read goes over my head but the idea that we are surrounded by negative energy from electronics and cell phone towers makes sense to me. And the idea that orgone can change that and help change that bad energy to good? I gotta try right?

Re: Orgone

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:23 pm
by Kassandra

Overview of orgone experimentation and application, as presented by Georg Ritschl, a self-proclaimed "orgone warrior":


Re: Orgone

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 6:58 am
by random417
Orgonite is based off of the psychological theories of Wilhelm Reich.

I've done some experiments with Reich's orgone accumulators, but those were boxes you got inside for the most part. Those worked well, but I've never experimented with the Orgonite "stones". It's focused rather than systemic, so it's a big change in how it's applied. If someone tries them out, I'd be interested in hearing how it works for you.

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Re: Orgone

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 9:40 am
by SpiritTalker
I have some 2" cubes and pyramids stationed around my property, and a 4" pyramid and cone in the house. (and a salt lamp) The energy cleansing is noticeable and continuous. I don't have to smudge.

Re: Orgone

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 12:43 pm
by Kassandra
random417 wrote:Orgonite is based off of the psychological theories of Wilhelm Reich.
Yes, that's who the video in FF's post above is mostly about.

I've heard good things about the "stones" version (or "tower busters" as they are also called). I have a friend who wears them around her neck in pendant form, and swears by them. The stones look super easy to make at home, for very little money.

Interesting toward the end of the video I posted above, Georg Ritschl warns people that if they're going to start "gifting" the environment with the stones, they'd better surround themselves first with about 200 of them in their own environment "protection." I thought that was a rather curious commentary.


Re: Orgone

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 2:14 pm
by SpiritTalker
Yea, I thought so too. Especially when he laughed, would you say uneasily? I wonder why? Maybe it was the 55 days imprisonment. Geez.

Changing direction; I made some notes on orgone energy last year when I was reading up on it. So for what it's worth, I'll share them here, in no specific order of importance:

Orgone energy is everywhere, in varying concentrations. It results from interaction of all things in the universe, and it also comes from the Sun in vast quantities. On earth, it's in constant motion, pulsing and spinning west-to-east, faster then the Earth's rotation. It passes through all known materials.

Orgone energy is attracted by organic matter, is absorbed and retained (by the way) by water, beeswax and metal, and stored by these in varying lengths of time. It is affected by a person's feelings and attitude and can by directed by them. It can be refracted by prisms and reflected by mirror-like surfaces.

All physical objects have specific characteristic orgone energy fields, which can be condensed or generated by pyramid, cone and triangle shapes. It is drawn to natural magnetic matter and quartz crystal.

Matter is created by orgone energy. (that one really excited me)

I believe orgone energy is what we use in spell casting.

Re: Orgone

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 2:53 pm
by Katrinkah
SpiritTalker wrote: I believe orgone energy is what we use in spell casting.
I agree. I believe orgone is the energy of life and creation. Also when we smudge and cleanse we are getting rid of dead orgone.