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Morning local radio show anti-paganism

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:47 pm
by SeerShadow
One of my local radio shows, (that doesn't devote it self to a particular religion) has a co-host that made an anti-Pagan comment. They were talking about the school systems little gift parties for Christmas, and Easter. Well that got on how they don't like to show things particuraly religous to make all students feel comfertable. And one of the co-hosts said "Ugh, you must go to a Pagan school" in a very rude tone, and went on with saying his children go to a Christian school. Just the way he said it, and in the context was very offensive.

Re: Morning local radio show anti-paganism

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:16 pm
by Xiao Rong
Ugh, barf. That's really reprehensible. I hate it when people assume that just because we're not praying to Jesus in schools or whatever we're waging a war on Christianity or Christmas or whatever.

Re: Morning local radio show anti-paganism

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:57 am
by Kassandra

Christianity = Paganism

Some things Christians might want to Google and/or research in a library are:

Easter and Astarte worship; Christmas and Saturn worship (Saturnalia); holly and the Druids; evergreen tree and Maypole and penis-worship fertility rites; sun god worship/Jesus/Nimrod/Tammuz/Odin; Babylonian/Egyptian/Christian "trinities"; the pagan Tau symbol and the so-called Christian cross; Santa Claus and Norse gods; the numerology all throughout the Bible; and what really got censored out of the Bible at Nicea and the other "Councils"...I could go on.

In short, don't take it personally whenever Christians put down paganism. They honestly don't know their own know: "Forgive them Goddess, for they know not what they do," lol. :wink: They literally know not.


Re: Morning local radio show anti-paganism

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:19 pm
by SeerShadow
Kassandra, your right I mean if only they took time to research instead of instantly putting down Pagan(and other) beliefs.

Re: Morning local radio show anti-paganism

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:02 am
by raynelae
Honestly this doesn't surprise me. Most small towns (I'm assuming you're in one) are very close-minded...just like the one I'm in. People are very rude and ignorant..end of story.