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What type of Wicca is this? or what should i call myself?

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:07 pm
by Lover of War
OK so to begin....
I believe in Faeries, reincarnation but also summerland, big bang and creation
The Gods and Goddesses of the world are all just different aspects of The God and Goddess
You should never talk bad about your ancestors
Psychic gifts and stuff like that
honor the earth, and all of her creatures
the threefold law
law of attraction

Please and thank you,
Blessed Be Aaron

Re: What type of Wicca is this? or what should i call myself

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:23 pm
by raynelae
Maybe Faery Wicca? If, that is, you put a strong emphasis on the fae. You seem very neo-Wiccan. However, I can't label you...only YOU know within your heart what is right for you and what to call yourself!
Blessings to you on your journey!!

Re: What type of Wicca is this? or what should i call myself

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:23 pm
by -Dark-Moon-
Check out Green Witchcraft by Ann Moura.

Some guys like Christopher Penczaks books.

Anything by Raven Grimassi

If you have a scientific bent you might like to check out chaos magic.

What are your magical goals or your general goals of studying the craft?


Re: What type of Wicca is this? or what should i call myself

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:11 pm
by Lover of War
Well i was born on Beltane and i learned its a good day to commune with the wee folk. But i don't have a strong emphasis on them. Also i own the book Grimoire for the green witch by Ann moura.I remember reading something on this forum about Celtic green witch with Shinto ways. It makes sense to me. Well thanks
Blessed be,
Ps. if there is still anything that people want to say its still open.

Re: What type of Wicca is this? or what should i call myself

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 1:39 pm
by SnowCat
I consider myself eclectic. Probably eccentri too. LOL!


Re: What type of Wicca is this? or what should i call myself

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 3:07 pm
by raynelae
Lol, Snowcat most of us are! WiccanTeen7, it's a bit hard to get into a specific sect of Wicca unless you're in a coven. Normally, solitaries like myself are eclectic, so we blend many forms of Wicca into one.

Re: What type of Wicca is this? or what should i call myself

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:35 pm
by -Dark-Moon-
Lol snowcat

I don't know how long I'd last in a Wiccan coven. I have a history of challenging the status quo.

Hence I am eclectic also.

Wiccan teen how about turning it up a notch then? Look into hermetic teachings, high magic, Kabbalah. Or take it darker with Nocturnal Witchcraft by Konstantinos


Re: What type of Wicca is this? or what should i call myself

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:36 am
Why not just call yourself an eclectic witch?...
Don't worry about labels! Your not a "Gucci"bag!!!

Love who you are.. A Pagan, eclectic witch!!!!


Re: What type of Wicca is this? or what should i call myself

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:48 am
by Lillady
I find it wonderful that you are into all those beautiful things. Typically I don't label, but to answer you I would say that being eclectic would suit you. However, I believe that only you know what is in your heart. You can believe and follow various things and not have to be quote, "labeled" Another way you could think of yourself is highly spiritual because even those of us who believe in Fairies are still spirtiual :) Blessed Be!

Re: What type of Wicca is this? or what should i call myself

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:48 pm
by loona wynd
Most traditions or named styles of witchcraft have initiation requirements. Solitaries can create their own path and name it what ever they want. If you like Ann Moura's works you could call yourself a Green witch.

There are a few traditions that work with fairies and fae creatures:


Again those require typically initiation and training within a coven setting. That being said there are some books out there published on these traditions which could give you some further insight.

I can post a list if you or anyone else is interested.

Re: What type of Wicca is this? or what should i call myself

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:50 pm
by Lover of War
Thanks everybody, and u don't have to. I don't place too much emphasis on them. I just believe in them as beings that can provide support.

Re: What type of Wicca is this? or what should i call myself

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:43 pm
by loona wynd
WiccanTeen7 wrote:Thanks everybody, and u don't have to. I don't place too much emphasis on them. I just believe in them as beings that can provide support.
I am an eclectic witch that practices an eclectic path. I am trying to develop it into a cohesive tradition and whole that I could teach others,

You are most defiantly a typical modern eclectic Wiccan witch. The All Gods are aspects of one God and Goddess is a key factor in that identity.

Re: What type of Wicca is this? or what should i call myself

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:46 pm
by Lover of War
Oh, and eclectic just means picking from different sources to fit ur own beliefs right?

Re: What type of Wicca is this? or what should i call myself

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:29 am
by loona wynd
WiccanTeen7 wrote:Oh, and eclectic just means picking from different sources to fit ur own beliefs right?
Essentially yes. You may have one or two core practices you have from on basis and take other things from there. This means you are free to basically study any path you want to and add it into your practice if it calls to you and you see fit to add it.

Re: What type of Wicca is this? or what should i call myself

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:39 pm
by Lover of War
Oh ok thanks. :)