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New to the Craft; parent issues

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:45 pm
by EmeraldMist
Hey there,
As stated in the title, I am new to all of this. I have a bit of a parent issue. I grew up in a Church. My parent are VERY Christian. My family members have no clue that I've basically switched faiths. I do not live with them, thank goodness! My boyfriend is supporting me which is really great. I hide my books, and tarot cards when my parents come around. Everything else like herbs, wands, chalices, etc, stay out in the open. To many of you this may not seem like a huge deal, but I feel quite torn. Wicca feels more right with me. I always felt I never really belonged in the Christian Church. My entire family are Christian. I was until 7 months ago when things started becoming more clear. Any advice?

AcrossTheWater// EmeraldMist

Re: New to the Craft; parent issues

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:47 pm
by raynelae
I wouldn't rush telling them, especially since you don't live with them. You'll just know when it's the right time to come out. I'm in the process of coming out to my parents and I've been practicing as a Pagan under their roof for almost two years. Changing religions is a process. You have to absorb some information, but the most important part is that you follow your heart and intuition. Paganism isn't a structured, dogmatic religion. You will find that you will grow and evolve the longer you practice. The most important thing is that you get connected with the seasons of the earth and the phases of the moon. The more time you spend in nature, which is our temple, the deeper connection you''ll have with the God and Goddess. Also, since you came from a Christian background it's more than likely that you've been stripped of the Goddess for a long time. It's very natural to be somewhat closer and drawn to Her than it is to the God, in my opinion. Just remember that He too has his roles. Books don't have near as much the information as does the Earth and your own intuition. While you must rely on them to get information at first, you will soon find your own answers within. :) Please feel free to message me or post any questions you have on this board! Welcome! )O(

Re: New to the Craft; parent issues

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:17 pm
by SnowCat
Remember to breathe. It sounds silly, but it's really easy to find yourself holding your breath when the stress level starts amping up. So, remember to breathe. The old ways have been around for a long time. The Goddess will wait for you as you find your way.


Re: New to the Craft; parent issues

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:09 pm
by A new found power
I was in a similar situation to you, but chose to tell my parents.

They reacted quite badly as Christians, claiming I was "summoning Satan" and a whole host of nonsensical claims. They claimed it was "just a phase" and that "I'd find my way back to the light." [This was two years ago.] You're in a stronger position than most. You are independent, have a supporting boyfriend and feel right about your faith. They don't have a right to know your Religion, but it undermines trust between yourself and them to not tell them. It is ultimately up to you, but as they can't control you really, I would be inclined to tell them, and make it clear that it's your life choice, and really none of their business! However, don't do what I did - Don't rush it. There is a time and a place for everything. Consider the possibilities and possible positives / negatives, and over-time you will know exactly what you should think you should do.

Best of luck!

Re: New to the Craft; parent issues

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:24 pm
by Moonface
I am currently in this situation but I still live with my father and to be honest I personally feel some things are better left unsaid. The thing with me is I am open to listening and learning about other religions and such and once in a while(every year or so) I go to church with my father just to please him. I just feel he's my dad it's the least I could do, we don't need to believe in the same things and I don't bicker about it or bring it up. He talks, I listen, he's made comments saying "I'm worried are you becoming a Pagan?" And I just say I don't like church ,and try to leave it at that.

Re: New to the Craft; parent issues

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:02 pm
by MsMollimizz

Please don't let it get to where it's eating a hole in your stomach and such...
Try telling which either one you think would take it better than the other ?
You might be able to gauge how the other will react...?
Either way don't beat yourself up over this or your magick will suffer !
Gentle Light