A Spirit Watching Me - What Do I Do?

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A Spirit Watching Me - What Do I Do?

Post by HippieWitch »

Not even sure where to start on this. To put it simply, I've been seeing a spirit near my garage, watching me on several occasions recently. She just stands there, watching me if I'm doing something or if I'm pulling out of the driveway to leave. Her appearance is recent. I'm just not sure what to think of her watching me.

Where I live was one of the earliest farms in Sevier County, TN, so there is some history here. But, I can barely tell what she's wearing, a long dress, so I can't tell what period she may be from. She's never come close to me, so I don't know what to think about her. There has been quite a lot of activity here since I spoke with a spirit I summoned, so she could be connected to that.

SO what do y'all think and what would you do in this situation?
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Re: A Spirit Watching Me - What Do I Do?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Acknowledge her. Let her know you see her. See how she responds.

You could perform some divination if you are up for that.

I think your interpretation of her showing up in connection with recent spirit work is spot on. I love that your post does not sound fearful or worried about her. This conveys to me the energy she is conveying to you, if that makes sense. You don't sound worried about being harmed or anything. Seems like gentle energy.

Most of the time they just want to be seen too.

You sound as though she is in no way upsetting your sense of balance. I would treat this one as a passing ship in the night. Feel happy that she's visiting you. Try asking her to help with something you have really needed help with. She may even help you. If she keeps hanging around, she may be lost. At that point you can check if she needs help to get to where she needs to be.

You said you have had some activity there. what did you summon if i may ask? Are you getting any knocking or banging at home? Did you banish afterwards ?
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Re: A Spirit Watching Me - What Do I Do?

Post by HippieWitch »

You would be correct in that I don't feel in danger from her. The feeling I'm getting from her is one of peace and calming. I was thinking earlier tonight, and talked to my fiancee about it and I think I will try to make contact. Also, I don't mind telling what I summoned at all. It was the spirit of a deceased family member, who died a pretty horrific death. My experience with him was very different than other spirits I've summoned in the past. It was both exciting and terrifying at the same time. I knew he wasn't going to harm me in any way, but be forced me to go through his death, seeing it through his eyes, and feeling what he felt. It has been quite a while since then, and I still get chills thinking about it.

But, ever since then, there have been, I'm not really sure how to put this, shadow creatures and people pretty regularly. By creatures, the most interesting happened a few weeks ago. I was sitting on the deck smoking and waiting for my fiancee to get off as I always do, and I kept hearing this sound. The only way I can think to describe it was a "wooshing" sound, like a large flying creature. At first I couldn't tell where it was because my deck is covered. My 8 year old Belgian Melanois went nuts and started barking looking up into the sky from the yard, so I went to see what she was barking about. I figured just a bunch of bats, since they are everywhere here, but it wasn't. What I saw wasn't a human spirit at all. The only way I can think to describe it was demonic.

But with that situation I never felt threatened or any negativity. It had an ancient feeling to it. That wasn't the first time I've seen it though. Saw it at a house about 45 minutes away where I used to live. Anyways, since summoning the spirit of my relative, there have been shadow people, strange noises (growling, scratching, stuff like that), and things being moved around quite often. There have been a few times I've felt threatened by what is here now, but it isn't a common feeling.

Back to the subject, the woman appearing is pretty recent. I'm just not really sure how I should try to approach her to make contact.
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Re: A Spirit Watching Me - What Do I Do?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

What method did you use to contact your relative? Could you use this method again? You may have brought some lower level stuff in with him. Did you banish afterwards?

I dont really like the sound of the growling/scratching, but again, if youre summoning, or even just performing witchcraft generally, its not that unusual to have these things occur, Again, you dont seem that bothered by them or fearful, which is why they cant hang around and feed off potential fear you might generate if you were hiding under the blankets clutching a crucifix, lol. Anyway, from time to time I deal with those negative entities in one of 2 ways. The first is just to banish in whatever method works for you. The second is to acknowledge them but create that much positive/higher vibrational energy in your space that they don't like. They can't stand it and leave. This method is that containment of positive energy in your space deflects the negative stuff you want to avoid and produces something similar to a cast circle at home. So burn candles, burn oils, let light in, clear the dust and cobwebs away etc.

You can communicate via ouija, pendulum, cards, scrying. For me scrying works best, and this is how evocation works, although you can also try automatic writing. Also, if you are sensitive, try simply going to the spot she was at and standing there, and see what you feel/know. Mediums actually invoke the spirit sometimes, although I'm not sure if you are wanting to do this, although it does sound as if you did this last time with your relative.

Start by asking her if she is the spirit and when you saw her her and where ... Then after that you can ask her anything you like. Be respectful and also don't forget to let her know that this isn't her home, but ask why she is here. If she asks you do do anything, be skeptical.

The shadow people tend to hang around people like us for reasons that no one has really been able to ascertain. They can really freak you out if you're not used to seeing them. I think they are chthonic entities, but I don't let them hang around, except for one who appears sometimes in the mirror of an old antique dresser I own. It mildly freaks my partner out sometimes because it has tentacles and things, but we don't bother ourselves with it much as it doesn't actually bother me. Usually when I see a lot of them at home, I just do the methods above. They hate Tibetan singing bowls and loud noise, so they don't usually last long at my house anyway :)

Let us know how you go
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Re: A Spirit Watching Me - What Do I Do?

Post by HippieWitch »

Looks like the activity here has gotten a lot more active. I was going to post on here last night, saying I hadn't tried making contact yet. But others had different plans. I was sitting here on the deck, enjoying the night, when at first my dog ended up getting attacked. I think that was coincidence to the rest but who knows. Since it smelled like a skunk sprayed, my inside dog, a collie/wolf mix, couldn't be just let out to go to the bathroom. So I walked with her through the yard, when I saw the woman again. My dog noticed as she took off after the woman. I stopped my dog though, and got her to get in the front yard, and when I was looking if there was a skunk, in 2 places, I saw red glowing eyes. I actually shined the light on and off the eyes, and in the light they would disappear, but glow instantly when the light was off of them.

So within a 30-45 minute period, I and my dog saw the woman, then 2 sets of glowing red eyes. By about 3 am, activity picked up a little more, before stopping altogether. Ended up hearing the growling again and heard scratching sounds going down the hallway, which I could confirm that the rest of the people here were asleep. The scratching was slow, but like someone walking down the hall dragging their nails down the wall. My fiancee is a bit uncomfortable with the amount of activity here now, so I wonder what's gotten loose here. I'm as nervous as I am intrigued over the sounds and apparitions.
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Re: A Spirit Watching Me - What Do I Do?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Sounds like something that would make a great guardian for your house if you could make peace with it and there were no pacts made. Don't try putting anything but a thought form into an object or things might go pear shaped.

What is your witchy intuition telling you to do?

Do you have any spirits you work with that you trust that will protect you ?

What steps have you taken and were they effective?

Are you working from a particular magical system ?

I'm mean aren't I, asking all these questions !

Totally empathize with the partner hiding under the bed sheets. Mine may be 210 pounds of muscle but hes frightened as a kitten when this level of activity occurs. It's probably wise to take decisive action. Don't be passive with these things.

I guess i would say that it's important to think about the consequences of your actions. That's why we don't make pacts with incubi and that kinda stuff, kids! In those cases, once that choice is made, it is made and you have to find a way to live with it ...

The electrician was here yesterday and he informed me I have 'ghosts'. We had to replace the power board as we were having electrical issues with things shorting out occasionally. It had to be replaced from an age point of view anyhow. $1800 later, he tells me that there is strange moving electrical activity in the house but he can't find any cause. Tell me something i dont already know, haha. Maybe he's just a crap electrician. He's coming back to try and get to the bottom of it. Either way, you live with it.
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Re: A Spirit Watching Me - What Do I Do?

Post by SnowCat »

I've been fortunate in mosttly having friendly ghost visits. I have a specteal puma that pops in occasionally. I've been fortunate in my skunk encounters too. I greet them, they look surprised, and waddle off. I haven't had the pleasure of paying an electrician to tell me I have weurd electrical activity in my house. I did, however, pay good money to a mechanic years ago to tell me the air conditioner in my car wasn't working. Ya think? I told him that when I dropped the car off to have the air conditioning fixed.

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Re: A Spirit Watching Me - What Do I Do?

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

I love your spectral cat stories, Snowcat.

Yes, I'm slightly miffed by this scenario ... Hopefully it's just some dicky wire he can do something about.

We had a few rambling strange people breaking into some of the houses in my area. as well as installing a security light and doing mundane things, I put a protective egregore into a gigantic tribal mask that lives by my front door. i have one at the front door and one at the back. The hummingbirds were right on them and built nests that hang right in front of each of them and successfully raised many clutches of chicks there. They seem to prefer it even though they have to deal with me walking past the nest all the time. It's working for them, lol. Funnily enough that's where Mr electrical localised the problem to. There's no power outlet or wires there :) its just a brick wall hence he says 'there's ghosts'.

Strange coincidences :flyingwitch:
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Re: A Spirit Watching Me - What Do I Do?

Post by DPhoenix »

For the record, skunks have an amber/reddish eye shine at night. Though I have no doubts you are dealing with various entities the red eyes may or may not have been the skunk.

I'm wondering if you accidentally left the portal open when you summoned the family member or if your spiritual energy is acting like a beacon to draw these entities to you. You may want to try a cloaking spell to hide that energy if that's the case.

Anyway, good luck & Goddess bless! <3
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Re: A Spirit Watching Me - What Do I Do?

Post by astralsolitaire »

I feel she's been in that area for a very long time. When you summoned that other spirit it clued her into the fact that you can see and talk to her. When you speak to her make sure the dog is outside, it may piss her off. You may want to get on the web or go to the archives to find out the history of the town, you may find out why her impression is still there.
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