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Favorite Crystal

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:49 pm
by raynelae
Hello! I'd like to ask everyone what their favorite crystal is and how you use it for healing or in magickal workings. I will start by saying that kyanite and black tourmaline are two of my favorite crystals (I have many more favorites lol!) I love to use my black tourmaline for when I go out into crowds because it helps to shield me and allows negativity to transmute into positivity. I use kyanite because I've found it to be very calming, it helps to keep my chakras cleared, and it also allows me to recieve guidance from my spirit guides. I am really interested to hear what everyone else has to say, so please share your experiences!!
Bright blessings :)

Re: Favorite Crystal

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:22 pm
by Firebird
Wow, that's a hard one...(pun intended!)
I think one of my first favorites is hematite, when I was a little girl, my mother had a beautiful pendant with matching earrings, (the screw on type!) she got them while living in Alaska. It was set in gold, rose gold and white gold. I loved those pieces of jewelry, but time and bad choices got the pendant lost and one of the earrings. I keep the remaining earring in a box. Then several years ago my father bought me a strand of hematite "pearls" they are heavy and beautiful. I keep them on my Altar. So...that's probably it...Hematite, my first favorite stone I feel so grounded and protected when I hold them or wear them.
but the list goes on....(stay tuned!)
BB, Firebird

Re: Favorite Crystal

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:11 pm
by Starfox Amaranth
That is indeed a hard one! (I love that pun, by the way) I've always been fond of rubies and sapphires but I have plenty of other favorites. I used to have a bracelet with an unpolished ruby set in it. Whenever I needed to feel confident (particularly if giving a speech or something like that) I'd wear the ruby bracelet. Of course, I lost it through my own negligence. Wearing sapphire helps me stay calm and grounded in heated situations. When I was a little girl, I found a piece of pyrite on the creek bed near my house and to this day I carry it if I feel like I need extra protection in difficult situations.

And while it's not the prettiest stone (not in my opinion, anyway) I've gotten to be rather fond of Tiger's Eye. As a graduation present, one of my best friends made me a necklace and matching earrings with Tiger's Eye and turquoise. I wore both when I had to testify against a very, very mean ex-boyfriend in court. I've read that Tiger's Eye is known to help draw confidence and discerning the truth in a situation and turquoise is often used for protection. That day I learned that this couldn't be closer to the truth and learned not to underestimate a gem just because it's not the prettiest of the bunch.

Re: Favorite Crystal

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:45 pm
by raynelae
Firebird, I love using hematite for my root chakra when I'm feeling ungrounded. It's a wonderful crystal and also very easy to find. Starfox, I happen to think toger's eye is a beautiful crystal hehe. I'm weird like that ;) it is a wonderful crystal to bring out personal power and confidence when you need it most.

Re: Favorite Crystal

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:23 am
by Lorraine
I'm quite new to the world of crystals, but I'm trying to focus and create a real bond with the ones I have by sitting and meditating, every single time I've been drawn to and used my little labradorite, it seems to have a white glow all round it ... I think we have something going on ;)

Re: Favorite Crystal

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:06 pm
by raynelae
Yes, Lorraine, meditating with your crystals will stregthen your bond with them. Holding them in your receptive hand (left hand if you write with your right hand, and vice versa lol) and meditating helps a lot. You will soon be able to learn what crystals you need for healing and magickal workings by doing this, and it's also a great way to know if you need to cleanse your crystals.

Re: Favorite Crystal

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:07 pm
by raynelae
I'm back hehe..I have many favorite crystals. I would like to add amazonite and moonstone to my favorite list as well! :)

Re: Favorite Crystal

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:17 pm
by drago25
Mine be black tourmaline, Tigers eye, and the classic Clear Quartz all i find helpful when I'm out and about

Favorite Crystal

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:16 am
by SylverSparro
Opal. Moonstone. Turquoise. But nothing compares to the rose quartz around my neck.

Re: Favorite Crystal

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:27 pm
by North Star
I have my favorite 3 that I cannot go without, and I think they cover most of what I use my crystals for... clear quartz, rose quartz and amethyst. Although the new one (waiting for shipment) I have just been drawn to and I never thought I would spend so much on a stone, but I just fell in love at first sight. And it is something I need right now in a big way...

Watermelon Tourmaline...In magickal folklore, Watermelon Tourmaline is a superior activator of the heart chakra, helps to resolve conflict and emotional dysfunction, and encourages tolerance, serenity, humor, understanding, love and friendship.


Re: Favorite Crystal

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:03 pm
by -Dark-Moon-
Love the watermelon tourmaline!

I wear moonstone all the time... Especially when I want to tune myself in with magical and psychic experiences

I wear labradorite or rose quartz when the mood takes me

I wear jet for protection as a bracelet sometimes

Amethyst has amazing energies but to wear it for me it's too much.

As a stone to have in my home I absolutely love kyanite, and this is definitely one of my favorites

Re: Favorite Crystal

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:09 pm
by raynelae
That's a beautiful crystal, North Star! :) I'm loving reading everyone's favorites. I'll be heading to a local store this weekend that sells crystals and gemstones. I will be sure to let you all know some of my purchases.

Re: Favorite Crystal

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:21 pm
by Lillady
I have many favorites as well but narrowing it down I would have to say the top on my list are Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst. When I am around them or carry them with me I feel purely energized and calm. One of the best feelings to have especially on those stressful days we all have :)

Re: Favorite Crystal

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:15 pm
by -Dark-Moon-
Raylenae new magical goodies that's exciting!

Looking forward to hearing about your purchases ...

Next on my hit list is a piece of Celestite

http://heavencanwaitcardsandgifts.blogs ... e.html?m=1

Re: Favorite Crystal

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 6:33 am
by laureah21
My favourite at the moment is my Alexandrite engagement ring. it is a certified natural stone and seems to change colour from day to day with varying shades of free to purple under differnt lights. a brillant red under UV light!
it is truly magical. Lots of people question the non diamond engagement ring but i was so drawn to Alexandrite that i had to have one and waited 3 months for my gemologist to find it. it makes me feel fabulous ;p