Not sure if I'm posting in the right place

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Not sure if I'm posting in the right place

Post by babegrl »

but I do need some help...I'm new here so bare with me. I have read a few posts and searched the web hundreds of times for some answers.

I want to cast a spell, I read love spells are not a good idea so, I don't want to do that but, not sure what I need. Here is my situation, I was dating this guy for a year and he just disappeared about 2 weeks ago. I have not heard a peep from him. I know I need to move on and at the same time I need closure which he is not willing to give me. I never did anything wrong to this man, we have known each other for 7-8 yrs and now he's gone...without a word. I know he is alive and well cause he still signs on to IM but, I dont dare to IM him. I already sent him text messages and an email. I know I sound desperate and I probably am at this point. We even went through something very tragic together at the beginning of this year...which even makes this harder for me to let go..

I just want him to call me and tell me he's ok...that's all i really want at this point, i want to hear his voice. Maybe a spell to make him call him? Would that work? I probably sound like a fool cause I don't know anything about these things =(

Anyone have any suggestions/advice? Anything would be appreciated!! Thanks in advance
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Post by Leo*Moon »

Do you physically see him at all? I'm not very good at giving relationship advice but it might be a good idea to just talk to him, face to face. There might be a half decent explaination for what's going on. If he's giving you the cold shoulder couldn't you take that as closure? Or you could just let him be a douche bag and not talk to him so you don't give him the satisfaction of having seeming control over you. I don't know the situation well enough to give you rock solid advice but it's something.
The fool thinks himself to be wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. ~Shakespeare

Post by Yavanna »

The usual spell for a telephone call is not a good one, in my opinion.
I have used it occasionally and don't feel comfortable with it.
The one I don't like is a poem that relates unrest or unease to the recipient until he/she calls you. That one I won't give out.

A better one is simple -

Write the intended's name on a piece of paper, and place it on the telephone while thinking of the intended phoning you, and the reasons why you want to talk to that person.
It takes a lot of concentration. If you truly need to know that your friend is okay, the fates will make sure that you will, eventually.

I know, because I went through something similar.
My husband was told that my dearest friend had been murdered.
I didn't know where he'd gone - it was like my friend disappeared of the face of the earth. Hard work and persistance lead me to a website 3 years later, where I found that he was okay, and had a good job. (It was his employer's website.) I found his email there, and we have conversed happily, and all explanations have been made.

Don't assume the worst - it ruins the vibes. Just concentrate on contacting him, and relating to the universe how much you care about his welfare.
Eventually you'll find him. Rememeber too that I know it's an old prverb, but God helps those who help themselves. So keep up the search!
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Post by moonlit »

Why dont you want to IM him??
**Nothing is set in stone**

Post by Invoke »

Was he the kind of guy who always chased after you? Did you ever confront him before if ever you both got into an arguement? What if he wants you to chase him this time?
Why don't you try a peace spell? Make up a short rhyme and chant it with a candle lit and visualize recieving a message or an e-mail from him. It worked for me. I don't see why it wouldn't for you if your seeking for an answer.

But back to moonlit's question ... why don't you want to IM him?


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