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The Mystic Cookbook - Review

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:38 am
by Alura Noel

The Mystic Cookbook: The Secret Alchemy of Food by Denise Linn and Meadow Linn


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About the Book

Provocative and insightful, this eclectic, inspiring, and beautiful book will open your eyes to the remarkable link between nourishment and spiritual awakening. Filled with ancient wisdom, practical advice, personal anecdotes, vibrant ceremonies, and original dishes lavishly illustrated with color photographs, The Mystic Cookbook brings to life a wealth of recipes and a myriad of experiences from places as far-reaching as Mexico, Italy, Vietnam, France, North Africa, and India—as well as from mystical, legendary, and mythic realms.

You’ll also discover how to increase the vibration of the food you eat to heighten conscious awareness; use food to open your chakras; trigger past-life memories with aroma; invite fairies and angels for dinner; travel through time and space from the comfort of your dining table; create feasts to activate abundance, success, and love . . . plus much more! In Denise Linn and Meadow Linn’s extraordinary book, learn little-known secrets about the food you eat and how it can mystically transform your life!

[book excerpt]

Ch. 1: Eating your way to a deliciously enlightened life
Ch. 2: Spiritual food for spiritual breakthrough
Ch. 3: Infusing food with spirit: Raising your consciousness one bite at a time
Ch. 4: Discover your inner mystic chef: Alchemical cooking
Ch. 5: Sacred space: Energizing your dining experience
Ch. 6: Cooking up magic!
Ch. 7: Legendary meals to expand spiritual consciousness
Ch. 8: More than meets the eye: Organic, free range, local, sustainable… Oh my!

Also has conversion charts and an index of the recipes

Recipe Index


What I liked

This book has quite a bit of information in this book but its easy reading. I’m sure someone who’s interested in paganism/New age will recognize some of the things that they go over but they spin it in different ways that I didn’t think about. So in that way, it was like new information and inspiring for me.

The authors also included helpful exercises for a lot of subjects they talked about. Some of them were a wee bit corny but most of them will get you to thinking.

When I cook, I love to prepare food from all cultures so this book really hit home for me. Most of the recipes would be considered “ethnic.” I haven’t tried any of the recipes yet but I am excited.

Also, the book is set up pretty interesting. The recipes are organized in relation to what subject they are going over. And the book is truly beautiful; so many pictures and interesting layouts, fonts… Like a scrapbook kind of.
I think anyone interested in cooking and spirituality would find something they liked out of this book.

What I didn’t like

They didn’t include a list of where they got their information. I understand with the spiritual/mystical a lot of it is faith based so it’s harder to source but even then I would have liked to know where they were drawing the information from. So I’d double check on their “facts” they put forth.

Also, this is more of a personal thing, they weren’t over a lot of past live things. I don’t know how I feel about the subject because I don’t know much about it but I didn’t care for it. Some of the things about it kinda had me raising my eyebrows… For example, if I had a food allergy they suggest that maybe in a past life I had a bad experience with it so by healing my past life regarding the bad experience the allergy would go away in my current life. Or If I don’t like a food that maybe in my past life something happened to make me feel that way now. I will say this, if someone’s interested in possible past lives and food they’d probably like what they went over.

I wish this book was a bit organized better (they don't even have an index, other than the recipe index, for the other information). I know it would take away from the easy reading but it’s kind of hard to reference because they bounce around from subject to subject and back again at times.

This book was a 4.5 out of a 5 for me. Truly beautiful and do able.

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