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Dreaming Among the Shadows

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 10:17 am
by Echo_of_shadows
I've been thinking of starting a dream journal on here, and last night's dream sealed the deal. :fairy: I'll be posting a mixture of my dreams as well as my opinions of my dreams. Thanks for reading and Sweet Dreams. :wink:

I dreamed that I was chased by a turkey. Honest to Goddess. But why last night of all nights? It can't be because I'm cooking Thanksgiving dinner. I cook every night and I made Thanksgiving dinner by myself last year and didn't have that sort of dream then. Sometimes I do dream of cooking, but not running from food. What I want to know is why can't I dream of being chased by a pizza? Maybe not. I can't see myself beating a pizza with a stick. :|

Re: Dreaming Among the Shadows

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:48 pm
by Klia
I love that saying <3 Honest to Goddess! ha. It's so cute and just flows off the tongue.

Maybe you love turkey more than pizza? I have NO idea.

Re: Dreaming Among the Shadows

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:13 am
by Echo_of_shadows
Klia wrote:Maybe you love turkey more than pizza? I have NO idea.
Maybe the turkey felt neglected since I usually eat it once a year. I would surely cry if I ate pizza only once a year. :cry:

I had a few weird dreams last night. I also woke up a lot. During the times I was awake my brain kept churning out a fictional scenario, so it seemed like there wasn't much difference between reality and my dreams. I knew reality was there though because Brain kept prattling on about teleportation. I think it's a result of playing Warcraft yesterday. I've had a very similar situation with time travel after watching Dr. Who. :|
I only remember two dreams. The first was of me and my boyfriend being at his parent's house. We played with one of the old gaming systems. I think it was Sega Genesis. Then my boyfriend and his parents decided that they all want to take naps, so I was the only one awake. But then all of these people showed up. I started having a panic attack from being around so many people. I was saved by my boyfriend's friend, who showed up wanting something from my boyfriend. Since boyfriend was asleep at first, I volunteered to go with his friend back to our house to find whatever the heck it was. The friend and I are standing around waiting for my boyfriend and I just blurt out, "Why don't you like me?" In my opinion, the guy has the personality of a junk yard dog. He tells me it's because I send mixed signals. What kind of crap is that?! That's mating game logic and at the end of the day, that's a dog I won't take home. Dream Echo apologizes to him for being that way. Traitor! Then the three of us are on our merry way back to our house. We pass a big automobile factory and the friend gives it the finger. Then he turns around and gropes me. Thank Goddess the dream ended right there 'cause that was creepy crap. :evilwitch:
The second dream started off at a party. The hors d'oeuvres looked Japanese. No surprise there, I do watch a lot of anime. It must not have been much of a party because I left. As I was walking out, some girl handed me an empty blue, plastic plate to take home for her. I try to figure out why she's running off with someone's dinner ware and she tells me, by way of explanation, "It's dishwasher safe." I looked at the hostess to see if she's going to say anything to me about her plate, but she doesn't. So I take the plate with me and get in the car with this girl and my mom. The car is very uncooperative. It goes forward while I'm trying to get it to go in reverse, and vice versa. That's nothing new. Cars hardly ever work right in my dreams, especially when I'm the driver. I think that's the point where I woke up for the day.

Re: Dreaming Among the Shadows

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:19 am
by Echo_of_shadows
I had a few dreams last night, but I'm only going to share the interesting bits.

I was walking down the driveway of an old house I used to live in. I was going toward the street toward two vehicles. The one closest to me, on the right was a big,
green van. It's actually a real vehicle that belongs to my boyfriend's friend. It's been sitting broken down in front of my place for about a month now. To the left is a blue classic car. It didn't look quite like a real car. Compared to a real car, I'd say it looked like a Chevy from the 1950's. I chose to ride in the blue car. No contest really. I'm a lover of classic cars, especially from the mid twentieth century. ::coolglasses:: I walked up to the car and seen that part of the passenger side window was broken. Classic cars in a state of disrepair make me sad. I got into the car with a woman. I don't know who she was, but she kind of looked like a friend of mine. We drove North though my old neighborhood. We only went a couple blocks before the car disappeared and we were left standing in a store that was selling antiques.The items seemed to be from the same era as the car.

I had a different dream that took place in the same neighborhood, but a couple blocks East of the first dream. Again, I was in a car, but this time I was driving and the car was more modern. I was also traveling North this time as well. In this dream, it was Halloween and lots of kids were out trick-or-treating. What made this dream stand out was that each street had a different color as its theme. The only colors I remember were pink, green and blue. There were no actual Halloween decorations hung, just stuff that matched that street's specific color.

Hmmm, driving North in my old neighborhood. I'm not sure if it really means anything. Maybe it's pointing to a bridge between my past and the present. I did grow up in that neighborhood and now I live in a neighborhood North of there. :| The van I believe was there for 2 reasons: 1) It's been in front of my house so long I consider it part of the scenery. 2) Its owner showed up today. My dreams reach deeper into the collective consciousness than waking Brain does.
*I'm not sure if collective consciousness is the right name, so please forgive me if I've mislabeled it.

Re: Dreaming Among the Shadows

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:29 pm
by Echo_of_shadows
I thought it would be interesting to share this little tidbit.

I dreamed that I was outside at night in an orchard or something like it. I was there to pick a peach. Just one. I looked up into the sky and there were 3 moons. All 3 were full and they were an
orange color.
I find it interesting that I would dream of fresh peaches because I don't like them. I prefer the canned variety. :| I know why the moons were full. I had mentioned to my boyfriend last night that the moon must be near full because it looked so bright outside. The full moon must have stuck in my head. I'd love to know why there were 3 moons.

Re: Dreaming Among the Shadows

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:49 pm
by Echo_of_shadows
Monday night I tried to get a specific kind of dream. (Dream incubation, I believe is the term for it.)I didn't do much for it like light candles or incense, just chanted a bit. Even that wasn't much, just a description of what kind of dream I wanted. I did try to be specific. I try to be specific with everything I ask for. I didn't get the dream I wanted. I asked for an erotic dream and I get Warcraft. blue_shocked That's what I get for talking to my boyfriend about one of my characters before bed. But see, that's the thing. I know that sometimes things that happen or are talked about before I go to sleep end up in my dreams. That's why I thought dream incubation would work.
I think if I try this again, I'll put a little more effort into it. I'll also try for a different kind of dream. I'm thinking that maybe I didn't get the dream because I didn't need it. :wink:

Re: Dreaming Among the Shadows

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 2:45 am
by Echo_of_shadows
I'm not neglecting this thread, but my dreams haven't had any real continuity lately. It seems like just random, jumbled stuff passing between my ears. I've been meaning to put together a list of some of the details to post on here. Maybe I'll do that later this week. For now, I leave you with one tidbit from Friday night:
I was chasing something. It was either a dog or a person. Whatever it was, it turned into a blue dragon. My reaction was to turn into a silver dragon. After I changed, I thought "Wait a minute. Wrong one." I changed back into myself, then I changed into an iridescent, white dragon. The blue dragon responded by saying "I'm being chased by the god of dragons." I guess I got to be Tiamat for a little while. :)

Re: Dreaming Among the Shadows

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:25 am
by Echo_of_shadows
I'm the victim of gross dreams. So disgusting! YUCK! Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. I do find it interesting that in that nasty dream I was wearing 3 or 4 necklaces, each with a Wiccan symbol on them. I think 2 of the necklaces had pentagrams and the other had a spiral. I find it interesting because of a dream I had earlier in the week:
I was walking home when I passed a house that had a bunch of stuff in the yard. I assumed that an eviction happened. I starting looking through the stuff and found some Wiccan books and magazines. So I started collecting them. There was yarn there too, so this was like a field day for me. I picked up a grocery bag to start putting all my new goodies inside. I started to pick up some yarn that went under the door of the house. Next thing, I'm inside. It turns out that the residents weren't evicted. Great. Now what? I told this couple that I seen a rat crawl under their door and I had chased it inside. Poor excuse, but they bought it. :P
Nothing really new here, I've has similar dreams, but I think wearing Wiccan symbols is new.

Re: Dreaming Among the Shadows

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:56 pm
by Echo_of_shadows
For the last few nights my dreams have been sharing a common theme. I'll dream that I'm somewhere and that my boyfriend is elsewhere. I'll try to contact him for whatever reason. Sometimes it's fear, other times it's strong desire, but mostly it seems that I need the comfort. So I'll try to contact him, and my phone won't work, or I can't find the phone, or I'll have both of our cellphones.
I think this is probably my own fault. Long story short, we know of a couple that broke up recently. They say that it's due to both of them becoming different people and growing apart. I can't help but worry about my own relationship.
I guess I need to get over this latest worry and just talk to him.

Re: Dreaming Among the Shadows

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:37 am
by Echo_of_shadows
I talked to my boyfriend before going to bed Saturday, and sure enough, putting my concerns out there stopped the dreams I was having.
So, now to figure out this other issue....
I dream of someone that was once a central part of my life, but in my dreams he's antagonistic. My reaction is to be antagonistic right back. I'm also screaming and swearing at him in my dreams.
Last night I dreamed of confronting him and saying "I wish I could go back to the time before you started scaring me to death."
This man was my godfather at one time. It was cool in the beginning because it was something that not a lot of other people had, so I felt unique. Somewhere along the line, he became mentally ill. I don't know what it was from or what exactly was wrong. Mom theorizes that it was from him using drugs when he was younger. He would talk about people listening in on his conversations, breaking into his house to steal things, aliens. That's scary crap when you're only a little girl. I'm not really sure if I'm scared of him now. :?

Re: Dreaming Among the Shadows

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:27 pm
by Echo_of_shadows
I dreamed that I was on a bus with my mom and we were going home. We passed a farm that had some peacocks. Mom asked the bus driver to stop, and told me to go get her some peacock feathers. I got off the bus and got the feathers. When I got back on the bus, Mom wasn't on it any more. I get dropped off in my old neighborhood. I discovered that I've ended up in a different time than my mom did. I go about getting some black spray paint so that I can climb up on a billboard and leave a message for Mom to let her know that I've made it home. I decide to spray paint a nickname of mine that I know that only she would know.
The name: Chicklet

I dreamed that I was standing in the parking lot of a store. All of sudden, the store is on fire and it collapses, all within mere seconds. I am the only survivor. I start walking home in the windy cold and dark night. I try to call home to get my boyfriend to come pick me up. The phone goes to voice mail.

*This was a real crappy dream, I started crying when I woke up.

Re: Dreaming Among the Shadows

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:09 pm
by Echo_of_shadows
One night last week (I don't remember which night), I kept having dreams that my ferret was lost. Sometimes he'd be lost in the living room, other times it would be my bedroom.Twice I woke up and sat up in bed, trying to figure out where I was (new house) and trying to find Squiggles.

Re: Dreaming Among the Shadows

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 2:44 pm
by Echo_of_shadows
Lots of weird stuff happened in my dreams last night. Let's pick through some of it.
  • I'm laying down on a children's toy train that's decorated for Easter. The track is a figure 8, or perhaps the symbol of infinity. My friend's brother is watching me. I sit up. I make a comment to the effect of "If I were drunk, this would be less embarrassing."
  • Somewhere in that same dream there's a person sized purple rook. I don't know where that came from because I don't know how to play chess!
  • I find a twenty dollar bill on the ground. The back has a note saying that it's a fake bill. I put it back down. Stupid thing. :evil:
  • Another wrestler appears! Last week it was Roddy Piper. This week its Mick Foley. I encounter both of them in stores.
  • My last dream is of us moving again. The house we're moving from in the dream is white with black trim and the number is sixty-something, I think 63, but I'm not positive. This doesn't look like our current place. We live in a house that's blue with white trim and the number is 220.

Re: Dreaming Among the Shadows

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 1:10 pm
by Echo_of_shadows
I get a few dreams about being with my friend's brother. I chalk it up to things ending abruptly and strangely after an alcohol induced whirlwind.
Some times after I dream of him, his name shows up afterward. Once I watched an episode of anime that had a character with the same name. This morning, the first song that came on Pandora was by an artist with the same name. I don't take it to really mean anything, especially not where him and I are concerned. I can easily blame what went on with us as being young and stupid, and just pretend it never happened.
I think the dreams occurred last night as a result of a random bout of insecurity with my boyfriend. The dreams weren't bad or scary in any way, but they still upset me when I woke up.

Re: Dreaming Among the Shadows

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:41 pm
by Echo_of_shadows
I think there's something blocked, or cut off, or something like that somewhere. I've had several dreams that feature the same little segment:
I'm traveling North on a road not too far from here that goes through the neighborhood I grew up in. I get a block away from the street I lived on most of my childhood, and then I have to turn left because the road is closed between those two streeets. Technically, I'm turning to find another street so I can get to my street, but I wake up before I get to my street.
The blocked off section just goes between those two streets. you can see that the road continues through on the other side. I have never dreamed of approaching this blocked section from the South. I wonder if it means I'm avoiding something, but I don't know what it is.