Auras and spirits

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Auras and spirits

Post by Gemma125 »

My husband is having some difficulty understanding the things he sees. He sees auras and that he gets and believes. He also sees things. People? Evil? He isn't sure. Sometimes it's a family in Amish clothing on the side of a road then others it's a masked figure following him. The masked figure makes him uneasy. He has seen it in our bedroom many times as well as other places. I've tried to help him understand but it's like the blind leading the blind here. HELP!!
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Re: Auras and spirits

Post by Kassandra »


Hi. It's natural. Sounds like he just has clairvoyance and mediumship abilities, that's all. Just start with a search for these terms (search is at top right of page) and thumb around through those threads. Tons of info on these abilities on this board. :wink:

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Re: Auras and spirits

Post by Heartsong »

Kassandra wrote:. Hi. It's natural. Sounds like he just has clairvoyance and mediumship abilities, that's all. Just start with a search for these terms (search is at top right of page) and thumb around through those threads. Tons of info on these abilities on this board. :wink: .
Kassandra is quite right, it sounds like many experiences that people with these types of abilities have (I'm one of them, so please don't feel like you're both alone in this). But if seeing some of these figures makes your husband nervous, he can use shielding techniques for protection and to help ease some of the intensity of the sightings. It will also likely help him feel more in control of his abilities. If he gets to a point that he's comfortable enough, he could also try to communicate with some of these entities, to ask why they are there, if they need help, etc.
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Re: Auras and spirits

Post by Gemma125 »

Thank you both. I think his uneasiness is due to lack of acceptance. I can't make that happen for him so I'm just trying to give him all the support and knowledge I have.
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Re: Auras and spirits

Post by Kassandra »

Gemma125 wrote:I think his uneasiness is due to lack of acceptance. I can't make that happen for him so I'm just trying to give him all the support and knowledge I have.
Yes, a sense of community does help a lot. It might help him if he didn't focus on who doesn't understand and accept him, but to focus instead on meeting new people who will. There are others, he just has to get out there and meet them. As far as the Amish family and the masked figure, at any given moment there are all kinds of beings around us. This planet, and this 3D plane isn't just "our space." We co-exist with others here. Some of us can see the others, some of us can't (but have strengths in other areas). Either way, we co-exist with them.

Your husband might really enjoy visiting a local Spiritualist Church. Just Google it to find a location --and no, there's no Jesus preached there (I think they have to say "church" for tax status purposes). Spiritualism is a platform for expressing mediumship, I would say. Everybody there has some kind of "ability," but most of them are mediums like your husband. Some churches have excellent mediumship development classes, which would help your husband learn how to control his ability and not get freaked out by it.

Also, try visiting a nearby metaphysical store, you know one of those woo-woo New Age deals that you've always driven past and made a point not to go into (haha, OK maybe that was just me at one time, until I realized I too was "one of those people." Oops. lol). Maybe he'll strike up some great conversations with like-minded souls going through the same thing, or he could take a psychic development class or two, etc. And they have neat "energy items" to look at --crystals, pendulums, etc. They usually have books there, so maybe he'll find a book on a subject that really pertains to his abilities and "speaks" to him.

Most of all, it's just great he has you with him to understand, validate and support his experiences and development. That is his most important community of all. :)

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