ever had a spell work in unexpected way

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ever had a spell work in unexpected way

Post by Apollonia »

My husband did a money spell, to get our bills paid. Right after he did that my work started to manditory massive amounts of overtime. I worked 6:30 am to 7:00 pm yesterday for example. We have had extra money to pay the bills but I'm getting sick of the extra work. Anyone know any ideas on reversing the spell without reversing it so bad that I lose my job or something?
The spell he did involved a green silk bag, a coin with a hole in it, some other things in the bag, all left out in the moonlight for a month, then carried around in your pocket.

Post by KennyS32 »

Apollonia, hi and merry meet.. eveyone is going to give different advice on this I am sure.. its up to you to feel and know what is right for you... Reversing a spell requires a lot of effort,,, this particular one falls under careful what you ask for.. for almost everytime the universe finds anyway it can to bring unto you what you have asked...and your specifics, and intent behind it...Usually a spell has to run its course naturally,,
It sounds as though this apparent outcome is detrimental to your health as you are being overworked.. The good news is they, (the spells) do not continue without effort... you might try asking , rewording your magic when you reintroduce another spell that it is the" best for all concerned , and no harm to no one", including your self..you might even add words like "in ways other than my job" as in gifting, inheiritence, games, lottery, or in ways.. that hurt / harm no one.. I did a similar small spell just a few weeks ago. as I need $200 like asap .. my intuition led me to my closet where in a small silk bag I had some coins that were given to me from a traveler when I was in Peru, it looked like a gold plated coin that said $50 on it.. but after 4 years in the closet.. I took it out and took it to the coin store.. it was one half oz of solid gold and he gave me $230 cash on the spot.. I got my $200 and then some.. had it all the time.. maybe try a prosperity spell that works on fortune, health and all .. not just money.. I put together a small chant to add to your plea ... It was taken from many money and fortune spells posted, I just reworked the words.. Here it is:

Wealth Wealth , Come to Me
I deserve Prosperity
God and Goddess , hear me say
Let good fortune come my way
Success and happiness I see
As I will it, "SO MOTE IT BE"

followed by,
"By the powers of Earth, Air, Fire & Water
With harm to none
This spell be done"

best of luck in your magickal workings and as other respond I am sure you will gain insight to promote change for the better
Blessed Be,

Post by Apollonia »

Starman thank you for your reply
I ONLY worked 52 hours this week, so I think it might be tapering off(fingers crossed) We should get a new person in two weeks so that should help some more. Does anyone else have some suggestions for me?

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