MissWitchy's BOS

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MissWitchy's BOS

Post by MissWitchy »


Angels are Light we can see, feel, hear and even smell! You just have to open your heart to love! <3 The veil between our worlds serves a purpose. You are to pierce it with your heart not your eyes. Stop searching so intensely! The signs will come!Your Angels will know when and how to get their message across. They do this in their unique way of conveying because they want you to grow as well.

We know we are achieving true angelic communication when we no longer feel alone. But, how do we reach them? And what are Angels anyway? Angels come from the Greek word Angelos meaning messenger so, Angels are the messengers between Heaven and Earth. They are thought to be a direct link to The Divine. They have a job to serve us and protect us and love us very much! Since Angels are in a finer dimension vibrationaly, we cannot see them often, but it isn't impossible! They can appear in many ways to us. We sense them, hear them or see them in visions or dreams. Angels can be invoked at anytime! Invite them anytime to be present in your day!
Angels are gender less, but can appear as a certain gender you better connect with. Angels have never had a human form, nor do they have human egos. They can, however, assume the look of a human if needed. Humans never evolve into Angels. Angels watch us all the time throughout our day. They seek communication with us. You don't have to be clairvoyant or psychic to experience contact, just open-minded. Talk with them as often as you can!

To communicate with your Angel, make a time and place dedicated to them. A personal sanctuary where you feel at peace. ( I usually talk in the shower. :D) Now ask! Angels can only help us is we ask the exception being if we are in mortal danger before our time. Ask for your Guardian Angel to draw closer to receive a sign. That easy! Now just talk to them! Tell them whats troubling you, ask for advice and help; just open up your heart! Ask that they bring help for everyone's highest good and thank them! Afterwards, record in an Angel Journal how you feel, things you saw in your mind, any smells, etc. Then just go about your day! Your Angel is out looking for answers and solutions. Be aware of signs and any meaningful overheard conversations. Signs include: Feathers, Angel-shaped clouds, certain numbers like 1111 and 444, music,ringing in your ears, birds, the word Angel will appear frequently. There are many ways they will reach you! Even as other people! YOUR ANGEL WILL REACH YOU!!!!!!!

Remember, there is no such thing as coincidences, just synchroncity.

Also here are some angelic crystals! Celestine, Seraphinite, Danburite and Clear Quartz. They love crystals and are said to appear in them once you've reached out to the Angelic Realm. Next time you talk to them, ask them to fill you with Crystalline Light Energy! You are loved and guided at all times!

" A hunch is angel talk, and probably should not be ignored. Listen to your hunches, pay attention to your intuition, do not dismiss your random thoughts, inspirations or ideas. Heaven talks in snippets, not in speeches. Angels whisper fast." ~ Neale Donald Walsch
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