Chakras: Emotional Energy Centers on the Body

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Chakras: Emotional Energy Centers on the Body

Post by Kassandra »


This chart summarizes how imbalances in major chakras affect our lives. I will post much more about this topic in the future.

Note: There are important chakras in and around the head. Yet unfortunately, there's
no head / head chakras represented in the following graphic.


Re: Chakras: Emotional Energy Centers on the Body

Post by slithering_dragonfly »

I look forward to seeing you post more about chakras. I admit I know very little and would love to know more about them!
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Re: Chakras: Emotional Energy Centers on the Body

Post by Kassandra »

slithering_dragonfly wrote:I look forward to seeing you post more about chakras. I admit I know very little and would love to know more about them!
Cool. Let's start with a question you might have. That would help me to focus what to say. Chakras are a huge topic! I am no expert. But, I have experienced things over the years through reading the energy of them (mine and others'), so I would like to share those experiences, open up conversations about them, etc. I find it really difficult to do that, to put stuff like this into words, because I experience this totally in the right (non-linguistical) hemisphere of the brain. Our "right brains," where we have our spiritual experiences, don't tend to process information in a linear fashion. They have no concept of time, space, etc.

In fact, I think a lot of us (intuitively) know a lot more than we say we do, simply because what we experience spiritually is so very difficult to put into words. That's why "conversations" between people are so great, and so necessary. When we ask one another questions and start "talking" about things, it creates a "starting point." It forces our minds to move our nebulous, right-brain experiences into the left-brain area --into the linguistical, linear part of our brains that specializes in, among other things, finding words and forming sentences.

So, ask me anything ("Ask Kassandra," hehe), and we'll start from there. If I don't know the answer, I'll research until I find it. And at the same time, other people will post their responses, based on info they've come across, or on their personal experiences, or even just on their hypotheses about what they think may be the's all good, because I think a conversation isn't about who's right or who's wrong. Conversations are about sharing thoughts, learning from each other, and growing. :)

Let's jump in...


Re: Chakras: Emotional Energy Centers on the Body

Post by slithering_dragonfly »

Since I know so little, maybe you could talk about how you first began learning about chakras? What drew you to understand them and how did you begin learning?
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Re: Chakras: Emotional Energy Centers on the Body

Post by Kassandra »

slithering_dragonfly wrote:maybe you could talk about
[1] how you first began learning about chakras?
[2]What drew you to understand them and
[3] how did you begin learning? [same as first question?]

[1]/[3] I don't remember. As an adult, I think I heard New Age-y people talking about them at a metaphysical bookstore I visited sometime. I started reading books about them there, I think.

[2]Several experiences drew me to understand them:

Studying Herbalism

For one, as an alternative to relying solely on Western medicine for simple things like colds, menstrual cramps, etc., I started studying Asian herbalism out of curiousity (mostly Chinese herbalism, but Indian Ayurveda too). Chakras are mentioned a lot in this area of study. I took quite an interest in these topics, and wondered why we were never taught anything like them our Western educational system, though now I have my suspicions. Chakra theory is ancient knowledge (majority of New Agers are merely jumping on the bandwagon to make a quick buck on this information, and there's no depth with them). The chakras have many correspondences that an herbalist has to know if he or she is to prescribe proper healing herbs and treatments. Some old school Chinese herbalists tend to be like what some call, "shamans," and know how to do things like "pull" disruptions of energy out of a patient's chakras. I know of one in the Bay Area.

We are electro-magnetic beings, energy out, energy in. On the one hand, the chakras are "generators" of energy that contribute energy both to the individual, and to the environment. On the other hand, chakras also "feed" on the energy of their surroundings. So, it's important we make choices that allow us to situate ourselves in tranquil, healthy environments, as much as possible. Chakras can be energy "modifiers," or "metabolizers," just as our internal organs are metabolizers of the foods we eat. In Indian energetic theory, there are three main qualities of all energy: tamas (energy that slows things down), rajas (energy that speeds things up), and sattva (when tamas and rajas are in stasis). The majority of the text of the Bhagavad Gita is devoted to explaining this dynamic. At any given point in time, the extent to which an individual's chakras (and auric field) manifest these three qualities, likewise will it be directly reflected, qualitatively, within that person's physical health and emotional outlook.

There's a lot more I could say about these things, so again, anybody please feel free to ask questions you have, because that helps me focus my thoughts --I don't know where to start, and this topic comprises a huge body of information. Anyway, back to slithering_dragonfly's question. I think that because I was studying these things so much (chakras, energy (qi), herbs, etc.) I started to acquire the ability to see chakras. Now, I don't think people need to study these things to see chakras. I think anyone could see them, really, as well as see the auric field, etc. I'm just saying that I believe these studies are what triggered my own ability, at that point in my life. I took piles and piles of notes, and I'd like to share what I saw in those readings in future posts. Maybe that's where I'll compiling those notes...there's an idea.

After a while my interest in studying herbalism decreased, and I wasn't really looking to see chakras anymore, so I kind of forgot about them, believe it or not. But, then I had a weird experience with a book in a bookstore. I will continue this story in my next post, which I have partially written already, but I have to go at the moment, so I will post it when I return.

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Re: Chakras: Emotional Energy Centers on the Body

Post by Firebird »

Hi there..Firebird stepping in,... I am looking forward to what all goes on in this thread.
I used to do a real good meditation exercise going through all the colors, spinning them one way then the next. Then I read I may have been spinning them the wrong way or the spins alternate or something. It got real confusing, and I eventually faded away from that meditation.
The chart above is pretty right on to difficulties I have in my life, and I am not sure if I am prepared to go public with all of that am not really sure I want to direct a question pertaining to that...lets see...maybe I wouldn't have had to have heart surgery if my heart chakra was not so f*cked up.???
Also, I was wondering why the head is cut off? We be missing two main chakras. :shock: I would guess imbalances there would be depression or other mental issues and spiritual weaknesses.
Which leads me into another reason I sorta stopped the chakra meditation...the crown chakra has been depicted in two different colors...violet and white...ya, ya, I know white isn't a color, but to me it made an incredible amount of sense that it would be a prism light enters the crown of the head and is broken into all the colors of the rainbow. Now this appeals to artist in me and the color wheel. The only problem with that is that red is at the top of the spectrum. But it also completes the wheel, if we could be the ouroboros of, is that far fetched? Also ...indigo is more like an tertiary color, so to place that between blue and violet, seems like an imbalance of cool colors to me.
Other practitioners of magic and I have had discussion upon discussion on this topic of the crown color, ad nauseam...
I know I may be jumping the gun a bit as we haven't spoke about the associated colors yet.
I found a cool chart on the vibrations of the you think this pertains? if not I will blip it out...

the image is from this link...

so... Help! miss Kassandra! I am at a loss on this one.
many blessings, Firebird
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Re: Chakras: Emotional Energy Centers on the Body

Post by Kassandra »


Hey firebirdflys. <3 It sounds like the paradigm that you were exposed to in regard to chakras just wasn't working out for you, it wasn't real to you. The whole chakra spinning meditation thing never work for me, either. I will address these things in a couple of other posts, one being a review about a book you may find really helpful and interesting. halfsm By the way, I don't know if we were thinking this at the same time, but regarding your comment about the head being lopped off in that graphic...I had typed the following above the graphic at around the same time you posted that comment:

"Note: There are important chakras in and around the head. Yet unfortunately, there's
no head / head chakras represented in the following graphic."

It's on there now. lol! Unless you saw my comment and that prompted you to write your comment, otherwise we were thinking the same thing at around the same time. haha

To wrap up the story from my last post...

Stumbledupon a Book

Another experience that drew me to understand chakras was a weird experience I had with a book. I was in what used to be Tower Books and a book about chakras was "dancing" on the bookshelf every time I walked by it. I walked by the book 3 times on my way to other sections of the store, and each time I passed it, it seemed to be dancing or shaking in my clairvoyance (see why it's hard for me to talk about this kind of stuff? haha).

Finally, when I was on my way to the register with my other purchases, I picked it up and looked at it and was like, "What? What do you want?" as though the book were going to answer me. Well, I ended up buying it. However, every time I'd go to read it, I got frustrated because it never made any sense to me. It sat around unread for years. "Why'd I buy that stupid book?" I would grumble every time I saw it sitting around. I think the only reason I kept it was because I was intrigued by the back story of my finding it, how it had been dancing on the shelf when I first saw it. Yet, it remained unread for almost 10 years.

Chakras as Shorthand for Readings

Finally, this experience led me to understand chakras more than the others, I would say. One thing led to another in my life, a series of weird occurrences, and I started doing psychic readings for a practice website which doesn't exist anymore. It's too bad because I thought it had a great concept to it --people could just do readings for each other, all free, anonymous, no stress. It was great practice. Anyway, when the readings started backing up, I needed a way to speed them up, some kind of "shorthand" enabling me to read people quicker. I then remembered that chakra reading thing I had learned to do years before. But, by this point I had forgotten how. Then, I remembered I had that book about chakras.

As I thumbed through it not only did it make sense, but it added a lot of depth to my understanding of chakras. Chakras are not about colors, spinning, appearing like lotus flowers, and all this other stuff. Like I said, when New Age movement people get hold of information from other cultures, they pull tidbits of it totally out of context, package it into books and seminars, then make gobbs of money on the nonsense they've created. This does more damage than good to the confused consumers who buy it and are sincerely trying to grow spiritually with it.

Anyway, this book is very grounded. It's not an easy read, but what I like is that it presents a whole different paradigm of chakras, and what I learned from it ended up becoming a big part of my reading work, informing and deepening my understanding of what I was seeing. The book is called Awakening Intuition. I'm sure I have mentioned it before on here in past posts. I will do a little book review about it in the future. If anything, I would liken chakras to crystal balls, holographic, vibrant, alive with energy, revealing to us our past, present and future...if we know what to look for.

You know, one lesson learned from all this: sometimes in life you get pieces of a puzzle, here and there, but the overall picture remains a mystery. For years it could remain this way. Some things you can't rush. Things will happen...when they happen.

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Re: Ear Chakras

Post by Kassandra »


[Note to self: write about ear chakras]

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Re: Chakras: Emotional Energy Centers on the Body

Post by Hunter »

Hey there making this quick cause im at work lol but I have kinda been in the same boat as FF and the "modern" way to meditate on chakras doesnt rly work for me mind if I ask how you do it or any other ways to do it? Ty BB!
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Re: Chakras: Emotional Energy Centers on the Body

Post by Kassandra »


Hunter, thanks for your question. I plan to address an idea for chakra meditation once I write my response to firebirdflys' post. Stay tuned. :wink:

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Re: Chakras: Emotional Energy Centers on the Body

Post by Hunter »

Woot cant wait, thank you!
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