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Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:24 pm
by Kassandra

by Cat Yronwode

Because of its versatility, photographic psychometry is employed on behalf of clients in many situations. And, as a divinatory technique, it has a reputation for producing remarkable results when undertaken by a gifted psychometrist.

Original Photograph vs. Reproduction? Depends on the Reader

If you plan to have a psychometrist work with your photographs, you should be aware that some psychometrists work with electronically transmitted file copies of photos, but others prefer actual photographs.

A print made directly from a negative which was exposed to the scene is preferred by many psychometrists to a photocopy or a fax copy of the print. Likewise, for some psychometrists, a direct print-out of a digitally captured image is easier to read than the same image received via photocopy or fax machine.

The reasons that some psychometrists prefer to work with original materials are varied. Some psychometrists say that the taking of a snapshot captures the light reflected from the scene, and the fewer number of copying procedures that the psychometrist must "read through," the more satisfactory the results.

Other psychometrists note that generally it is the case that original photographs have been handled and touched many times, often by people who were present at the scene or knew the person whom the photo depicts, and that these instances of handling may also impart information to the photograph that a gifted psychic can obtain through physical psychometry.

Relationship Readings

Additionally, a psychometrist who is going to perform a divination on a relationship situation (e.g. lovers, spouses, family members, co-workers, business associates, teachers and students, etc.) may request that you supply three photos -- one of yourself (the client), one of the person about whom you ant information (the target) and, if possible, one which includes both people (the client and and the target), either alone together or as part of a group photo. If you are asked for three photos but can only send two photos (the client and the target), don't worry; the psychometrist will still be able to supply you with a great deal of information about the target.

If the situation includes multiple people — for instance you (the client), your mate (the target), and your mate's outside lover (a second target), you may be asked for those three photos plus a "couples shot" of you and the target. Again, if you cannot supply all four photos, don't fret, the psychometrist will work with whatever photos are available, and may ask for the name of the outside lover, which will be read as a name written on paper.

Missing Persons Work

If the photograph is of a person, the divination information gained by the psychometrist may include data about the pictured person's character, various moments in the life of the individual, or his or her current emotional state or opinion of a particular situation or person. At times information about the individual's current location may be obtained, which makes psychometry a useful gift in the case of a missing person. Some psychometrists combine their gift with traditional methods of body reading and face reading when they psychometrize photographs of people.
Psychometry movie.jpg
Ad for a thriller about a detective (face at bottom)
trying to solve a murder, where the only witness is
a psychometrist (face at top). The large lettering
in the center says, "Psychometry" in Japanese, and
the small lettering across the top says, "A blessing
from heaven, or a curse from hell [?]"

Location Reads

If the photograph is of a house, a gravestone, or a piece of land, the information which the psychometrist receives may include information about people or animals who lived there, what spirits reside in the location, and whether the home is haunted by ghosts or negative entities. The photo of a house or grave site of a deceased person may also be used in an to attempt to make contact with the spirits of the dead when no photographs of the people themselves are available, but this is not, strictly speaking, divination through psychometry; rather it is a form of image-assisted mediumship.

Combining Psychometry & Crystal Scrying

A gifted reader may psychometrize a photograph by holding it in his or her hands or by placing it on a surface and holding his or her hands over it. Generally speaking, most psychometrists require physical contact with the photograph, but a few psychometrists are able to combine psychometry with crystal scrying, and they will connect with the photo by placing it beneath a clear crystal ball or on an altar and reading it that way.

This condensed excerpt was adapted from:

Related post: Reading a Book Through Psychometry


Re: Reading a Photograph via Psychometry

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:15 pm
by Heartsong
Ooh, thank you for posting this! You always find such solid, detailed information, Kassandra. Have I mentioned that I love your posts? smileylove

I have a friend with this ability and it's very spooky sometimes. One of the first times he met my best friend, he saw a picture of the outside of her house on her phone. He then proceeded to describe, in great detail, the stairwell that led to her bedroom and what her bedroom looked like, down to the little roses sewn on her dust ruffle! I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head! :P

I can see similarities between reading the images in a photograph and reading the images in a tarot card. That would be a fascinating study! I wonder if they fall under the same ability. I might experiment with that and see what I find out.

Re: Reading a Photograph via Psychometry

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 11:15 am
by Kassandra

Thanks for the kind words Heartsong, and I'm glad you enjoy this post. I made this post as background information in response to this post: ... ry#p185053 Yes, photo psychometry is a very accurate way of reading. A picture really does "say" a thousand words, if we take the time to listen. :wink:

Yeah, I agree that reading the images in a photograph and reading the images in a tarot card are very similar indeed, "reading" being the operative word in both cases. I've always considered tarot as being but a tableau of life itself. People read a bunch of books and think that's going to "teach" them how to read oracle cards, but left braining the process to death never works. I believe that intuition itself is a type of intelligence, and one can hone that ability with practice, and successfully "read" almost anything.


Re: Reading a Photograph via Psychometry

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:09 pm
by Starwitch
Really cool information, Kassandra, thanks! :)


Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:15 am
by Suhrt
Wow I don't know if I've paid a lot of attention to pictures, but with cards or other methods I've tried I've never learned from someone or any book, it'd like I just start 'seeing' things or feeling or hearing them depending on what I physically see and I've been accurate :) and as I said in my post, I'd like to train or learn that more. But so far I've read your posts and I love all of them thank you so much for the time and love you give to your posts


Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:43 pm
by Kassandra

Thanks, guys.
