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The element Spirit

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:52 pm
by Rhiannon
I don't know what does the Element Spirit means. But I know it's the fifth Element which means all.

Re: The element Spirit

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 12:23 am
by Lillady
The fifth element of Spirit is actually a more modern belief. Spirit (also known as ether) isn't an element per se, but it is often included among the magickal elements as the fifth point of the pentagram. It's even harder to define than air. The binding link between the other four, it is the source of magick. Spirit resides within and without, around, above, and below all things. Although you can experience earth, air, fire, and water directly with your temporal senses, Spirit is elusive, and to be witnessed it requires both the witch's faith and metaphysical senses.

Personally, I am "old school" and just believe in the basic four earth,air, wind and fire. I can understand those that call upon element Spirit though.

Re: The element Spirit

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:23 am
by Klia
Lillady wrote:Spirit resides within and without, around, above, and below all things.
Ugh is this not the perfect quote!? The "within and without" reminds me of a quote from The Great Gatsby. I actually want a tattoo of it! Maybe this is a sign ha.

Spirit is often a hard thing to define and explain. Spirit is the essence of something or someone. We are surrounded by souls, personalities and thing's spirits everyday. A Spirit is who you are at your highest, yet most natural state.

The element Spirit used in the Four Quarters is like the one who watches over everything. This can be your spirit guide, the god and goddess, and the guardians of the elements.

I focus more on the physical elements than Spirit when casting a circle and calling the quarters because I believe Spirit is always around, and not necessary to be called if it's already there.

Re: The element Spirit

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:44 pm
by Firebird
Yep,... we actually added this one as recently as 1998, it made sense when we call the the center, and the Lord and Lady to join us that they would be the ones who reside in the realm of Spirit, the place of Ether..It is DNA or the double helix, the double spiral, the moment of cosmic creation it is the within and without, and the tweeny places that tis neither here nor there, nor up or down. It is the fleeting glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye that may or may not be Ether beings slipping through this realm.
If you think about it we live in Spirit constantly because we reside in the "between space" that is not up or down. We have the sky above and the earth below, and we are the conduit to magic.
BB, Firebird