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Question about wands

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:20 pm
by natosha120
I know I've not been to creative with decorating my wand I found after a huge storm, but was curious about using it. How do I channel energy into the wand and the main purposes for the wand? Ty

If possible can it be used to do all spells with, or does out only focus on certain spells then most?


Re: Question about wands

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:51 pm
by loona wynd
natosha120 wrote:I know I've not been to creative with decorating my wand I found after a huge storm, but was curious about using it. How do I channel energy into the wand and the main purposes for the wand? Ty
You gather the energy into your arms and push it from your arms into the wand via your hand. You then as the spell is cast and the energy finally at its peak released and ex-pulsed from collecting in the wand through its tip.
natosha120 wrote:If possible can it be used to do all spells with, or does out only focus on certain spells then most?

You can use it in all your spells if you want. Depending on what wood the wand is made out of some spells may be easier than others. A healing spell might work better through a birch wand than it would a maple. That being said you can use them in basically any and all spells.

Re: Question about wands

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:19 pm
by natosha120
Ty for that wonderful reply.

<3 Bless be :)

Re: Question about wands

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:16 am
by loona wynd
natosha120 wrote:Ty for that wonderful reply.<3 Bless be :)
There are a people who have different wands for different purposes. Its eniterly up to you how you want to work with your wand. I personally only use my wand in circle casting. I've never used it in spells.

Re: Question about wands

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 1:56 pm
by AnaisStar
I think of a wand as just an extension of your arm/hands, bringing the energy down and into the wand. And using the wand to direct the energy.

Re: Question about wands

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:49 pm
by ravensilverbear
Yes I agree with looks it is up to you what it is for but also remember the colors or stones you add also define purpose if say you use red it maybe be better at love spells than banishing as I use mine mostly to cast circles but do use it mostly to banish unwanted things and mine is made from white oak

Re: Question about wands

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:50 am
by MsMollimizz
I hope this helps...
Relax your body, feel the Earth under your feet,
drop your grounding cord from tail-bone feeling
it go down deep into the Earth. Ask Her for her
assistance and if she'll share some energy with
you. Pull it up thru your cord feeling it fill your
When you are done send the energy back to
Mother Earth to be recharged.
When I want energy from the Moon, it comes
down thru my crown chakra.
Gentle Light

Re: Question about wands

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:20 pm
by SpiritTalker
And yet another way of raising and directing energy, is to tense your legs as if you are going to hop with both feet off the ground, but you don't actually jump. Just thinking about it makes the legs respond, and energy follows thought. Tense the abdomen and the energy comes up from your feet and into your solar plexus. Then push with your gut, arm and pointed finger, and, sure enough, energy moves out. Holding the wand gives your mind something to focus on.

I also use the wand to channel moon light, down from the sky to my forehead, or heart, by pointing the butt-end at the moon and the pointed end at me. A larger wand aka staff can draw energy up from the earth.

I use the wand to draw symbols in the air, like the invoking or banishing pentacles according to need, to bless an item and infuse it with my goal or intentions, to direct the cone of power to it's destination or the athame also can be used for commanding & protection.