Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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loona wynd
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Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

Post by loona wynd »

Has any one here ever gone on a ghost hunt? I went on my first Ghost hunt this past November one evening when I was in Salem. It was an interesting experience. I met a few different spirits. I also learned how these investigations work, how they get their answers and the tools they use. I got to use a few of the tools. It was fun and exciting. It's something I want to try again soon.

So does any one have any ghost hunting stories to share?

Any tips on having an effective ghost hunt?

The one time wasn't really enough for me to understand everything that we went over. It was a 2 hour event and he covered a lot of theory and practice. We had an hour and a half of exploration and we covered two different places in Salem. Both places we met spirits.
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Re: Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

Post by Starwitch »

I haven't gone on any ghost hunts myself, but you can learn pretty much everything you need to know by watching ghost hunting shows on TV. Those are my favorite shows to watch, especially Ghost Adventures.
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Re: Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

Post by loona wynd »

Starwitch wrote:I haven't gone on any ghost hunts myself, but you can learn pretty much everything you need to know by watching ghost hunting shows on TV. Those are my favorite shows to watch, especially Ghost Adventures.
I went on one back in November when I visited Salem. It was an interesting experience. It was a worthwhile enough experience that I want to try again.
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Re: Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

Post by Starwitch »

At least you don't have kids yet (just assuming by how old you look. Pardon me if I'm mistaken.) It really worries me when people who have kids go ghost hunting (or worse, take the kids with them). I don't think they realize that they're putting their kids in danger. A spirit could easily follow you home if it became attached to you for some reason. I've heard people complain about this happening to them, so I would certainly recommend avoiding ghost hunts if you have kids at home.
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Re: Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

Post by loona wynd »

Starwitch wrote:At least you don't have kids yet (just assuming by how old you look. Pardon me if I'm mistaken.)
You are not mistaken. I am 28 years old and I do not have any children yet. Though I do want to be a mother at some point.
Starwitch wrote:It really worries me when people who have kids go ghost hunting (or worse, take the kids with them). I don't think they realize that they're putting their kids in danger. A spirit could easily follow you home if it became attached to you for some reason. I've heard people complain about this happening to them, so I would certainly recommend avoiding ghost hunts if you have kids at home.
many people think they have proper warding at home so they don't need to worry about it. I would personally do a cleansing ritual after any ghost hunting just to remove any energy that could have built up on me. Though you do make a good point about how you could be putting them in danger.

I have a friend who married a women with a child. So now he has a child and is part of a local paranormal investigation group. I don't know how often he goes out on actual hunts with them but now I wonder if he is bringing anything back with him. He does a lot of protection magic work so he may be ok in that regards but still. It would be interesting to know.

As far as I am aware I did not bring anything home with me when I attended the hunt in Salem. The spirits we met and experienced in that session are pretty well tied to those locations. He had met them all before in some fashion. So that's why I think I'm good with that one. Plus I also had my own spirit shield up so that I could sense and interact with them but they couldn't attach themselves to me.
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Re: Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

Post by Starwitch »

I think it's fairly rare to bring a spirit home with you. It does seem that most are tied to the location where you find them. I've only seen around four instances that I can think of offhand of ghosts following people home.
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Re: Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

Post by loona wynd »

Starwitch wrote:I think it's fairly rare to bring a spirit home with you. It does seem that most are tied to the location where you find them. I've only seen around four instances that I can think of offhand of ghosts following people home.
I agree with spirits being mostly tied to places. Though I do think they have some freedom of distance they can travel and roam in, they are basically tied to a specific place. This is why some places are haunted and others are not. This also explains why some places may get visits by a disturbed spirit and others wont.

I do think that we can attract the attention of ghosts and spirits in our area though. I do think that given placements and the like spirits can come and find us. I have personally felt that places closer to cemeteries have a higher spiritual vibration and sense of spirit coming than other locations in the same area. I think this is also why ghost hunting is effective in cemeteries and places around them (including homes).

I've offered to do a ghost/spirit communication and possible exorcism for my cousin. I don't have all the details but I have seen some captured images and I have seen a physical scratch attributed to said ghost. When my mom found out about this she sort of freaked saying "what if it follows you home". To which I told her I knew some banishing rituals that would be effective. My banishing incense is crafted for that sort of reason.

Plus I wasn't really worried about the situation. My understanding is that some one disturbed the cemetery where the spirits body was buried. My cousin's home just happens to be in the backyard of or across from said cemetery. It seems to be trying to get attention to get home. I don't know for sure. This is all information I got from my aunt.

So the first thing I would establish here is the reason for coming to my cousin's place. I wouldn't try to force it away first. This is what the guide taught us on my hunt in Salem. It was to find out why they are where they are. Find out their emotional state and try to work with them to change it. If that didn't work then I would use other methods. I would try first to simply see if I can get a reason for it being there.
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Re: Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

Post by PhoenixFlight »

I've actually been ghost hinting for years and years now. I'm currently trying to get together a group to do it "professionally" so to speak, in my area here in Mass. If that happens, and we get anything good, of course I'll be sure to keep you all informed. As to things that have happened in the past.. Way too much to put down, if I were to explain everything in detail. But as to the tips and tricks question; The older the location is, the more likely it is to have residual energy/make sure that what you find isn't simply an imprint, and rather, is an actual spirit entity. DO NOT DISCOUNT ORBS!!! This is one huge mistake I see people making, and although I will say that MOST orbs are usually just dust, light fracturing, or some other explainable thing, they aren't always! Always investigate the place you're looking at thoroughly. That means look up its history, any accounts form people of odd things happening, unexplained disturbances, etc. Also look to see the history of the surrounding area. Sometimes a ghost does not come directly from the location you're researching. As Loona has touched on, it is completely possible that they're attached to the place of something that used to be there, or, a place close by. Maybe the entity isn't a former occupant of the house, but rather someone who felt more at home there, than they did at their actual house? That could tie them to that place as well.

I hope that didn't come off confusing...
~that is an interesting notion, in it's own way~
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Re: Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

Post by loona wynd »

PhoenixFlight wrote:I've actually been ghost hinting for years and years now. I'm currently trying to get together a group to do it "professionally" so to speak, in my area here in Mass. If that happens, and we get anything good, of course I'll be sure to keep you all informed. As to things that have happened in the past.. Way too much to put down, if I were to explain everything in detail.
Do you have a favorite story to share?
PhoenixFlight wrote:But as to the tips and tricks question; The older the location is, the more likely it is to have residual energy/make sure that what you find isn't simply an imprint, and rather, is an actual spirit entity. DO NOT DISCOUNT ORBS!!! This is one huge mistake I see people making, and although I will say that MOST orbs are usually just dust, light fracturing, or some other explainable thing, they aren't always!
Any advice on how to recognize a spirit presence in an orb rather than just dust or light?
PhoenixFlight wrote: Always investigate the place you're looking at thoroughly. That means look up its history, any accounts form people of odd things happening, unexplained disturbances, etc. Also look to see the history of the surrounding area. Sometimes a ghost does not come directly from the location you're researching.
What about when they seem to know where the Ghost came from? Like there was nothing and then something was disturbed and then the ghost manifested?
PhoenixFlight wrote: As Loona has touched on, it is completely possible that they're attached to the place of something that used to be there, or, a place close by. Maybe the entity isn't a former occupant of the house, but rather someone who felt more at home there, than they did at their actual house? That could tie them to that place as well.
A couple of the spirits I met in Salem aren't at their homes but at their office space. One was a former fire marshal before the fire house turned into an office location, and the other did adoption or social work in the office. They after their death just kept going to those locations and stayed there even though they no longer served either original purpose. So I think they can basically become attached to any place that was important to them in life.
PhoenixFlight wrote:I hope that didn't come off confusing...
It wasn't confusing. Thanks for the advice. Like I said I've only been on the one guided by a local group that specializes in paranormal investigation. They even write down the records of their guest experiences to have a complete log of what gets experienced in each session. I don't know if I have enough experience to try on my own with just that one experience.
River SilverWolf

Re: Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

Post by River SilverWolf »

I have so many stories I have a tumblr blog about it!
I'm a paranormal investigator with a group here in Texas called 'A Haunting We Will Go'.
In fact we have an investigation coming up this weekend at Yorktown Memorial Hospital. We have had so many experiences and captured so much fascinating evidence from this place!

I have been investigating for several years now and we use many tools when we investigate. I will warn you though, those paranormal shows are so sensationalized they don't truly reflect what it's like to conduct investigations. Keep in mind they want ratings and keep people watching!

Sometimes you will literally sit in the dark for 8 hours and get maybe a minute of interaction! But that minute is sooo worth it! Other times we have had near non-stop activity.

I have experienced seeing shadow people, been touched, caught many EVP's (electronic voice phenomenon where you catch a voice on a recorder or device that you might not have heard at the time you were investigated, but hear upon evidence review). Have caught interesting pictures, etc.

Although our group has been together for awhile we just recently decided to go ahead and make a website, get a store set up so we can have shirts etc, and I run the Youtube channel. halfsm

I have tons of stories but I always like seeing the evidence more myself. If you want to check out some of our evidence captures check it out! ... _as=public
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Re: Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

Post by Sakura Blossom »

I'm actually on a paranormal investigation team as well. (: So I do this on a semi-regular basis. It's a lot of fun! And very interesting too. I just joined over a year ago, though, and haven't done too much just yet. I'm hoping to do more this summer! I have tons of stories, but the most exciting/interesting one was when we went to a house with a not so nice spirit that is also mocking, it ONLY really spoke when I was there. I went in with different group members, and it still didn't speak unless I was in there. We captured a lot of EVPs at this house.
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Re: Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

Post by River SilverWolf »

Our team is actually headed to Yorktown Memorial Hospital (TX) this saturday. We have been a few times and it's very haunted and never lets us down!
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Re: Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

Post by nightflighter »

PhoenixFlight , just a quick question....Have you seen orbs without taking pictures of them? I had a "visitor" that was an orb of about 6" diameter, just floating behind me, and looked like what I call "heavy air". I've seen my Spirit being's outline in "heavy air" before, also. Imagine the way a soap bubble looks, but without the soap. Yeah, I know. :wink:
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Re: Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

Post by Sakura Blossom »

I know you asked Phoenix, but I'm on a team as well, and yes, we have seen those. We have video evidence of a few of them as well. (:
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Re: Ghost Hunt-tips, tricks, and stories

Post by PhoenixFlight »

nightflighter wrote:PhoenixFlight , just a quick question....Have you seen orbs without taking pictures of them? I had a "visitor" that was an orb of about 6" diameter, just floating behind me, and looked like what I call "heavy air". I've seen my Spirit being's outline in "heavy air" before, also. Imagine the way a soap bubble looks, but without the soap. Yeah, I know. :wink:
Yes, I have, though not quite like that. Think more like a fluffy ball of light, but not bright or anything like that; very dim glow to it, but certainly seemed to be self-illuminated.
~that is an interesting notion, in it's own way~
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