All Wiccans are Witches but not all Witches are Wiccan?

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All Wiccans are Witches but not all Witches are Wiccan?

Post by sleepingsecret »

Does this sound right to you guys? I say it doesn't? I mean, it sounds like ALL wiccans practice Witchcraft, but not all Witches practice Wiccan(Which is right), it sounds like an absolute contradiction to me. What about you guys?
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Post by Wolf* »

all wiccans are witches = meaning wiccans practice witchcraft

not all witches are wiccan= meaning they do witch craft but they could have no affiliation with the 3x law, the god & goddess, practice the sabbats and a whole slew of other things. Chaos Magicians, Golden Dawn people, and Thelemites are not wiccan but could be considered witches

so no, makes perfect since to me.

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Post by Moon_Stone »

I agree with Wolf. Wiccans believe in and follow the Rede, the three-fold law and all that good stuff. Witches on the other hand don't subscribe as much, if at all, to those principals.

Not all Wiccans are also Witches, it depends on their individual feelings, however it is much more likely to find a Wiccan who is also a Witch than a Witch who is also Wiccan. (Ordinarily whichever title they use first when describing themselves is the path they feel most connected to.)

You'll very seldom find a Wiccan doing anything self-serving or for personal gain, but Witches see no problem with this at all, as long as it doesn't do harm. (And some Witches don't even care about that either.)

It makes sense to me, but if I look at it from a different perspective, it can be confusing. Hope this helped a bit!


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