just a couple little questions that have nothing in common

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just a couple little questions that have nothing in common

Post by Wolf* »

1) Is there a specific reason why they say an athame needs to be double edged? Because I've had no problems with my single edged blade. Or is it just something the up-tight ceremonial type worry about?

2: I'm starting to learn scrying with a black mirror (well, a bowl of black ink untill I can get a picture frame). And I was wondering how long it took you all to really learn how to do this with definate results?

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Post by Alhandra »

In order of your questions.

1) Sorry I dont use an athame so i cant help you there
2) Scrying with a black mirror took me only a week to do but i was using it everyday. It can be hard at first but eventually it will get easier.

Hope this sorta helps!

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"the tatcho drom to be a jinny penmergo is to dik, to shoon and to rig drey zi"
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Post by hedge* »

Hi wolf :D

1). I don't use an athame any more but I still have my beloved blade and it is double edged but there is no reason why it HAS to be. I know people who have used a butter knife before!!!

2). Scrying took me AGES to do to my satisfaction! I was very lax to begin with though and would only practice once a week. As soon as I started taking it seriously I moved forwards in leaps and bounds!


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