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Love Advice for me? :)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 5:35 pm
by EarthLoveHeal
So, I've recently come out as Bi to my family, but I think I might be Pansexual, instead. I appreciate them all, but don't really have a preference?

Here's the thing; one of my best friends is Pan, and she's dating somebody (online relationship) and this is the first time I'm admitting that I think I love her. She's here for me when nobody else is, and she willingly drops everything when I need to talk.

What do I do? I see her everyday at school, and I sit there and think of how much I love her. And she talks about er Girlfriend and it hurts.
I don't want to ruin the friendship that we have... Help?

Re: Love Advice for me? :)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:43 pm
by creatrix
Is your friend in a monogamous relationship or is she poly? If she is in a committed one on one relationship I would not tell her your feelings unless she and her GF break up. What did your family think when you came out to them?

Re: Love Advice for me? :)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:39 am
by missdarlingjess
I would probably first start out with explaining your change in sexuality to your family! As for your friend, you have two options here; tell her or don't. If you tell her, most likely some chaos will ensue, feelings will be hurt and it may ruin the friendship. If you keep it to yourself, you will indeed be saving a lot of other's feelings at the expense of your own. Personally, I'd keep it to myself. I understand it hurts to hear her being happy with another, but look at it this way. You have a lovely friend who cares for you deeply and is there for you as well as others. It sucks to not have her as your own, but love is appreciation not possession. You love someone, and even if they don't return it, it is still a wonderful feeling sometimes! <3