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Re: Is Left-hand Magick Causing Water Damage to Our Home?

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 6:29 pm
by lis
Kassandra wrote:.
Talismanic work seems to be very effective with countering this, where the talisman or amulet "draws" the negative, Evil Eye energy to itself, then neutralizes and disperses it. Cord work and witch bottles are also helpful for neutralizing and dispersing these attacks.
Funny thing, the chain on my necklace broke last week. Something tells me it took the hit for something that was sent my way, I need to fix that sooner rather than later! The lady who did our reading did suggest doing cord work with Archangel Michael.

Re: Is Left-hand Magick Causing Water Damage to Our Home?

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 6:34 pm
by lis
Seraphin wrote: Burn or bury the apple.
Will do! Thank you!!!!
Seraphin wrote: It goes without saying that the first step toward any kind of cleansing and healing is reconciliation and forgiveness. Make sure it is genuine reconciliation. How many times have we said, "I’ve forgiven him/her," and still hold a grudge? Such negative emotions often lead people to attract more negative situations and outcomes. This then leads to MORE misfortunes, unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness, anger, rage and hatred in your home... which just leads to MORE and STRONGER spirits of CONTROL and MANIPULATION.
Ah, yes... I do finally have to forgive a few people as well. Not something I think of often, but once in awhile it comes up in thought and I still get angry. Thank you Seraphin!

Re: Is Left-hand Magick Causing Water Damage to Our Home?

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 6:42 pm
by Seraphin
lis wrote:
seraphin wrote:Every single negative emotions, actions and even thoughts, legally opens a spiritual door in a person’s life, to allow the negative entities such as the poltergeist to enter and bring one or more attacks.
This needs to be framed... and placed somewhere we see every day. :surprisedwitch:
LOL! smiley_dance You think so?
lis wrote:Ah, yes... I do finally have to forgive a few people as well. Not something I think of often, but once in awhile it comes up in thought and I still get angry. Thank you Seraphin!
Yeah, sometimes... I do the same -- we are human, after all (though sometimes, I feel like I'm robot :P ) but there's always a way to forgive completely...

Our relationships with people matter, especially our relationships with those people whom we shared our house (and also folks whom we have intentionally or unintentionally hurt). No one can't "return home" with unsettled emotional issue to attend to regarding his family. Part of our ability to ward off negativity and attract positivity, then, required that we grapple with our past and make amend with those whom we had harmed and who harmed us. Only in this way will we find our inner peace.

May your Highest Ideal give you the strength and courage you need to "reconcile and forgive one another and to pray for one another, that we may be healed."
lis wrote:Will do! Just need to get some iron filings first. Thank you!!!!
In the mean time, you may reconcile to your family member first then perform the meditation, followed by the Ritual Cleansing. :D

Re: Is Left-hand Magick Causing Water Damage to Our Home?

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 10:01 am
by loona wynd
lis wrote:
Funny thing, the chain on my necklace broke last week. Something tells me it took the hit for something that was sent my way, I need to fix that sooner rather than later! The lady who did our reading did suggest doing cord work with Archangel Michael.
Micheal is a great angelic force for protection and removal of negative energetic forces.

This is a short version of an offical church prayer to Micheal which may prove effective for your needs.

"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen."source

That is a Christian Prayer, which I am not sure how you feel about that. If you are uncomfortable with the use of that God I'm sure you can rework it to fit your needs. I thought that with the cord work this prayer might serve as an inspiration for invoking Micheal power for your use.

I also have an uncrossing spell written with the power of Micheal that I can post for you if you would like it.

Re: Is Left-hand Magick Causing Water Damage to Our Home?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:48 am
by lis
Thanks Seraphin and Loona! We have been doing the cleansing ritual and cord cutting on a daily basis - every time I do the meditation though something seems to totally wipe me out (with the cord cutting, between each chakra I would get pulled into a dream state and have to pull myself back out to continue... so odd. The past 2 times I have done the house ritual, I have fallen asleep also.). It gets easier each time though. My energy has been greatly improved.

The family members here all get along great - more of the distant relatives we either don't see often or people we may never see again that are the problem. I intend to do some spellwork to help with the forgiving process from both sides since I don't think that forcing a get-together would be wise. I also think because we don't tend to air our problems to the world people seem to think that we have perfect lives and are jealous of what they perceive our lives to be. I learned a long time ago to never mention anything positive that happens to me because that was almost certain disaster, lol!

I am going to add the prayer you suggested Loona before I do the next meditation, and I would love to know your uncrossing spell as well - need all the help I can get! I may just have several uncrossing spells going at the same time! :)

Re: Is Left-hand Magick Causing Water Damage to Our Home?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:07 am
by Seraphin
lis wrote:Thanks Seraphin and Loona! We have been doing the cleansing ritual and cord cutting on a daily basis - every time I do the meditation though something seems to totally wipe me out (with the cord cutting, between each chakra I would get pulled into a dream state and have to pull myself back out to continue... so odd. The past 2 times I have done the house ritual, I have fallen asleep also.). It gets easier each time though. My energy has been greatly improved.
*doin' my happy dance*

Glad to hear your energy is improving lis -- and how wonderful that you are pursuing to perform the meditation!

What your experiencing is normal. You got pulled into a dream state because your mental state went below the Beta level of your brainwave. Though I'm glad that eventually, it gets easier. *shakes lis hand*

This also occurred to me (many times). Actually, it took me a long time to figure out what visualizations worked best for me. It's a process of trial and error, and even when it's difficult at times it's a valuable experience. This is just a guidance which I believe that can be helpful and useful but when one finds oneself saying, "Argh I can't do this!" it's time to try something else that's less difficult. In your case however, I admire your persistence. *shakes lis hand again*
lis wrote:The family members here all get along great - more of the distant relatives we either don't see often or people we may never see again that are the problem. I intend to do some spellwork to help with the forgiving process from both sides since I don't think that forcing a get-together would be wise.
For most of the people (including me! :mrgreen: ), forgiving is their biggest challenge, because "real forgiveness" takes time, and that it is not an easy act. But I think it was because most people had no idea what forgiveness was really all about (I'm talking to myself :P )

For me, only the persons involved in a certain issue can set the wrong aright and can forgo the debt of what had been done. If I had done something unacceptable to others, it is my responsibility to set the matters right and vice versa. So since you are a persistent person :lol: , find ways to make this possible. :mrgreen:

But if some relatives are in the far away land and there's no way to bring them over your place and you really want this issue to settle once and for all, then you may try practicing this Hawaiian forgiveness technique called the Ho'oponopono. I know, it's a mouthful, but here's what it does. To put it in the simplest possible way: the way to truly forgive is to first, recognize our wrong actions as wrong :D. This comes from most honest efforts at self-reflection by the voice of your own conscience. Also, you should take responsibility for your role in whatever happened!

Anyway, you're probably wincing by now. So here it goes:

The Ho’oponopono
  • Think of the person(s), relationship, incident or issue that you feel you need to release, forgive and heal.
  • Where relevant, ask yourself, "What in me caused this to happen?" "What in me attracted this emotion (anger, hatred, sadness, unforgiveness, rebellion or whatever negative emotion you're feeling right now)?"
  • Then connect to your Highest Ideal (Deities, Universe, Cosmos, etc.) and say the following: "I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you."
  • Repeat this until you feel a shift in the energy, or until your nasty feelings toward the person, incident or issue changes.
  • You may also add your own affirmation or mantra like "I forgive myself", "I love myself, etc.".
  • You can recite it in any order you want.
After this, just make sure that we resolve to live in a new way by choosing to refrain from the actions we've done before in the future. This involves the intent of the mind, soul and inner resolution -- and therefore is a matter between us, the Nature and our Deities.
lis wrote: I also think because we don't tend to air our problems to the world people seem to think that we have perfect lives and are jealous of what they perceive our lives to be. I learned a long time ago to never mention anything positive that happens to me because that was almost certain disaster, lol!
I'm not sure but I believe that's the problem when we're not that transparent to them. We may suffer in their own wrong notions.

Re: Is Left-hand Magick Causing Water Damage to Our Home?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:12 am
by lis
Anyway, you're probably wincing by now. So here it goes:

The Ho’oponopono
  • Think of the person(s), relationship, incident or issue that you feel you need to release, forgive and heal.
  • Where relevant, ask yourself, "What in me caused this to happen?" "What in me attracted this emotion (anger, hatred, sadness, unforgiveness, rebellion or whatever negative emotion you're feeling right now)?"
  • Then connect to your Highest Ideal (Deities, Universe, Cosmos, etc.) and say the following: "I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you."
  • Repeat this until you feel a shift in the energy, or until your nasty feelings toward the person, incident or issue changes.
  • You may also add your own affirmation or mantra like "I forgive myself", "I love myself, etc.".
  • You can recite it in any order you want.
smiley_dance Best Idea Ever! I came across this years ago and completely forgot about it, think it is time to give this one a try... especially for those we will likely never see again.

Persistent, yes... to a fault usually. I am typically very good at visualization, never lost the ability to see things in my mind. For some reason with the cord cutting exercise though, it is more that I just feel the energy swirl around me, or at a chakra point... depending on how I do the meditation. I typically don't go in and out of consciousness like that in meditation though. Out of body perhaps, but not into a dream. Maybe I was being healed, as I asked that the cord locations be healed after the cords were removed from me. :)

It was interesting to see that there were a few people over the past few days who were just so exhausted or overwhelmed and didn't know why. Makes you go hmmmm.... could be a coincidence, but still. Hmmmm....

Re: Is Left-hand Magick Causing Water Damage to Our Home?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:58 am
by Seraphin
lis wrote: am typically very good at visualization, never lost the ability to see things in my mind. For some reason with the cord cutting exercise though, it is more that I just feel the energy swirl around me, or at a chakra point... depending on how I do the meditation. I typically don't go in and out of consciousness like that in meditation though. Out of body perhaps, but not into a dream. Maybe I was being healed, as I asked that the cord locations be healed after the cords were removed from me
I understand you lis. It's difficult to describe in words the feeling of being in that kind of state of consciousness. One really has to experience it.

Just listen and observe without defining things. It may take you a while but certainly, you'll eventually understand what you're feeling and get use to it. Just had to break it down into more manageable steps.

Still, you are very blessed! Not all persons can get into that.
lis wrote:It was interesting to see that there were a few people over the past few days who were just so exhausted or overwhelmed and didn't know why. Makes you go hmmmm.... could be a coincidence, but still. Hmmmm....
This is weird. I can really relate to the "exhaustiveness and overwhelmness" -- I'm not worried or anxious over this, but there's definitely stuff going on that I don't understand... yet. Well I don't actually believe in coincidences, so I think that a lot of things happening here have reasons. When a big energetic shift occurs in my life and it doesn't seem to be originating from within, quite often if I share what's going on with me I find that others are going through something similar. It's always interesting to see how these things manifest both similarly and differently for others.

Looking forward to discovering what this energetic shift brings -- for all of us!

Re: Is Left-hand Magick Causing Water Damage to Our Home?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:22 pm
by loona wynd
lis wrote:

I am going to add the prayer you suggested Loona before I do the next meditation, and I would love to know your uncrossing spell as well - need all the help I can get! I may just have several uncrossing spells going at the same time! :)
Well here is the uncrossing spell.

Brown egg
Black paint
Black Salt


Take the black salt and mix a small pinch into the black paint.

Take the brown egg and paint a circle with a cross on the bottom of the egg.

Recite Micheal's prayer asking for protection

Take the egg and rub it over your body from head to toe across your arms and legs. Make sure to get the bottom of your feet as well.

See and feel all negative energy and the curse being sent into the egg.

Make a statement about Michel's power removing the curse

Crack the egg in the toilet and flush it down.

Bury the shells at a cross roads.

About the spell:

The cross gives the power of light and love in you.

The black salt is a curse breaker and a protective blend. By mixing this in the paint and painting it on the shell of the egg the egg becomes you and the black salt and cross bring the curse out of you an into the egg. The flushing of the egg and the cracking of the egg is the actual breaking of the curse and the removal of the curse.

Re: Is Left-hand Magick Causing Water Damage to Our Home?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 10:39 pm
by lis
loona wynd wrote:
lis wrote:
Brown egg
Black paint
Black Salt


Take the black salt and mix a small pinch into the black paint.

Take the brown egg and paint a circle with a cross on the bottom of the egg.

Recite Micheal's prayer asking for protection

Take the egg and rub it over your body from head to toe across your arms and legs. Make sure to get the bottom of your feet as well.

See and feel all negative energy and the curse being sent into the egg.

Make a statement about Michel's power removing the curse

Crack the egg in the toilet and flush it down.

Bury the shells at a cross roads.

About the spell:

The cross gives the power of light and love in you.

The black salt is a curse breaker and a protective blend. By mixing this in the paint and painting it on the shell of the egg the egg becomes you and the black salt and cross bring the curse out of you an into the egg. The flushing of the egg and the cracking of the egg is the actual breaking of the curse and the removal of the curse.
Definitely going to give this one a try as well, thank you Loona!

Re: Is Left-hand Magick Causing Water Damage to Our Home?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 10:48 pm
by lis
Seraphin wrote:Just listen and observe without defining things.
Good advice... I am often very quick to try and fit things into a category.
Seraphin wrote: When a big energetic shift occurs in my life and it doesn't seem to be originating from within, quite often if I share what's going on with me I find that others are going through something similar. It's always interesting to see how these things manifest both similarly and differently for others.

Looking forward to discovering what this energetic shift brings -- for all of us!
Me too! At the very least, this is a very loud wake up call to get out of the mode of being "comfortable" and get our lives back in motion again, figure out where we want to go on this path and start taking the steps to get there. We were starting to get stuck again I think and this lit a fire under us to get us up and moving again. It is also forcing us to take a look at all of our relationships and examine which are healthy and which are toxic. Quite enlightening actually!

Forcing me to look at forgiving and letting go of the past as well. Still working on that one... :lol:

Re: Is Left-hand Magick Causing Water Damage to Our Home?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:11 pm
by Seraphin
lis wrote:Me too! At the very least, this is a very loud wake up call to get out of the mode of being "comfortable" and get our lives back in motion again, figure out where we want to go on this path and start taking the steps to get there. We were starting to get stuck again I think and this lit a fire under us to get us up and moving again. It is also forcing us to take a look at all of our relationships and examine which are healthy and which are toxic. Quite enlightening actually!
I've spoken with quite a few people who are experiencing something similar, what boils down to a "large shift". But good energies seem to be coming in for the support of spiritual and personal growth and development, at least for the folks I've heard from who are also experiencing this.
lis wrote:Forcing me to look at forgiving and letting go of the past as well. Still working on that one... :lol:
Well, I think you don't have to force yourself. Give yourself some time to be prepared. It is generally regarded that those who forced themselves to forgive and let go are not being sincere in their expression of reconciliation.

This is the reason why I refuse to reconcile with my elder brother until the time of his death because I don't want to force myself. But its not worth doing it. Definitely, not worth it. Of course, we might struggle with pride, ego, self-centered behavior, holier-than-thou attitude, etc. and it is our responsibility to get help with these issues for healing to take place.

I believe by genuinely showing and expressing remorse and regret for our actions that may have caused others and ourselves harm may help in the forgiveness and reconciliation process with others. Just walk in unconditional love, and the Higher world will prompt us to restore the broken relationships in our lives.

Re: Is Left-hand Magick Causing Water Damage to Our Home?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 8:40 am
by lis
Seraphin wrote:I've spoken with quite a few people who are experiencing something similar, what boils down to a "large shift". But good energies seem to be coming in for the support of spiritual and personal growth and development, at least for the folks I've heard from who are also experiencing this.
Good to know! A similar thing just happened to one of the ladies my mother works with, although this hole was in the "dirty water" plumbing lines. At least her leak was in the basement and not the top floor of the house, but yuck! :surprisedwitch:
Seraphin wrote:Well, I think you don't have to force yourself. Give yourself some time to be prepared. It is generally regarded that those who forced themselves to forgive and let go are not being sincere in their expression of reconciliation.

This is the reason why I refuse to reconcile with my elder brother until the time of his death because I don't want to force myself. But its not worth doing it. Definitely, not worth it. Of course, we might struggle with pride, ego, self-centered behavior, holier-than-thou attitude, etc. and it is our responsibility to get help with these issues for healing to take place.

I believe by genuinely showing and expressing remorse and regret for our actions that may have caused others and ourselves harm may help in the forgiveness and reconciliation process with others. Just walk in unconditional love, and the Higher world will prompt us to restore the broken relationships in our lives.
Very true. I just think it is time to finally let go of some things - not for their benefit, but for mine. I just finally realized that I wasn't punishing them by being angry, I was hurting myself... and wasting precious time, energy and creativity that I need to use elsewhere. Doesn't mean I have to trust them or even have them in my life, just that I am moving on now... maybe it took hitting this bottom to realize that it's time to let that all go.

Re: Is Left-hand Magick Causing Water Damage to Our Home?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 9:19 am
by Seraphin
After you've done all this, try to wrap yourself in unconditional love energy, then wrapping the other people in your home with that same kind of energy.

Good luck with it lis, I believe you can do it!


Re: Is Left-hand Magick Causing Water Damage to Our Home?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 10:25 pm
by lis
Great idea to wrap everyone in unconditional love! Getting easier, and there is much more clarity about everything in our lives after removing the cords and doing clearing. Thank you all for your help, I will most certainly update how things go and share anything new I learn along the way! :D