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Marry a christian

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 7:22 pm
by Kat
How does a wiccan marry a christian? With what ceremony? Handfasting he doesn't believe in. Christian church wedding I don't believe in. Not get married at all? But what if I want to start a family and live with him?

Re: marry a christian

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 12:40 am
by Vesca
Depends on the couple getting married. Likely, at that stage in the relationship, both individuals are aware of each others' beliefs and respect those beliefs. Some couples are fine doing both, some are fine doing one or the other, some are more comfortable with a civil wedding. It's really no one's business but theirs.

If you have issues with a church wedding, no one can force you to have one.

Could you elaborate on why the type of ceremony performed (if any) would have any bearing on cohabitation and raising a family? That would help with answering your question.

Re: marry a christian

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 2:41 am
by Kat
ceremony is just a paper I guess if people live together already. raising a family one can't do coz that's the way things are in Greece society. I don't know why I suppose it's coz a child needs a male and female role model and without a ceremony the man could easily leave u to raise the kid alone.

Re: marry a christian

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:29 pm
by FullTideMoon
I have been also having this same issue. I am not yet married but my fiancée "claims" to be Roman Catholic (although not practicing so that makes it light on me) His family is also catholic. This makes it rough for me because he wanted to get married in the same church his grandparents and his parents got married in. I told him that Im sorry but I cannot do that because I do not believe in it (specifically Catholicism, No offense to anyone who is or knows someone). I have always felt weird about it. Another issue Im having is, what if we have kids? Am I going to be pressured to get them baptized? On my side of the family, my cousin and her husband (whose opinions and love I value deeply) her husband is a born again Christian. And although I have much respect for his views, he does not show the same for mine and practically preaches to me especially when related to marriage. My suggestion to myself and others is to do a simple ceremony such as JOP, and there are some really nice readings you can find that have nothing to do with religion. and maybe at home you and ur parter and maybe some others who are into the pagan ways, can hold a circle and do a handfasting. I am going to find ways to make it both special for my fiancée and me. I love ceremonies such as the knot tying or taking different colored sand from each family member and putting it into a jar symbolizing the union of family blood...sounds pretty cool right?

Re: marry a christian

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:01 pm
by Chalice
Kat wrote:how does a wiccan marry a christian? with what ceremony? handfasting he doesn't believe in. xtian church wedding i don't believe in. not get married at all? but what if i want to start a family and live with him?
I had a secular wedding. We were able to book a function room at Melbourne's old Treasury Building.

We had a secular wedding celebrant.

And then booked out the Hofbrauhaus in Melbourne for the reception. :)

Everyone said it was the best wedding they had been to in a while.

No Groomsmen. No Bridesmaides. No Best man or Maid on honour. Just two adults, getting married in front of guests and family. Our Mothers witnessed the Wedding certificate.

Done and dusted.

Re: marry a christian

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:11 pm
by Mickey P
My wife is Christian. Out of respect for both of our beliefs, we went to a JOP.