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Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:35 pm
by CrystalMoon
So about a year ago I found a poppet. It was made of candle wax I think... Also it had human hair
It was hanged... in cemetery... and some parts were burned and if I remember correctly then some were poked with needles. The moment I saw it I just felt I should take it with me (save it?)
Anyway, after that I started seeing dreams, dreams were the person the doll was made (he's really dead I guess?) of tried to communicate with me and they were pretty vivid (guess he did communicate me really then?) -
I could see his look, hear his voice and everything as it was real (never seen a person like that/heard that voice before so no, no it couldn't be just random dream)
Anyway, I would like to know what kind of spiritual path is the candle wax doll one... And what do you all know about it and people who use it...
Also how could I communicate with this spirit? (And yes, pretty sure it's a spirit, I just feel/know it somehow)
Thanks and sorry if the text was confusing...

And oh, also... The doll is usually locked in a box And I wore the keys to the box with necklace for long time, when the necklace holding it just randomly bursted broken, the keys falling somewhere, or waking up with the necklace attached open and keys in some random place nearby...

Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:52 pm
by Kassandra

Poppets, Not "Voodoo Dolls"

I just wanted to mention here that poppets, figures that represent humans, are common to spiritual paths including those of the Native Americans ("corn dollies") and Europeans since ancient times. In some African countries they use "spirit dolls" which represent benevolent ancestral spirits in one's family line. In African Diasporic religions, however, the use of them as curse items was adopted by practitioners when they came into contact with people of European descent and began combining magical practices and techniques. But, they are also used in positive ways, such as creating a healing poppet to represent a sick loved one far away, where and the poppet would be filled with healing herbs, and healing prayers or spells would be said over it as if it were the actual person.

In reality, there isn't one particular spiritual path that employs poppets, both for good and for cursing. Some form of poppet could be found in the spiritual practices of just about every country of the world, usually more prevalent with the more indigenous or folk practices. They could be made of wax, fabric, corn husks, and other materials. They have a long history in European magical practices, like thousands of years. Wiccans and other European-based magical paths still use them today. So, I just wanted to point out that "Voodoo doll" is not a generic name for all poppets. In fact, it is viewed as a rather ignorant misnomer for these items by many hoodoo practitioners. The term probably originated in New Orleans, Louisiana to allure tourists (the "Home of Voodoo," Marie Laveau, and all that). Then, the saying probably made its way to Hollywood, and has been used in the media (and by people who don't know any better) ever since.

Not Your Poppet, Not Your Business

Now, about your situation, my opinion is that the proper protocol to follow when you find someone else's spell working items like that (which in this case, was for a curse), is to firstly never touch it. And secondly, not only should you not touch it, but you should never take a curse into your home! Often, the spell caster of the curse also puts a "rider" in the curse that not only will the target be cursed, but also anyone or anything who disturbs the curse itself. You have no idea what malevolent spirits may have been attached to that working you brought into your home, nor what the actual words and intentions of the curse were, so you do not know what their effect will be on the people and animals in your house, or the actual home itself!

Try to understand the energy dynamic behind that, its "magical psychology," if you will: When you disrupt one person's curse, you have sabotaged their work and "chosen sides" against that person. You would be viewed as siding with and "working for" that person's enemy, the target of the spell. You don't even know these people, but now you've gotten in the middle of their personal business. Just as you wouldn't just randomly walk into some stranger's home, stand there and listen to them arguing, then --unasked-- choose a side and just start arguing should you also not invite yourself into peoples' spiritual situations, both out of respect to them, and out of common sense safety for yourself, your home and the people who live in your home.

Making Amends & Cleansing

Therefore, if I were you, I would take it back to where I got it, leave a tobacco and/or alcohol offering (traditionally acceptable offerings in pretty much all predominantly African diasporic practices, such as hoodoo or Voodoo), along with some coins, and place it back exactly the way it was hanging. Most importantly, while at the cemetery I would say some symbolically-important apologies out loud to everyone involved, both to the living whom I've never me (yet I disturbed their work), and to those in spirit. I would say to everyone that out of ignorance I did what I did, then ask for forgiveness, then say that I will not do that again in the future, that I have learned from my mistake. Then, I would thank them for their understanding, leave, and not look back.

Then when you get home, if I were you I would do three days' worth of cleansings (as opposed to just one day, just to be on the safe side --seven days would be ideal) of your personal property, your home, your body and your spirit. There are tons of cleansing ideas on this forum, so you could do a search and find the techniques that resonate with you, and with your situation. In short, in this matter a humble a approach will get you far. But, an arrogant approach will get you nowhere --in fact, if anything it might get you hurt.


Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:59 pm
by BabyBear
Hey CrystalMoon,
your text was not at all confusing :)
this seems voodoo/hoodoo to me but thats cus ive only studied a little of both, yes there is a difference and more then one path to follow in both of them based on what area your in and what you study
as for the doll its probably just a wax doll, some people make them add a personal items into the wax (like the hair, skin, fingernails, charms they carry around or loved) for many things spell wise, some people just melt wax and pour it into molds others do it the traditional way :fairy: ... -doll.html
the needles mean various things some are for luck some are for peace and guidance.
seeing as this was found in a cemetery i can honestly say it could have been to honor the dead or to curse the family of the one dead, Ive not studied much into this area so im not exactly sure, to be honest it would be better if ik know more about the look of the doll and the area it was found in cus that would tell me more.

as for the dreams thats common when you take one of these dolls from where they are placed. your touching and connecting with a very powerfully connected piece of magic that that persons spirit is connected two thanks to the hair placed on the doll.

Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:02 pm
by BabyBear
also i agree with Kas you should place this item back where it was because you are messing with that spells work and could be doing more harm then good by having taken it from its rightful place

Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:02 pm
by CrystalMoon
That is the weird part actually... The first communication with the spirit was actually a pretty clear threat about not trying to get rid of the doll. I remember being pretty frightened and feeling a weird, bad and disgusting feeling after that, as well as a wish to get rid of it as fast as I could.
Now... This seems to be changed... The only thing it has tried to do is moving some things and steal the keys to the box where the doll is ( as far as I have understood, spirit can't leave for long time without its doll close to it, as those two are really attached). The keys are always been returned to somewhere nearby tough.
There seems to be some kind of symphathy/friendship between the spirit and I? I know, sound probably crazy or made up but that's the truth. So I wouldn't really want to get rid of the doll anymore, it now even gives me some kind of protected feeling...
It also seems to be able to control the wind sometimes... So is it possible that he was already a spirit (as in not a living human anymore) before attached to the doll?

Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:10 pm
by Kassandra
CrystalMoon wrote:So I wouldn't really want to get rid of the doll anymore, it now even gives me some kind of protected feeling...
If that's the case, instead of stealing a poppet someone invested time, effort and personal resources to create and use in a way that was personally important to them, why not return it, and use your money to buy your own materials and make a similar poppet for yourself. It shouldn't be considered a personal toy for your amusement. Just a thought.

Good luck. :wink:


Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:21 pm
by Echo_of_shadows
I'm curious, how close to a grave was the poppet? I have taken stuff from cemeteries before, but it's stuff that was curbside. My family considers it taboo to take something directly off a grave.

Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:27 pm
by CrystalMoon
BabyBear wrote:Hey CrystalMoon,
your text was not at all confusing :)
this seems voodoo/hoodoo to me but thats cus ive only studied a little of both, yes there is a difference and more then one path to follow in both of them based on what area your in and what you study
as for the doll its probably just a wax doll, some people make them add a personal items into the wax (like the hair, skin, fingernails, charms they carry around or loved) for many things spell wise, some people just melt wax and pour it into molds others do it the traditional way :fairy: ... -doll.html
the needles mean various things some are for luck some are for peace and guidance.
seeing as this was found in a cemetery i can honestly say it could have been to honor the dead or to curse the family of the one dead, Ive not studied much into this area so im not exactly sure, to be honest it would be better if ik know more about the look of the doll and the area it was found in cus that would tell me more.

as for the dreams thats common when you take one of these dolls from where they are placed. your touching and connecting with a very powerfully connected piece of magic that that persons spirit is connected two thanks to the hair placed on the doll.

Don't really believe it was only a doll, seems to be black magic much. If the keys are being stolen/moving it should mean the spirit does that, and a living one couldn't do that.
Also wouldn't have touched that in any occasion, but in that case it really seemed to call me and also I felt black magic around it very strongly, as did my friend who was with me, she said she was feeling as we should leave, that there's bad aura there and I think even started feeling sick. She can feel those things pretty well too.

As about the location, the exact one wouldn't probably give you much as it is in a country most people don't know of and I don't think there's any English material about it there, as there isn't too much about it in the local language too actually. But it was hung to a tree with ivies with a black little thin rope by the head. Not far from the location that I found the doll also seemed to be some kind of shelter
The cemetery is pretty suspicious anyway, actually wouldn't wonder if there would be more things like this, there seems to be aura filled with black magic everywhere, as well as there is a long-abandoned chapel (where the aura seems to be the strongest, even my friend feels it)
There are also scratching marks on the door, some underground-entrance and there is definetely something going on inside it as it is abandoned and closed but I have seen that someone has moved things inside there, taken some big old crate from there, and there also seemed to be salt laying around at one day. Also a hwser for a climbing rope on the bell-tower (where there is also an entrance to the chapel). So yes, my guess is that there are some kind of satanists or (black) witches or something smiliar there as well, I've seen one satanist- looking guy there as well, at the middle of the night.

Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:32 pm
by CrystalMoon
Echo_of_shadows wrote:I'm curious, how close to a grave was the poppet? I have taken stuff from cemeteries before, but it's stuff that was curbside. My family considers it taboo to take something directly off a grave.
It was pretty far, there is a road and then a sideway with plants and trees with no graves nearby. Basically right next to the cemetery's ending wall. Taking something from grave without a strong reason is a taboo for me as well.

Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:38 pm
by CrystalMoon
Kassandra wrote:
CrystalMoon wrote:So I wouldn't really want to get rid of the doll anymore, it now even gives me some kind of protected feeling...
If that's the case, instead of stealing a poppet someone invested time, effort and personal resources to create and use in a way that was personally important to them, why not return it, and use your money to buy your own materials and just make a similar poppet for yourself. Just a thought.

Good luck. :wink:


If there is a doll made for worshipping, then yes, would never touch or take it. That one anyhow, was hung by the head, burned from many places, and if I do remember correctly, then there was something wrong with the heart as well... Had a violent/bad aura that me and my friend as well could feel around it too. And that in a cemetery where there seem to be satanists and black witches.

Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 8:25 pm
by loona wynd
CrystalMoon wrote:If there is a doll made for worshipping, then yes, would never touch or take it.
How would you know the difference?
CrystalMoon wrote:That one anyhow, was hung by the head, burned from many places, and if I do remember correctly, then there was something wrong with the heart as well...
That right there to me sounds like the poppet was used in a curse of some form. While poppets can be used for healing as well as for cursing, I personally get the impression this one was used in a curse. The something wrong with the heart is one of the reasons I thought it could be a cursed doll.
CrystalMoon wrote: Had a violent/bad aura that me and my friend as well could feel around it too.
If the aura was violent and bad than why did you bring it home with you? There was spell work on that poppet.
CrystalMoon wrote: And that in a cemetery where there seem to be satanists and black witches.
There is no such thing as a black witch. Magic is neither black nor white. Magic is simply a force that we can use to cause changes in our lives and in the lives of each other. Since magic is neither black nor white witches are not black nor white. The same spell that is a blessing for one person could very well be a curse to another person. There is no definite good or evil in witchcraft and magic. While there are witches who will caste baneful magic or curses, that doesn't make them a black witch. Curses can serve a purpose.

Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 8:55 pm
by Kassandra

I'm still trying to figure out what a "satanist-looking guy" actually looks like...

...pointy eyebrows maybe, or mischievious grin? Is it black clothing (because if so, I'm now worried that when I wore my black turtleneck sweater last week everybody who saw me thought I was a "satanist-looking girl")?

Maybe "satanist-looking guys" all wear Aleister Crowely t-shirts. Er, if that's the case, then, um...

Obama in Satanist t-shirt.jpg


Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 9:10 pm
by Seraphin
CrystalMoon wrote:If there is a doll made for worshipping, then yes, would never touch or take it. That one anyhow, was hung by the head, burned from many places, and if I do remember correctly, then there was something wrong with the heart as well... Had a violent/bad aura that me and my friend as well could feel around it too.
Collecting items or objects with bad aura or bringing them inside your house can be dangerous if you don't know their origin or history. Objects absorb etheric energy of its owner or the one who used it. They are called imprints and even if you washed the object, placed it under the sun for 24 hours, and treat it as your own, such imprints can't easily be erased.

To imagine that there could be a power that could protect us or provide for our needs in an object with bad and violent aura, might potentially unleashes negative forces in ourselves, and in your home.

I know of several cases where, after someone brought an object to their house who looks like beautiful and attractive in their eyes, they experienced a decline of their health, downfall in their business and disharmony developed in the household.
CrystalMoon wrote:And that in a cemetery where there seem to be satanists and black witches.
I also agree with loona about Black Witch. White and black are subjective, and quite frankly meaningless when it comes to witchcraft and magick. We can assign whatever colour we want to a deed or action and it makes no difference as far as the deed is concerned. It's just another label, and as such is subjective to opinion, moral views, acceptability and what we can get away with.

As for the Satanists, well... They aren't really harmful people. They don't curse people. Some of them, don't even practice magick. Their path focuses on the Self and betterment of the Self, but they don't disregard the Laws of Nature and Rules of Man. They still believe in right and wrong.

Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 9:15 pm
by Kassandra
Seraphin wrote:We can assign whatever colour we want to a deed or action and it makes no difference as far as the deed is concerned. It's just another label...
Well, I'm a Fuscia Witch, so watch out (but I hear it's those Aquamarine Witches you really should watch out for...they ain't nothin' nice, doing that Aquamarine Magic on people)

Aquamarine witchie.jpg
Don't trust 'em, they're trouble.


Re: Candle Wax Poppet I Took from a Cemetery

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 9:54 pm
by Seraphin
Kassandra wrote:Well, I'm a Fuscia Witch, so watch out (but I hear it's those Aquamarine Witches you really should watch out for...they ain't nothin' nice, doing that Aquamarine Magic on people)
Me, I'm a back-and-white witch. hee

My fiancee is more a rainbow-colored witch. :lol:
Kassandra wrote:Maybe "satanist-looking guys" all wear Aleister Crowely t-shirts. Er, if that's the case, then, um...

Having said that, I therefore conclude that Barack... *pauses*

Hey, this isn't my facebook account?!

*tabbing over to FB* hee...