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Need suggestions for purging energy

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 12:04 pm
by WhiteWoof
A friend of mine (no, really!) was playing around with some electrical shock gloves a friend of hers had, and now two days later she feels the electrical energy flowing through her and can't seem to get rid of it. I've told her to try holding onto the sink and push it out, I've suggested standing barefoot on the ground and holding onto the chain link fence and pushing it out....I even suggested asking the tree nearby to help her.....and none of it seems to have worked.

I'm skilled in working with energy, but it's something that came naturally to me. The "muscles" have always "flexed and relaxed" as easily as I breathe. So I'm thinking maybe she can't push the energy out because I can't give her proper instructions.

A few things about her: if she touches water (including sweat), or sunlight, she gets a burn. Almost literally instant sunburn. She's also very warm to the touch.

I'd try drawing the energy myself, but it's always been one I can't grasp. Gimmie fire, water, or earth any day.
So suggestions would be great. Or if someone's super able to divine my roommate and I, and directly help her, that would be cool too!

Thanks, and blessed be!

Re: Need suggestions for purging energy

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 3:07 pm
by Lillady
Oh poor girl! With the fact she actually has electrical energy in her this is a physical type of energy that can cause external and internal harm to her, I suggest taking her to a hospital/doctor asap. Bright Blessings to her in this situation.

Re: Need suggestions for purging energy

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 8:09 pm
by Seraphin
Sounds like Lhermitte's sign. I agree with Lillady. Take her to a medical doctor. Only them can tell what sort of condition your friend is experiencing and can advice and discuss treatment options for this.