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Gallifreyan Reconstruction or Dr Who in Pop Culture Paganism

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:30 am
by Jack
I was really excited to find a forum that has a dedicated space for pop culture work because I don't see a lot of discussion on the subject outside of Tumblr. I have a number of different pop culture elements I work with, but one I've been working on lately is the idea of what I call Gallifreyan Recon or working with the Doctor as a god or at least a demigod/powerful spirit. Has anybody here done the like or thought about it?

Re: Gallifreyan Reconstruction or Dr Who in Pop Culture Paga

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 4:22 am
by Echo_of_shadows
I haven't tried this idea out myself, but I have a couple suggestions you may be interested in. There is a website where you can download a Gallifreyan translator. I've tried it out myself, and it's rather fun to play with. My idea is to use the translator to create magick sigils and talismans with. The translator even has a function that allows you to change to colors of the translated pictures. Even though you can't control the outcome of the colors, as the colors come up in random pairs, you can just keep clicking the button to get colors corresponding to the goal of your sigil or talisman.
Another idea is that if you create a thoughtform or fetch in the image of the Doctor, create a little TARDIS for him to reside in while he isn't out doing things for you.
I think an altar made to look like the TARDIS would be amazing! :mrgreen:
In my opinion, I think anyone could work with the Doctor as a god. Entities get some of their power from the thoughts and energy put into them from the people that believe in them. I think that their are plenty of Whovians out there to lend the Doctor the power to become a god in the minds of those that love him. :wink:
An image created with the Gallifreyan translator.
An image created with the Gallifreyan translator.
Waffle Manual 2042.PNG (48.66 KiB) Viewed 3059 times

Re: Gallifreyan Reconstruction or Dr Who in Pop Culture Paga

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 8:39 am
by Heartsong
Ack! Those are brilliant ideas! I love the translator, Echo, thank you for sharing! :D

I've thought about invoking different incarnations of the Doctor in the quarters when casting a circle, but you could also call on his companions. Having a fetch in the image of K-9 would be pretty epic too, lol. "Affirmative!"

Re: Gallifreyan Reconstruction or Dr Who in Pop Culture Paga

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:33 am
by Xiao Rong
I hadn't thought of using Doctor Who in spells, but this is really neat! I always liked the episode with the witches / Carrionites and how they explain the use of words to unlock the secrets of the universe. Not exactly how I think pop culture magic works, but certainly fascinating and interesting! And Echo, that's a fabulous idea for making a sigil ; )

Re: Gallifreyan Reconstruction or Dr Who in Pop Culture Paga

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:58 am
by Jack
Thanks for the ideas! I've thought about writing in Gallifreyan but having a translator like that makes it much easier.

Re: Gallifreyan Reconstruction or Dr Who in Pop Culture Paga

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 11:18 am
by The_Reclining_Reader
Thanks so much for the link. I think I'm going to start trying to work the Doctor into my rituals. It's an idea I've heard before, and always found interesting.