Serious negative craft how do I stop it?

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Serious negative craft how do I stop it?

Post by Simone »

Ok well Im new obviously. I have searched the web for the last few hours looking for advice on my problem. Im sure it is a problem. I have posted on another board as well the same thing in the hopes that someone can enlighten me. Here goes.
Recently, over the last 6 months, my grandmom has been having serious health problems. Legs swelling, pain and so forth. So much so that she is almost incapable of walking now. The doctors havnt got a clue. We all thought it was her heart meds.(to Much plus stupid doctors)
But today one of my nephews was in the front yard playing in the dirt and began to uncover jars. He called my grandad over and they dug up a total of 6 or 8 jars. Im not to sure about the number. There were needles, nails, other sharp objects, pieces of clothing, notes and pictures inside these. Oh and a couple even had dolls with needles stuck in the head and body. We couldnt tell who the pictures were of or read what was on the papers but I definatly suspect something ill going on. My grandmother kept saying over the last few years that someone was cursing her and had even had the priest and witches of various sorts over to bless the house many times over the years. My question is this... Should uncovering the jars break any kind of mal intent or do we need to take further steps for protection? I would appreciate any kind response. Thank you in advance.
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Post by Wolf* »

Normally if an item for a spell is supposed to be hidden, the magic is supposed to stop working if it is uncovered. Also, could you supply a scan of said papers? Someone may be able to help with whats on them.

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."

Post by Simone »

I would have to see if my grandad hasnt destroyed them. I am relaying on what my husband has told me. I didnt get a chance to see the objects. He had stopped by last night after work and my grandad had showed him what they found out by the fountain. In doing some research I found that usually an object like these are used for protection. I couldnt find anything on the dolls. Maybe it was protection from someone in particular, thus the pictures and dolls. My grandmom has been doing Magik and consulting with witches for many years and is a knowledgable herbalist for healing herbs. She got this knowledge from my great grandmother. Who was the local pueblo healer. (mexico) God the more I write the more I recall so many many things. MY GRANDMOM IS A WITCH! How cool is that. I believe that it may have been my granmom that put the jars there herself or someone she asked to come and bless the house. I think she is allowing everyone to believe that it was some wierdo who did it. She has been ridiculed and chastised many times over the years for doing Quote"Wierd Stuff" Especially from my grandad.

I recall once that my daughter had a horrable fever due to strep, so much so that I was headed to the hospital with her. Her throught was shredded and the glands were swollen. I called my grandmom first and she gave me instructions to draw out the swelling and disappear the fever. She told me to get a ripe red tomato. Heat over a flame till the peel was burnt. (in this case I used the stove) Do not let it cool to much. Place the tomato over the throught and bind it. All the while saying a prayer. I dont recall what it was. Now that I think about it was a chant. I had to repeat it over and over . I had bound the tomato, my husband couldnt believe i was actually doing this voodoo crap. (As he put it) I kicked him out of the room. Than you take achohol made from sugar cane and rub / massage it in every joint on the body, including the crotch area. Inside elbows, armpits. knees, neck. She told me to keep praying and check her every few minutes. Withing 45 minutes he fever was gone and she has no redness or swelling. She was completly healed. My husband couldnt believe it. I could, I recall her doing many things over the years with sick family members. We all thought it was a normal thing. The tomato when removed looked squishy and rotted. Like it had rotted on the vine. I tossed it and thank god for my grandmom. I called her again to let her know that my daughter was ok and she said good, maybe you'll listen to me next time!

Post by missy »

Simone, With no doubt you're Grandmother is a "kitchen witch" she uses old recipes from what nature provides for us to use them in way's that help and can cure our ailment's. I know this because my mother is the same she has "old" recipes that have been tried and true for our fevers and stomach ailment's. etc...
What i think is going on with your grandma is she is possibly cursed by someone so maybe she is trying to protect herself. In Mexico we call that Embrujada. or a male witch doctor would be known as a Cudandera. If you could ask your grandma to maybe get a good cleansing going on her house, Try the use of a smudge stick (sage) it repels negative energy. do all the corners of the house, put salt at the doorway's to keep negative energy out. What could be benefical to your grandma is drinking alot of water. to try to flush her system out. Also limit the use of salt. If you have questions please PM me.

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Joined: Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:49 pm
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Location: Walsall, England (i moved)

Post by Alhandra »

A little romany thing you can do is place mirrors in the windows of the house reflecting the outside so whatever negativity is been sent to your grandmother it will bounce back!

Romany Saying~
"the tatcho drom to be a jinny penmergo is to dik, to shoon and to rig drey zi"
The true way to be a wise man is to see, to hear and to bear in mind.

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