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Robin Williams... Take mental illness seriously

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:04 pm
Yes, right now, we just don't know, however, asphyxiation seems to be the cause...
At 63, a well respected comedian, who made billions laugh, couldn't find that delight in his own heart.

If you need help, call for suicide prevention.

It's no laughing matter.


Re: Robin Williams... Take mental illness seriously

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 2:58 am
by Lillady
Thanks Mama Dragon and you are right there are many outlets out there for help many free resources as well. If you feel like suicide is the only way out it isnt. I have personally been there. Being hospitalized is far worse sometimes. Seek out the help, talk to somebody, meditate whatever you can do to clear your mind because suicide is not the answer! Thanks! Blessed Be. I am here for all of you if you ever need to talk feel free to pm me.

Re: Robin Williams... Take mental illness seriously

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:12 am
by Pinkpower_80
I've been ther too, lillady. It is a horrible place to be. Sometimes reaching out is hard to do when you're that low, but it is so important. We are all worth living. I am just a pm away if anyone ever needs to talk.

Re: Robin Williams... Take mental illness seriously

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:04 pm
I've attempted 8 times.
The Goddess needs me around, and I'm finally on a cocktail of head meds (Rx). Inputs so hard to see such sadness from such a lovely, funny, actor/commpedian/ husband/father, ect.
May he rest.

And for a look at the way a Pagan MAY view the Otherworld. I highly suggest watching "What dreams may come" gives a more "Pagany feel" that just.. Uh. Well, you just have to watch it. He is in at, as well as Cuba Gooding Jr.

Comfort to all those who cherish him and his friends, family, and loved ones.

Re: Robin Williams... Take mental illness seriously

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 1:08 am
by Pinkpower_80
I love that movie, it is my favorite one with him.