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I Really Want To Be A Better Wiccan

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:35 pm
by AvatarSpirit
I considered myself a Wiccan but I hardly ever practice. The reason for that is because I've never had any guidance. Everything I know has been from random internet searches, including spells. I would truly love if some of you could help me out with this. This religion means so much to me and I want to become better at magick, spellcasting and having a better spiritual connection with the religion in general. Where do I start?

Re: I Really Want To Be A Better Wiccan

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 10:04 pm
by Siona
A lot of people find it really helpful to have some sort of routine practice. That can be anything from a short daily devotion, or setting aside a bit of time to meditate each week, or a special ritual on each full moon - just something that you will do regularly on some sort of schedule. Having that pattern of practice can really help one stay connected to their spirituality.

When it comes to spells, I'm of firm belief that the best spells are the ones you write for yourself. Rather than just getting spells off the internet, you may want to start studying how to create your own, break down what the parts of a spell really are, what they're meant to do. Don't just throw a bunch of ingredients together because some online correspondence chart says to do that, look at the meaning behind what's included in a particular spell. If you don't already, maybe start practicing energy work like grounding, shielding, and so on, since that's an important skill for spellwork.

Community is also helpful for some people. That can mean an online community like this one, or perhaps seeing if there are any other Wiccans (or even other pagans) who live around you, so you can see how others practice, and be able to ask questions, and that sort of thing.

Re: I Really Want To Be A Better Wiccan

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 10:30 pm
by Seraphin
Hiya Avatar!

Now personally I'm kinda of the mind that when you're ready to start practicing magick and the Craft it will happen for you. But nobody made me the definitive authority on anything, certainly not peoples personal relationship with their magickal path or journey.

OK, first of all find a source for reading material and begin to read. Some would be…
  • ... ative=9325
  • your local library
  • second hand bookstores
  • online; using keywords like witchcraft, wicca, pagan, gods & goddesses, once you find some things using these keywords use other terms you find there to expand your search.
  • ...when an author is quoting facts he will sometimes note the source of his information in his book, buy some of those books and read them. This will do a couple of things. You’ll be able to trace back an author’s information for accuracy and you’ll gain more information.
  • EUTM! :lol: Visit us regularly, ask question and we are more than happy to answer and support you!
Don't worry so much about picking the right books or sources as simply picking a few and getting started. There is no such thing as the perfect book, never has been and never will be. Find a few that have reviews that say they are fine for beginners.

While you are reading begin to accumulate some tools of the magical trade. Don't go over board here, keep it simple and inexpensive, I can't stress this enough for several reasons. One of the most important reasons is that it is easy to get so caught up in the tools that you lose the real magick. Some of the things I would suggest:
  • candles of various sizes and styles and colors
  • herbs from the local market or supermarket. I have my favorites but I encourage you to pick the ones that you think will be the most useful to you.
  • some stones and or crystals as long as you don't spend to much money
  • various sizes of bottles, bowls, jars. There's a lot of them in your kitchen.
  • pots
  • wand or a branch
  • arts and crafts materials
Some of these things you'll have to buy retail. Please bear in mind that you're in no hurry to begin working magick, and you're prepared to do your reading and at least being to get a sense of who you are and where you want to go you'll have plenty of time to look for some of these things, and others too, at second hand stores like the goodwill, flea markets, garage sales and such.

After you've accumulate some of these basic tools (hopefully not spending too much money or becoming to elaborate) yo'’re ready to start getting to know them; their magickal symbols, purposes and their energies. Meditate on them. If you are having a hard time to meditate, don't be frustrated but just keep on doing it. Remember that you're striving for betterment, and not perfection. Accept your limitations and aim for balance. Even experienced witches know when and how to rest and stop. Explore areas of your magick and Craft where you find meaning like experiences and lessons in your path.

Continuously read and thoroughly study the your chosen path "Wicca" with the help of your Deity (if you have one) or Guides to get a true sense of what your chosen path is, how do you worship the Divine, what does being a Wiccan witch mean to you, what do you hope to achieve and learn, what do you fear about following this particular path. Hopefully, you find correspondences within yourself. Note these feelings in a journal or diary. This journal will help you design your dedication/self-initiation ritual and eventually may turn into your Book of Shadows.

As you begin to make your way through Wicca, you'll discover this path had some ethical tenet like the Wiccan Rede or the Threefold Law for witches to follow. Ultimately, you will begin to understand that, contrary to the conceptions of Media and Abrahamic Faiths, witchcraft doesnt work to harm people.

Begin keeping Sabbats and Esbats -- which might "feel a little strange" at first, but becomes a very rewarding experience once you begin doing these things on a regular basis.

Read some guidelines in the internet concerning the keeping of the Sabbats and Esbats.

Learn to stand firm!

We know from experience that you will get much -- often vicious, harsh and bullying -- opposition from your family, friends and neighborhood who will do everything in their power to convince you, you are "evil". Many will even try to warn you that you will lose your salvation and you are already damn in hell.

Don't argue and respect their opinions!

With these things if not done (truthfully they’ll never be done) but then at least well underway it is time for us to move on and talk a bit about spells and how to cast them. Lets start with this:


WHEN: Personally I work a spell whenever I feel like it would be a positive and appropriate way to enhance my life and the mundane work I am doing in my life to improve it. Each of you will have to answer this question for yourself of course. I would however encourage you not to begin to work with your magical tools until you’ve gotten to know them on a personal level.

WHERE: I like peace and quiet and privacy to work a spell but it isn’t essential that I have that. If I’m out at a restaurant, or the beach, or any place else and I really feel like I can’t wait, I have to deal with an imminent situation then I craft a spell right there, on the spot and execute it. I would suggest to most of you who are reading this for the purpose of beginning your magical life that that might not be a good idea. Get some experience under your belt.

WHY: Need, it really is that simple. But need, or at least the perception of it, isn't simple at all. This is a profound concept to think about. Yes, as a Kabbalist, I believe the Deities had intended all along to allow mankind to enjoy everything in this world, but They made sure that we will feel the lack, turn to our Deities and the Universe to request it, and only then They gave them what we asked for.

There's a need because the Nature, the Divine and the Universe desire a connection with us. Acknowledge their presence and realize the source of what we need.

If you believe you need to become proficient in the use of magick then find something in your life where magick would be a positive addition to the mundane steps you are already taking to improve some part of your life. That is all the need you need to have to justify spell work.

And last but not least…

HOW: This is where it gets tricky. This is the part that involves the crafting of the spell itself. Lets look at this. Lady Macbeth’s famous line of, "Out damn spot. Out!" for a moment lets pretend that the good Lady means this as a chant as part of a spell. At first glance it might look pretty good, but is it? It is very direct, she wants the spot out and she’s certainly directing a good deal of energy at the removal of the spot, but is that enough to reach her goal? Let's say I have a spot on a garment and I want it out, I'm more likely to do this:

First I sit down with the garment and a pen and paper and I think about what I should do and why. Number one I should wash the garment. Magic should work with mundane fixes not take the place of them. While I am washing the garment I should work a spell. But what kind of spell? What are my real goals? Sure I want the spot out, but why do I want the spot out? I want it out because I want to restore my garment to it’s former glory, or at least make it fairly wearable again :D .

Now with Lady Macbeth's spell she might get the spot out, but she might find that it comes out because a candle she was using as part of the spell falls over and burns it way. Sure the spot is out but is the garment any more wearable? No.

So, how do I avoid this problem? First I need to be clear in my mind what my real goals are and then I need to word my spell in such a way that I will reach them. How about this:

Baneful spot that does offend
Be removed and gone from here.
For to me, this garment is dear.

By word and herb and power
And will I banish you; this I do.
And make this garment good as new.

Isn't my real goal much clearer here? That makes it much more likely that I will get the real results I want and not just the spot out. And before somebody slams me for it, yeah it is a rhyme, I like rhyming spells because they are easy to remember so I don’t have to read them, and they help me raise energy.

Finally lets talk about the most important ingredient in any spell you do. That ingredient is you; your will, your power, your belief that it will work. This is by far the hardest step to get right, but I can't over emphasis the importance of belief in yourself and that your spell will work. If you allow doubt to intrude I don't care how much work you’ve done you're just setting yourself up for failure. Believe in yourself and believe in your magick.

I haven't given you anything more than enough to get you off block here, perhaps others will add useful information.

Re: I Really Want To Be A Better Wiccan

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 11:30 pm
by AvatarSpirit
@Siona - Thank you for the advice. I've actually never heard of grounding. And as for shielding, I think I do that sometimes, unless I'm thinking about something else. I'll read about both of these things and see what I can find out. I'll start a ritual ASAP. It sounds like a great idea.

@Seraphin - Wow!! I did not expect a long comment like that haha. I probably should've clarified that I'm not completely new to it. I've done spells, and created spells, many times. I actually started doing spells when I was a child, and didn't know about Wicca. I always considered myself a witch though, and not in a kid type of way. I always felt like I had the power to cast spells successfully. I've had successful moments and failed moments. I'm always conflicted when it comes to creating my own, since I feel like I need to have candles and herbs and such, yet I never know which color or herb would be the best to use. Regardless, I try my spells anyway. I clicked on your amazon link, but it just took me to the homepage. Can you tell me what the name of the book was that you were linking me to? I don't have a Deity, but since you mentioned it, I would like to. I don't know how many there are or anything though. My knowledge about things is limited, but I'm dedicated to knowing as much as you and many other Wiccans do. I'm here to learn and grow. Just like your example, I make rhyme spells that are long-ish. I like to type them out as a note in my phone, and then recite them. I already have a Book of Shadows, but there are several spells I need to add to it. I just keep forgetting. When I tell people my religion (only if religion is the topic), they react differently. Some say it's cool, and others get worried, thinking it's evil. I explain to them exactly what it is and how it's not evil at all, and they accept it. I've never gotten true hate for it, although I would if I told my mom. She's against magic after my brother recited black magic spells from a spellbook and got haunted. Sabbats and Esbats? Sorry if I sound stupid for asking this, but aren't those like "Wiccan holidays". I might be thinking of something else, but I swear I've heard the term Sabbats used for the holidays like Yule and such. As for the Threefold Law and Wiccan Rede, I already know about those. Is there somewhere you can direct me that shows the best colors of candles to use for certain types of spells? Thank you so much for taking the time to write all of that.

Re: I Really Want To Be A Better Wiccan

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 4:26 am
by Ron James ... 26933.html

This really is an awsome forum. Ive learned so much already!

Re: I Really Want To Be A Better Wiccan

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:06 am
by Siona
AvatarSpirit wrote: Is there somewhere you can direct me that shows the best colors of candles to use for certain types of spells?
So I know this wasn't directed toward me, but there really isn't a 'best' color, or best whatever, to use - different cultures and practices often assigned different meanings to colors, numbers, symbols, and so on. This is sort of what I meant by exploring the why behind individual components of a spell. For example, one color magic list might put healing under green, but another under blue, and another under white. None of the lists are necessarily wrong, but none are universally right, either. If you were to do a healing spell, rather than look up what someone else associates with healing, sometimes it is much more effective to sit down and really think about what color comes to mind when you think of healing, what color is going to give you the right feeling, and allow you to best focus on your goal.

Re: I Really Want To Be A Better Wiccan

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:40 am
by Seraphin
AvatarSpirit wrote:
@Seraphin - Wow!! I did not expect a long comment like that haha. I probably should've clarified that I'm not completely new to it.
Sorry if I scare you with my long post. :lol: Anyway, yeah... I'm not really sure what sort of guidance you're looking for so I just decided to write here almost everything you need to know to start out. But I'm glad you replied because now I know what are the stuffs you want to learn.
AvatarSpirit wrote: I've had successful moments and failed moments.
Well probably, a change of perspective is crucial here: Because for me, my magick (this include spellworks) always work. It's just up to us to interpret how it works. Sometimes my spells work differently than what I am expecting. :lol:
AvatarSpirit wrote:I'm always conflicted when it comes to creating my own, since I feel like I need to have candles and herbs and such, yet I never know which color or herb would be the best to use. Regardless, I try my spells anyway.
Wells there's a huge difference between the words and directions on the page (book page and web page) and those words and directions that came from your heart.

If you're the one who is crafting the spell then it's all up to you if you'll be needing tools and such. They aren't really a requirement but they can help you to make your spells more potent. You can collect and use tools direct from nature -- connect to them, and you'll feel "lifted" because of them. You'll begin to feel close to nature, and this will enhance your entire spellworking experience.

It's not bad to use spells created by other people but we have to make them also personal. Good witches who crafted genuine spells had the needs of the entire witches in mind. They weren't just directing us in spell casting; they were teaching us what counts most in life to a witch. If the words seem foreign to us, it's because we have yet to see their words, their tools, their directions through our own eyes. That's the goal. And, when one achieves this, spellcasting becomes a completely personalized experience, and, enjoyable.

Some things to consider in crafting and casting spells:
  • Ask yourself, "What does your spell ask for?" and answer the question.
  • Ask yourself, "Why do I choose to use these tools? These words? "
  • Ask yourself, "How would my life improve from this spell?"
  • Write a short essay "justifying" the creation of spell. If necessary, find adequate sources on correspondences, and do research.
AvatarSpirit wrote:I clicked on your amazon link, but it just took me to the homepage. Can you tell me what the name of the book was that you were linking me to?
No. I'm just linking you to Amazon actually and there you can search books you want.
AvatarSpirit wrote:I don't have a Deity, but since you mentioned it, I would like to. I don't know how many there are or anything though. My knowledge about things is limited, but I'm dedicated to knowing as much as you and many other Wiccans do. I'm here to learn and grow.
There's a lot of guided meditation and ritual to get in touch, connect or meet your Deity. They may choose you or you may choose Them. What's really important is you build relationship with Them.

"All Gods are one God, and all Goddesses are one Goddess" -- this is a principal theistic philosophy of Wicca, popularized by occultist Dion Fortune. Some Wiccans believe that this is the widespread belief among all Pagan religions. But actually, this concept is more similar to theistic belief of the Hindus, than that of Paganism. While this Jungian concept of Deities remains popular today, many other pagans are polytheists like me (all Gods exist and have separate identities), pantheists (everything and everyone is God), panentheists (All is in god), non-theists (no gGods, just spirit forces), and even atheists (no Gods at all).

Now, if we learn from our personal relationships, then it becomes easy to see why this is so true and so vital when working with Deities. For, there are many stuffs we do for other folks, and many stuffs they do for us. The more we "trust and love" someone, the more we tend to work with that person.

However, our works are just different ways of expressing our understanding of the person's importance to us, and how we see them, or feel them. It's "self" that we give to others whom we love, and in whom we trust. In other words, "dedication".

It's no different with our chosen Deity. It is not our offerings or prayers that our Deities desire. It's our love, trust and appreciation that They request from us. Our offerings and prayers follow from this, and expresses that love, trust and appreciation, like it does in any relationship. This is part one of any Divine work experience: giving of one's self.
AvatarSpirit wrote:When I tell people my religion (only if religion is the topic), they react differently. Some say it's cool, and others get worried, thinking it's evil. I explain to them exactly what it is and how it's not evil at all, and they accept it. I've never gotten true hate for it, although I would if I told my mom. She's against magic after my brother recited black magic spells from a spellbook and got haunted.
I hear you avatar, we've been there one way or another and that need a great deal of understanding and patience.
AvatarSpirit wrote:Sabbats and Esbats? Sorry if I sound stupid for asking this, but aren't those like "Wiccan holidays". I might be thinking of something else, but I swear I've heard the term Sabbats used for the holidays like Yule and such.
You're right.

There are four sabbats that are based on ancient Celtic festivals: Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh. These names given to the sabbats are a fairly new addition, in some older books they are simply called Halloween, Candlemas, May Eve, and Lammas. Yule and Ostara are based on Ancient Germanic feasts. Gardnerian Wiccans are those who originally observed and celebrated only the four seasonal "Celtic" festivals. Celebration of the solstices and equinoxes were included in the Wiccan celebrations as a result of the influence of the modern Druidic movement.

For more information about this. Please check this out:

The Pagan Wheel of the Year

You'll also find more information on how members here observe and celebrate these holy days in the Sabbats and Esbats Forum.
AvatarSpirit wrote:Is there somewhere you can direct me that shows the best colors of candles to use for certain types of spells?
Ron James gave you the link for Magickal Correspondences. Check that out!
AvatarSpirit wrote:Thank you so much for taking the time to write all of that.
You're welcome avatar. We are here to help!

Re: I Really Want To Be A Better Wiccan

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:10 pm
by AvatarSpirit
Now that you mention it, there have been instances where I've done a spell, and it took a few months to go into effect, yet worked amazingly. I guess I just have this mindset that spells are supposed to go into effect almost instantly. When it comes to spellcasting, I always have a reason. I'm not the type to just be like "oh hey I'll just do this spell for fun." If I'm doing a protection spell, it's because someone may be trying to harm me. I tend to do those the most, but it still doesn't happen very often.

In terms of a Deity, I typically do stick with the God and Goddess, but that's mainly because I didn't realize there were more to choose from in this religion. I searched the internet and I saw that there are some winter-related Gods and Goddesses, and I feel like one of them is the one I should be following. The problem is, I don't know which one. I've always felt such a deep connection to the winter season and I feel so happy when it arrives. I also hope that I searched the right thing and I'm not sounding like a totally idiot right now haha.

Thank you all. I'll be checking out your links and furthering my research. :)

Re: I Really Want To Be A Better Wiccan

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:27 pm
by Ravenstar
You can take online courses such as Living the Wicca Life at They have many courses to choose from. Also, I just got the book Wicca, A Year and a Day by Timothy helps a lot and look up meet groups for witches and Wicca in your area for community. Blessings. :flyingwitch: