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Natural ways of dealing with migraines

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:28 am
by Shub Niggurath
Those who are Migrainoids like me know how annoying migraines are to deal with. It's like a curse that can't be cured permanently and it basically dooms us to be dependent on painkillers till death.
Well, as I suffer from migraines since I can remember (I have an innate neurological problem) I learned how to get rid of a headache or at least make it more bearable.
Painkillers are the most effective way of course but they can heavily damage our liver over time so if you suffer from strong headaches or migraines a few times a week, painkillers are not an option.

So here are some of my ideas on how to deal with headaches/migraines with natural methods:

1. Miracle Tea: (ingredients for around 0,4l of water)
- 1 tbsp Spearmint leaves (Peppermint is not as good as Spearmint)
- 1 tbsp Melissa leaves
- 0,5 - 1 tbps Lavender buds

You can make the tea with or without an infuser, depends on what you prefer. I like the herbs to float in my cup. Spearmint invigorates you, Melissa calms you down and Lavender relieves the pain. It's good not only to drink but also smell it - a quick aromatherapy session while drinking a tea. This tea really does wonders, it helped me many times to relieve really strong migraines.

2. Crystals:
- Amethyst
- Black Tourmaline
- Clear Quartz
- Green stones: Unakite, Aventurine, Malachite etc.
- Rose Quartz

I love putting crystals on my forehead. The bigger piece the better because they're super cold and soothing + if you pick a stone that feels most healing to you it will help you recover.

3. Magnesium body spray:
Not everyone knows that magnesium can help with migraines and headaches. I learned this from my neurologist. But what's also important to mention is that magnesium is not easily absorbed by our body when it's in a pill form, it's absorbed easier through our skin. So, an easy and pleasant way to deliver enough magnesium to our body and aid our headache at the same time is a body spray made out of water and Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate.
Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate is a pure magnesium in a form of white powder. It's really cheap and safe, you can buy it online or in a pharmacy. All you need to do is to make a saturated solution (water + as much MCH as the water can dissolve), pour it into a spray bottle and voila!
It also helps with sleep problems.

4. Cold compress:
Most of the people would use a cold compress on their forehead to ease the pain. However I've discovered that if you put a cold compress around your neck it helps much more and works faster. I don't know why it works better this way but I really noticed the difference since my grandma shared this technique with me.

5. Small hacks that help:
- Sleeping mask! Right before and during a migraine you might be really sensitive to light (I am) and even though you might not realize it, if you cover your eyes with a sleeping mask or anything else, it will ease some of the tension in your head and will help you to get rid of the migraine faster;
- Fresh air! It might sound obvious, but really, it's crucial. Opening a window helps a lot. Not only because you can breathe fresh, cold air but because you might be sensitive to scents as well. Fresh air grants you that you're not going to feel nauseous.

Hope someone who suffers from migraines like me will find those tips helpful.

There's also one more thing I'd like to mention about migraines. Even though sometimes during migraines it feels like your brain is about to explode or your skull is about to turn inside-out, there's something special about this altered state of mind. It's rather personal and everyone experiences it in different ways and forms but at least it's interesting to observe your own altered mind and consciousness during a migraine. For me it's kind of a magickal state of mind. It actually makes me more sensitive to light and also more sensitive to subtle energies. I can easily see auras, energy currents, spirits etc. And when I say "I can see" I mean I see them as clearly as I see any other physical objects/other people. It's like my mind is altered and can perceive two dimensions at the same time. I know it's my natural ability but I usually keep it "turned off" because it's rather annoying at times. Anyway, what I mean is that a migraine can potentially amplify your psychic abilities so if you're into that, it's just worth observing yourself carefully during a migraine.
It's also a perfect time to meditate. It can be really challenging to meditate on the pain and try to overcome it but it's a perfect moment to do so and gain some more insight.

Re: Natural ways of dealing with migraines

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:03 pm
by Sakura Blossom
Very nice post, Levitating Cat! And good to know because I get migraines often. I have things I do, but some of these are new things I have yet to see. (:

I usually take a bath with rose oil or I put rose oil on a kleenex and smell it, due to Rose being good for handling headaches. (: It's a really good quick fix too!

Thanks for sharing!

Re: Natural ways of dealing with migraines

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:17 pm
by TwilightDancer
This is a great post, I get migraines so bad I have to call off work and I find the crystals and a sleeping mask work best for me. I also like to put a cold towel on my eyes.

Blessed Be :flyingwitch:

Re: Natural ways of dealing with migraines

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:13 am
by Shub Niggurath
Thanks for your responses Sakura and TwilightDancer, I'm glad we can exchange our ways of dealing with migraines!
I definitely need to try the rose oil bath and putting a cold towel on my eyes - never tried those before. Seems like everyone has their unique ways of soothing the pain, which is great to share and test what works best :)

Re: Natural ways of dealing with migraines

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:07 pm
by GreenGato
Feverfew helps prevent migraines but to really work as studies have shown it should be taken every day.

It does interact with a few popular meds that break down in liver (Allegra and ibuprofen for example) This is a link to a more complete list of medicines that can interact with it and also don't chew the fresh form and it's not for people with ragweed allergies:

Migraines knock me out for about 6 hours about every other month. I'm charting them now to see if they are affected by my menstruation cycles. They are a dozy though. I haven't tried feverfew but I've been considering it for a while.

Re: Natural ways of dealing with migraines

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:10 am
by Irised
By the way, magnesium can also help with anxiety. In addition to the spray, Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate. So you can also take a bath and let your skin absorb it too.

Re: Natural ways of dealing with migraines

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:28 am
by thethrone
Very helpful post,
I have migraines very often, and is difficult to handle it.
A friend says that i have migraines because i am thinking much lol

Re: Natural ways of dealing with migraines

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:16 pm
by Echo_of_shadows
Thanks Levitating Cat. :) I wish I had seen this post yesterday.
I'm totally on board with sleeping masks. I actually started using them when I first started getting migraines because it felt like there was nothing I could do to keep light out of my eyes. I used to bury my head under the pillow and blankets, but it felt like I could still see light.
I'd like to suggest that people don't sleep with a television on. That's what was contributing to my migraines for a while.

Re: Natural ways of dealing with migraines

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:04 am
by Shub Niggurath
Echo_of_shadows wrote:I'd like to suggest that people don't sleep with a television on. That's what was contributing to my migraines for a while.
This is a very important topic considering migraines. It is true that TVs, computers, mobile phones etc. - they can all contribute to migraines. (And not just migraines but that's for a separate thread.) So if you're surrounded by multiple electronic devices (who isn't?) you might want to start taking care of this aspect.
What's important to do:
- turning off yout TV and computer when you're not using it
- turning off WiFi in your mobile devices when you're not using it
- make sure all the devices near your bed are turned off and plugged out before you go to bed

The reason for this is that all those things produce electromagnetic waves which strike out body and can make us feel like we're out of balance, causing migraines, sleeping problems etc.

Re: Natural ways of dealing with migraines

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 6:20 pm
by Hollerdoller
Migraines run in my family, there are only a few that don't get them occasionally. What seems to work great for all of us is eating a handful or two of unsalted, unroasted almonds. if eaten when you first feel the start of a migraine, they will get rid of it before it gets bad, and if eaten after its already in full force, give it an half hour to an hour to kick in.

not sure if this will work for everybody, but it has worked for everyone in my family,

hope this helped :)

Re: Natural ways of dealing with migraines

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:50 pm
by nightstar
What an incredible post! Being that I am also a migraine sufferer who doesn't like to take the meds the doctor prescribed for the reasons listed above, I have found other means for relief. Another great way to relieve a migraine/headache is to submerge your hands and feet into the hottest water you can stand and put a cold compress on the back of your neck. This always works for me, maybe this could work for somebody else.

Re: Natural ways of dealing with migraines

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:56 pm
by AdastraJunction
Heat pad on the base of your skull lavender on your feet and temples help when I get migraines (someone to lightly massage your feet and temples help too!). Pressing your thumbs to the base of your skull help a lot and massaging.

Re: Natural ways of dealing with migraines

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:56 pm
by Kyrie
A good soak in a tub filled with epsom salt! It has the magnesium you're talking about and it also helps with sore and stiff muscles.

Another poster also mentioned turning off the electronics. I just wanted to add to that: When you are on the computer or watching TV or whatever.....put a piece of black tourmaline in between yourself and the device. Black tourmaline clears the space of electromagnetic energy. I am constantly on the computer so I always keep black tourmaline right in front of the monitor.

Re: Natural ways of dealing with migraines

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 8:43 pm
by Myrth
Epsom salt soaks are good too. Magnesium is absorbed through the skin as you point out. A full body soak in a warm tub of water with epsom salts is a good way to do it, and relaxing. Also, a foot soak is excellent.

There are also pressure points in your hands, between the thumb and index finger. If you apply pressure with massage to those pressure points, it can completely end a headache. There are also a pair of pressure points at the area at the top of your neck just below the base of your skull. Applying gentle pressure with circular massage helps relieve a headache.