Hullo peoples.. Can you help me please?

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Hullo peoples.. Can you help me please?

Post by ___Nemo___ »

Okay, hello all.
I know my spelling and such may not be at it's best, I'm kind of stressed/worried at the moment and I don't know what to do or think.

Uh.. This may sound stupid and farfetched to some people at the moment and if this is your view then i don't blame you. In the back of my mind I never really thought anything of the sort could ever happen. But now it has I'm... Lost. So I came to you guys for help I guess..

Okay well i guess i'll start from the beginning. (Abandoning all grammar and such now in my haste to type! ) My friend *Lot and I formed a coven along with another very close friend and ever since that day we have been meeting up alot and you know.. Being a coven. With absence of our other friend who keeps coming up with excuses, but thats another story. Anywho Lot and I formed a really strong connection and such.
Well for Yule our Coven met and we meditated for a while and spent some time together and then Lot was invited to meet with some other people. She went and one of the girl's brought a child's wand she had found with an upside down star un top. The others, apart from Lot who tried to convince them not to wished on the wand for some reason, despite the face that it had been found and they had no clue who had owned it previously. A little while later Lot picked up the wand and looked at it, she said she felt something odd. And then an overwhelming flow of 'bad enrgy' or some kind of negative force wash over her. Now the person's house in which they met is haunted. And the ghost tried to posess Lot. Apparently it was the ghost of a little girl who was a world war 1 victim and died on the grounds the house was built. The girl then apparently moved to another of the girls when she tried to help Lot and then moved back into Lot when she tried to help the girl back. It complicated but that is apparently what happened. Then after a short while during which Lot said she heard the girl speak to her, she said she was hostile at first, threatening not to leave her body and after a short while became scared and that is when she found out that she was only a little girl. Yes so, after a short while the she said she felt the girl leave her and she thought that she had moved on. But then later she began to hear the girl speak again at random intervals.
Now (today) when Lot tried to meditate she felt an incredible flow of energy within her but she couldn't release it, it stayed pent up inside of her and she said she felt somethng blocking her, so that she couldn't release any energy all at. She also said that she gets similar feelings every time she tries perform some form of wicca (Protection and things) like the girl is still with her and is blocking her energy. Not only this but she recently heard the girl in her mind when she was talking to me about trying to cleanse herself. She said the girl said one word 'Stop' in a rather pleading tone and she felt light headed and dizzy after wards.

I really want to help her, I feel like i should but I'm not sure what to do. As i said before expreriencing it so close to home I wasn't so sure it could happen. Also the ghost speaks rather.. Well for a young child, using rather long words and quite a varied vocabulary apparently. ( I say apparently because it is Lot experiencing this not me ).

Is is possible that she was tricked and that we have something more serious on our hands here?
Is it possible that this might not even be a spirit?

And if so what can we do, I really want to help her..


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Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 3:31 pm
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Location: North Carolina

Post by Wolf* » offence, but I'm sick of posting the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, so I'll let you draw your own conclusions somewhat. This quote came from a post by another person on another forum. Though I don't nescarilly (grr..I know, I butchered that word) believe that this is true with all spirits, I believe its true in many cases.
I had learned a few things from the Bible and how spirits listen to man. we have power over all the spirits. we shouldn't be the ones fearing them... they should fear us. Like many others have said before... ritual is just a tool to get our minds thinking (or even knowing) that we have authority over the spirits. Spirits have no power over us, unless we let them. So all forms of banishings should work if you have the strength of will put into it. Things work even stronger when you put God names into them because He's above us.
You can use any God/dess name you desire and are comfortable with, you can even use other spirits. *sigh* I can't escape it, here is the LBRP, if you are uncomfortable with the usage of the christian god and angels, then by all means, change the god and spirit names and add your own with different words. But keeping the same structure is advised due to it being powerful already, though not needed.

Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram...
This ritual will surround and protect you with the power of the Almighty aspects of God and his Archangels. This ritual should be done every day in the morning and at the end of the day. Try not to do it right before bed , because it will energize you to where you won't be able to go to sleep. This ritual is exactly what it says... it banishes all spirits or influences good or bad that may be around you. It gives you an open channel to God with no interference! When you do this you are in the presence of God! So treat it with respect. After a period of time you will notice a difference in your life. You will have that Glow! It strengthens your Aura so that you are like a shinning sun.

~WARNING~Treat this Ritual with the utmost Respect! ~WARNING~

Take a few minutes to relax and when you are ready you may proceed. You will need a Dagger or if you do not have one you may use your index finger. You are going to be tracing Pentagrams in the air, vibrating sacred names of God, and calling upon the Archangels to surround you. You are going to have to visualize these things you do but after much practice you will see the Pentagrams and angels and not have to imagine, because they are really there!

Now... Take your dagger and stand facing the east. Place the dagger in your right hand and follow the next steps.
1. Touch you forehead and vibrate the name (ah-tah).
2. Touch the dagger to your chest and vibrate the name (mahl-koot).
3 .Touch your right shoulder and vibrate name (Vih-G'boo-rah)
4. Touch your left shoulder and vibrate the name (Vih-G'doo-Lah)
5. Fold your hands at chest and point them forward with the dagger pointing the same direction. Vibrate (Leh-Oh-Lahm)
6. Keep hands folded and point them up with dagger pointing the same direction. Vibrate the word (Amen)
7. Stay facing the east and trace a pentagram as big as you can, Start
at the bottom left hand corner... Imagine that as you trace this pentagram it is done in blue flame. So you now have a flaming blue pentagram. Thrust at the middle of the pentagram with the dagger and vibrate the sacred name (Yud-Heh-Vahv-Heh)
8. From that point trace a single line in white fire to the South. By this time you should be facing south. Each time you trace a new pentagram, make sure that you are facing the direction that you are pointing in. Now that you are facing south, trace a pentagram in blue flame. Thrust at the middle and vibrate the sacred name (Ah-Doh-Nye)
9. Repeat this tracing your line to theWest. Thrust at the pentagram and vibrate the sacred name (Eh-Hehee-Yeh)
10. Repeat once again this time to the North.Thrusting once again vibrate the sacred name (Ah-Glah) Now trace a line back to theEast to finish off the circle.
***You now have 4 blue flaming pentagrams and a circle of white fire surrounding you.***
11 .Stretch your arms straight out to the sides and say...

Before me Ra-Fay-El behind me Gab-Ray-El at my right hand Mih-Chai-El at my left hand Ar-Ree-El around me flames the Pentagram within me shines the six ray star. Visualize theseArchangels standing a good 9 feet tall surrounding you. Believe me, they are there. Imagine seeing this six rayed star shining in the middle of your chest. This star is the Hexagram the same shape as the "Star of David".
12. Repeat steps 1-6 and you are done.
You are now protected by the Power of God and hisArchangels. All spirits that may have been around you are now banished.

like I said, if uncomfortable with Yaweh, use whatever gods and spirits you desire.

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."

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